
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sinus Surgery Update

Tricia's surgery went well. She was back in the recovery room as scheduled around 2pm. Since waking up, however, she's been experiencing a lot of pain, in her sinuses and in her throat (probably from being intubated). She's very uncomfortable, so instead of spending the night in the hotel with me, she made the decision to stay in the hospital at least until the morning.

We're praying she feels much better in the morning so that we can head home to Gwyneth. We're also praying an inpatient room will open up for her so she doesn't have to spend all night in the busy, noisy OR recovery ward.



  1. Wise decision to stay in the hospital if she doesn't feel up to leaving yet. Praying that some comfort and relief come soon.

  2. Praying she feels better fast. Glad to hear everything went well!

  3. Here's hoping Tricia feels better very soon. I've had sinus surgery four times and have had very easy recoveries after initial pain. I pray she will have the same. I find a good, heaping cup of Rita's very theraputic :)

  4. i'm sure you don't need my help, you're an experienced pro at this by now, but just in case, do TRY to keep her drinking (sipping) water as much as possible! i know IVs can keep you hydrated, but it REALLY helped me during those first hours & days after my brain surgeries & being intubated.

    if she can't or isn't allowed to sip water, sucking on ice chips is also very soothing. my nurses even brought me popsicles, so try asking if they have any where you're at in the hospital.

    praying for a speedy & more comfortable recovery!

  5. God be with each of you through the night, and bring quick healing for Tricia. Your picture on the last post is beautiful, Tricia.

  6. Glad that the surgery is over. Praying for a speedy recovery.

  7. How about a good sinus story?!

    My bf's sister had a similar type of surgery and although the first couple of days weren't pleasant... she hasn't had a problem in over 2 years!!!!!!!

    And, those mustache bandages are hot! We have silly pics of all of us wearing them (never to be seep by the public!).

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery <3!!!

  8. Bless her heart. My step-mom has had 2 c-sections and a hysterectomy, and after her sinus surgery said she would rather have all three again than have another sinus surgery.

    -Stephanie in AR

  9. I hope she gets on top of the pain and has a speedy recovery. I look forward to hearing how much better she feels after surgery. ( interesting tidbit about it helping to prevent bacteria from having a place to linger, I did not know that)

  10. Sending up room prayers and speedy recovery prayers.

  11. Praying Trish gets well soon.

    Oh, and I'm so excited about Gwyneth's newest milestone. Yippee! Our oldest, Erich (16), had a similiar milestone timeline. Everything they achieve is in their own good time, making each accomplishment that much more exciting! :)

  12. Praying that Tricia feels better in the morning, also praying for you nate, and Gwyneth. Lets hope a room comes available soon. God Bless Tarsha xxx

  13. Sheryl (The Londoner)August 4, 2010 at 10:02 AM

    Sorry to hear of Tricia's discomfort but I'm sure with that unbelievable fighting spirit she has, life will be back to it's routine and little Gwyneth in no time.
    I'm always encouraged and amazed when I pop in to see how your well your family is doing. It brings a smile to my face on even the most difficult days. Thank you for sharing it with me.

  14. Tricia, I hope your hospital stay helped give you much needed rest and comfort, and that you are back home resting with your family now! :)

  15. i hope tricia is feeling better today! i had surgery on two of my sinuses 15 or so years ago and while i can say the first little while after surgery was NOT pleasant it was very worth it. i went from chronic sinus/brohchitus infection (as long as nine months at a time) to one or two minor ones per year.

  16. I'm praying for Tricia's continued recovery- I've been putting off this exact surgery for the last few years...I'll be watching to see how quickly she recovers. (((hugs)))

  17. praying that the recovery is going well and you are home before you know it!


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