
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

(Update) Crazy Week

Gwyneth's arm is not fractured, so the cast is no more. And, Tricia received good reports concerning her bronchoscopy! Thanks for your prayer!

This past week has been crazy. We drove to Durham early Tuesday morning (October 5) for some appointments for both Tricia and Gwyneth. We had a few more appointments the next day, so we spent the night in a hotel.

That night, as we were getting her cleaned up to go to sleep, Gwyneth decided to jump off the hotel bed. She landed awkwardly on her right arm. Neither of us saw her land, so we're not sure exactly how she landed, but she was crying hard (which she never does) and was not wanting to use her right arm.

After about 5 minutes of crying (again, something she never does), we decided it was best to take her to the ER. Fortunately, we were just a few miles from Duke, where, of course, they know her history very well.

Long story short, we left the ER around 3am with Gwyneth in a full arm cast. And examination and two sets of x-rays failed to show any bruising, swelling, breaks or fractures, she had stopped crying much earlier that evening, and she was not showing any signs of pain. But, just to be safe, they decided to wrap a cast and re-examine her a week later (which will be tomorrow).

It's possible that she has a buckle fracture, but after a week now, she hasn't show any signs of pain and uses her hand as much as she can with the cast. She loves showing off her cast and the drawings we've done for her, but I'm pretty sure she'll be OK with losing it as well. If all looks good tomorrow, they'll remove the cast.

Along with all of that, Tricia is also scheduled for a bronchoscopy. We'd appreciate your prayers for tomorrow.




  1. I have heard that those aren't fun at all... I know Tricia has had them in the past too... but having done it before... doesn't make it easier.

    I will say a prayer for Tricia.


    ps. sorry to hear about Gwenyth's arm. Poor girl.

  2. Praying for your sweet girls. Gwyneth totally pulls off that cast. She is absolutely precious! Every picture of her just melts my heart. Will you all be in town for just the day?

  3. In your wildest dreams, when you were on constant vigil in the NICU, did you ever imagine that sassy little girl with long curls, big pink glasses, and the biggest blue eyes imaginable, flinging herself off a hotel bed in two short years....and sporting a cast on her arm???? A normal, everyday two-year-old kid thing! Yeah Gwyneth...and Yeah, God! :)
    Praying for good reports from the bronch!!

  4. Poor sweet girl! She is working that cast though!

    Prayers coming your way, my thoughts are with you guys.

  5. Sorry about the cast but "wow" Gwyneth is getting so big! She's adorable! Prayers for Tricia tomorrow

  6. I had to have one of those earlier this year. Does she have to snort that weird gel, too? That was trippy.

  7. When did she get to be so grown up?!?!? WOW! Poor baby with her injury. Hopefully all will be well tomorrow at her doctor visit.

  8. A girl will do anything for a new accessory.

    May the Lord wrap his arms around Tricia tomorrow.

  9. Oh gosh your little girl is adorable! Cast and all. I have had a little one with a buckle break, amazing how fast they heal.

    My Aryia had a bronch. lavage in July. I think it was well worth it but it still totally sucks!

    Many prayers offered up for your swet wife and for your baby girl.



  10. Prayers for all of you today.

    Michelle in KCMO

  11. My girl had a buckle fracture when she was little, also. Not fun. Keeping Tricia in my prayers today.

  12. Shame.

    In our country we call that a green-stick break/fracture. Just some usless info for you :)

  13. Gwyneth looks adorable in the cast with those drawings- but I'm glad it's probably nothing and she will be free of it soon.

    I'm keeping Tricia in my thoughts.

  14. my goodness....hard to imagine a little girl jumping off a bed... Hope all goes well this week.

  15. Poor lil girl.. glad all be okay..

    cute lil girl w cast on.

  16. well, as cute as a cast can be on a little one, she wears it well!! And the drawings, well I'm impressed!! Her hair is getting so long too! Glad all is well with both your girls- Take care-

  17. I have never commented before - I stumbled upon your blog about the time your beautiful daughter was born. I have been and will continue to pray for you and your family. May God continue to bless you all with each passing day.

  18. I am so glad she is ok! Always better to err on the safe side!

  19. Poor Gwyneth! As Mama to a feisty 2 year old boy who just had his 3rd set of stitches last night, I totally empathize! I'm glad it's not broken.


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