
Friday, October 15, 2010

Pumpkin Princess

We went pumpkin picking with some friends today. This photo sums it up very well.



  1. What a sweet picture! I'm glad to hear that her arm is okay, too.

  2. So very sweet! Glad her arm is okay and that all went well with Trish. We are still loving our pictures and can't pick :)

  3. What a sweet and beautiful picture! Your little girl is such a doll.

  4. So happy to hear the girls are doing well sounds like they are fun and full of energy. I will continue to keep them in my prayers and thoughts. The holidays are right around the corner and there are so many wonderful memories to make <3

  5. Please please pray for this 2 yr old boy with a recurrence of Neuroblastoma. He is literally fighting for his life right now. His family needs lifting up. They also recently lost one of their preemie sons.


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