
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Gwyneth's Birthday - Pink & Brown Day 2011!

Guess who will be three on Saturday!?!

You might remember that we invited everyone to celebrate Gwyneth's birthday the past two years by wearing either pink, brown or a combination of those two colors on January 8. Before she was born, we chose the combination of pink and brown to use for Gwyneth's room and other things. As it would turn out, the vast majority of her clothes are also pinks and browns, which is totally cool with us.

We have had so much fun inviting you to celebrate the day with us...we can't wait for Gwyneth to be old enough to understand how fun this day is for everyone who participates. Like Last Year, we're inviting those of you who are participating to email us a photo of yourself wearing your pink and brown on Saturday, January 8th.

Please email your photos to PinkAndBrownDay AT hotmail DOT com

Thanks! And, check back in this weekend for an update on how our little preschooler is progressing.



  1. Can she really be three already? Wow! I hope the birthday girl enjoys her day!

  2. I can't wait to see how you guys are celebrating her special day this year. I'm sure she will have an awesome time!

  3. Wow. Three already. What a blessing she is. Happy early Birthday to Gwyneth!

  4. Wow. I can't believe she's going to be 3!!!!!!! Happy Birthday beautiful girl! Hope the Lawrenson family is great.

  5. I'm so glad I read this today! We (ok maybe just baby girl since the rest of us don't own much pink or brown) will be dressed on the 8th! Happy Birthday Gwyneth!

  6. Wow! Three already?!? Hope that you guys have a great weekend with your little miracle! Hugs to you!

  7. So amazing that she is nearly 3 already! It seems like just yesterday I read your story for the very first time and she was still days from entering this world!

    I think we need a picture of Gwyneth and her "pug" for her birthday!

    Take Care~


  8. Madison turns 3 on Sunday and pink and brown were also our colors. It's easy for us to do this each year because we have lots of pink in her wardrobe. We had fun doing this with you last year. Can't wait to send in again!

  9. Oh my gosh 3 years flies by so quickly! I've loved following Gwyneth's progress and especially loved your maazing photography. I am praying that you all have a wonderful, fulfilling and most of all healthy 2011 :)

  10. Happy birthday, Gwyneth! You are a doll and an inspiration to many!

  11. Can it be
    Gywneth is three!

    Love to all.

    Becky in VA

  12. I can't believe it has been 3 years since we celebrated your birth! I must also mention we prayed soooo hard for our: "micro minnie" preemie and your mother that risked her life for her amazing girl. God does hear and answer prayers.

  13. 3?!? What? Sorry - not possible!

    She just gets cuter everyday. So happy for you guys!

  14. Any chance of a pug picture? I was hoping it would be an annual tradition! Thanks!


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