
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy Birthday, Gwyneth Rose!

Happy birthday Gwyneth Rose! You are the most beautiful gift from God. The joy of our hearts. Your smile is infectious, and your laugh is contagious. We love you beyond words and are so excited to show you how much fun being three years old can be. You continue to grow in your own incredibly special way, and we wouldn't trade being a part of it for anything in the world.

Love, Mama & Papa


  1. Three??? WOW! Happy Birthday Miracle Girl!

  2. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! Wishing you a fun filled day and another amazing year full of love and laughter.

  3. Can not believe she is already 3! She is precious!


  4. Happy birthday and great picture!

  5. Happy 3rd Birthday Gwyneth!!!

    Have a fantastic day with your lovely family!

    God bless,

    Becky, Seren & Dylan xx

  6. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! It has been so fun to see you grow and develop. God is so good!

  7. Happy Birthday Miss G!!!!


  8. Happy 3rd Birthday Gwyneth.

    You're a beautiful gift from God.

  9. Happy,happy birthday Gwyneth! Much love from our house to yours!

  10. Happy Birthday sweet Gwyneth! What an amazing testimony God has given you. Can't wait to see what He adds to your story this year!

    Praying for you in Massachusetts

  11. Happy Birthday Miracle Girl! Eat Cake! Love, love the photo! I still remember the early days! What a wonderful miracle to see Gwyneth growing and flourishing!
    Love from Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Karen, Brad, Lauren & Dana

  12. The years go by so quickly. Three's such a great age, enjoy it. Happy Birthday Gwyneth!

  13. Happy Birthday sweet little girl!

  14. ~*Happy Birthday Sweet Gwyneth*~ I have been following a miracle for three years with you and your mom. Two amazing miracle in my book:) Have a wonderful day of celebration big girl:)

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  15. Happy Birthday sweet girl!

    with love ♥,

  16. Happy Birthday, Gwyneth! Oh, 3 years old! I remember reading and praying and reading and praying like it was yesterday!
    How the Lord has used her precious life so remarkably already! May Gwyneth continue to be a wonderful testimony of our wonderful God.
    love, All the Lockwoods!

  17. Happy Birthday Gwyneth Rose! That was the day that I found your blog and starting praying for your family. Through your journey you reminded me what life is all about and helped me return to Christ.

  18. Happy birthday Gwyneth! I can't believe you're three already!! You are a beautiful little girl.
    Ontario, Canada

  19. Happy birthday to Gwyneth. I'll always remember her birthday because it's also my nephew's. :)

  20. Happy 3rd Birthday,Gwyneth!

    I started praying for you before you were born. You were a miracle then, and you are a miracle now!


  21. What a great picture! Such joy on Gwyneth's face;-) Happy Birthday, Gwyneth! My daughter and I dressed in pink & brown to celebrate with you! Pictures at

    Hope you have a wonderfully blessed year in 2011

  22. Wow! What a special day for your whole family. She is so darn cute and sweet - She's perfect!!!

    And her glasses really stay on great too. If I did that with my little 4 eyes - well WHEN I did that with my little 4 eyes, we had to purchase our 3rd pair.

    Wishing you blessings and love this year!

  23. Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!! I can't believe three years have gone by! I will never forget being glued to this blog, day and night watching for updates!!

  24. Happy birthday! What a wonderful picture! I have a similar one of my husband with our youngest and I love it! :-)

  25. Happy Birthday Gwyneth! From Beautiful British Columbia, Canada

  26. Happy happy birthday to her!!!

  27. Sweet girl! Happy Birthday to you...My, how you have grown. Being a retired NICU nurse, I smile when I see that happy face....Thanks dad!

  28. What a beautiful girl! Happy birthday, Gwyneth Rose!

  29. Gwyneth!! Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!!
    We are praising God for your life and the joy and hope you have brought
    not only to your loving family but to so many others around the world.
    You are a very loved and beautiful girl!
    with love,

  30. happy birthday big girl. it is hard to believe that it has been three years. God used you to change the hearts of many. i for one, am thankful for your life and your parents who are willing to share you with all of us.

  31. Happy birthday Gwyneth! Three wonderful years for your special miracle girl. My preemie miracle is going to be 10 next month, where does the time go? Enjoy, as the years go by, the days go faster. Treasure it all!

  32. Wow!!! Happy Birthday Gwyneth!!! You are an amazing and beautiful 3 year old!!!

  33. Happy birthday! What a beautiful and fun picture! She is lucky to have such loving and awesome parents.

  34. Happy birthday sweet baby girl. It's been a pleasure to watch you grow up.

  35. Happy birthday beautiful Gwyneth! I can't believe she is already 3!!!! I love that picture!

  36. Three years old doesn't even seem possible. What a wonderful picture that is to capture her beauty and joy! Happy Birthday Sweet Girl. Jesus loves you!!
    Julie D.

  37. Where in the world did 3 years go?? Hope she had a wonderful birthday. Love the photo!

  38. Happy Birthday to an amazing 3 year old!!!! Gweneth, I have prayed for you since you were born and have marveled at God's work in your little life!

    I think it is great that your daddy doesn't post every day like he used to - he is too busy living life with you and your mommy!!!

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!

  39. Happy Birthday Gwyneth. I am so totally blessed by your story. I too remember being glued to this blog day and night prior to your birth. You and your mother are truly a miracle that I celebrate on a regular basis. PS. Where is this years pug picture papa?

  40. I haven't read for awhile, and was surprised to see a beautiful BIG girl, with a beautiful smile.

    Happy Birthday!!

  41. just found your blog- very inspiring! She is such a gift

  42. belated Happy birthday Gwyneth can't believe you are three already how fast the time goes xxx

  43. Happy Birthday Baby G from your GREAT uncle

  44. Happy belated birthday! You are a special little girl. I remember when you were born and what a joy it is to see you so big and healthy today!

  45. happy birthday gwyneth rose! three will be a magical year full of more learning and even more love.

  46. Time flies! Congratulations to all of you. Hope you're having a great day :).

    And, the picture is lovely!


  47. Wow, It is hard to believe I have been following your blog for almost 3 yrs. It has been awhile since I have been able to get on so wise surprised to see Gwyneth is 3 already.

  48. Wow it seems like yesterday we passed you on the cross walk in Durham hospital! Happy birthday baby girl!!


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