
Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Gwyneth is in the stage where she counts everything. So fun! She can count all the way to ten, if you can understand what she's saying, although she skips seven every time.


Another Surgery

Tricia will be having surgery next Tuesday at Duke to remove her gall bladder. The way it has been explained to us is, her gall bladder is basically not functioning. This could be the cause of the stomach pain she's been experiencing, and we're hoping that this surgery will take that pain away. This is not an emergency surgery, as we've known about it for several weeks now. She's been told to expect to be in the hospital for at least one night, maybe more.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Warning to Apple Mac Customers!

If you're not an Apple customer, just skip ahead to the photo of Gwyneth...

I've been a huge and loyal Apple customer for 6 years...never once have I had any major issues. Today, I upgraded to the new Apple OS X Lion operating system on my very new work computer. After installing the $29 upgrade, I discovered that none of my Microsoft Office 2004 applications are compatible with Lion.

95% of my work is done using these applications: Word, PowerPoint, Entourage (email), Excel, which means, my nearly brand new Apple computer is now useless to me unless I either want to spend the money to purchase an external hard drive and reinstall OSX Snow Leopard or if I want to spend another $150 for the newest version of the Office suite.

I thought I had done my research, but not once did I read any kind of warning from Apple telling me these issues would take place if I went ahead with the upgrade (yes, there are warnings out there, but I missed them all and none of them were communicated to me during the upgrade process). Apple customer no-service was completely unwilling to take responsibility or to offer me any direct help to resolve this issue. To say I'm disappointed in Apple (as a huge and loyal Apple customer) is an incredible understatement.

All of that to say, maybe this short blog post will keep one of you from making this same mistake and losing faith in Apple.

Now, here's a photo of Gwyneth that makes me feel happy and helps me remember that even Apple can't steal my joy.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011