
Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Gwyneth is in the stage where she counts everything. So fun! She can count all the way to ten, if you can understand what she's saying, although she skips seven every time.



  1. So incredible that that is the same tiny baby that was measured in mere ounces and you compared to the size of a (tiny) stuffed pug!

    (I'd love to see a pic of her w/ the pug now!)

    What a beautiful joy!

  2. Good Job! Fantastic counter Miss Gwenyth!!!


  3. So stinkin' sweet! Awesome job Miss Gwenyth. You rock.

  4. Great job sweet girl! and I'm with the comment above a picture with the pug is far over due. That would be so awesome!

  5. She looks just like you Nate! What a lil cutie!!

  6. Good Job Miss Gwyneth... Nate.. Thanks for sharing your little miracle with us.. Love seeing her blossom into the beautiful Rose she is.. Thanks!.. Enjoy!

  7. Hah! She's very cute.

  8. :-) You are such a great Dad, Nate! This warmed my heart.

  9. Awesome x 10! She's come so far! And best of all she's so full of love!!! Makes my heart melt...

  10. Great job Gwyneth! She is so stinkin' adorable!

  11. Absolutely adorable!! Thank you for letting see a glimpse of the angel you get to call your daughter.

  12. She is so incredibly sweet! So good to hear her talking and counting :) Great job Gwyneth!

  13. The number 7 is very over rated anyway!

  14. Miss Gwennyth is just growing up so fast! Very proud of her counting. Almost hard to think she was just a tiny "fraggle" not that long ago. God sure has been good to you and your family. Such a blessing to know you thru your blogs.

  15. My daughter is now 15, in all high school honors classes and skipped seven every.single. time. It was so frustrating, it wasn't until about 5 until she finally started saying it.

    So cute, thanks for bringing back a great memory!

    She is a doll

  16. Oh my gosh!!! What a big talker and signer!!!! (and counter) I love this! Thank you so much for posting this. So amazing. And that was THE MOST HEARTFELT "I love you" in the history of the world! You must be so proud.

  17. She brings tears to my eyes! Way to go Gwenyth!!! And uh...yeah....what about a pug & Gwenyth photo? We still need size comparisons!! :)

  18. Lovin that. I so enjoyed hearing her again, especially how she shouted I love you!! We love you to Gwyneth {big big hug}

  19. I don't think I've ever commented before, but have followed your story on and off since Gwenyth was born. Just wanted to say she is so beautiful and amazing!(I know you already knew that....but I just had to say it!!!)

  20. Wow, I haven't visited your blog for quite a while, how amazing to see Gwyneth counting and telling you she loves you 'this much' - just wonderful.


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