
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Best Hugger Ever



  1. Nate, you guys are an {inspiration} Thank you for sharing your story. I too, have cystic fibrosis, and sometimes I swear that it effects my husband more than me. I am so used to living with this disease, and fighting it off, that its {normal} to me, but for him, even after 10 years together, every struggle is heart breaking and worrysome to him. I love the fact that you and him have both stuck by your wived in times of struggle and pain. Peace and love!!! And health!!!

  2. Give that precious girl a big hug for me. I love this picture and all it represents to me. I agree with Miss Felicity, you three are so inspiring:) I will be praying for her too.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  3. I love the look of joy on your face Nate! Best Hug ever for sure!!
    blessings to you and your fam.

  4. I could use a Gwyneth hug right now

  5. This is the sweetest picture ever.

    The way you love your girls, Nate, raises the bar...

    I came here years ago, to pray for and encourage your family, but it is me who always comes away from with a smile. Whatever "it" is, you've got it!


  6. You are awesome!

    Love to all - as always.

  7. Ahww man!!! I love that photo!

  8. Anyone who's ever gotten a hug from Gwyneth knows her hugs are the best. Nothing wimpy from that girl.

  9. This is soooo sweet! Warms my heart...thanks for sharing!

  10. Such a little sweetie, she is!

  11. I stumbled upon your blog tonight. What an inspiration your family is. I have a wee girl with cp and Down's who is also a real wee blessing. May God bless you all richly. Lovely to come across other believers online.
    Deb in Ireland x


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