
Monday, August 1, 2011

Surgery Today

1:25 - Tricia is in her room, feeling some pain, and throwing up from the pain meds.

12:50 - Tricia is being moved to her room. She got her wish to stay on the CF floor. Should see plenty of familiar faces! I still haven't seen her...

9:40 - Surgery went well. Waiting to see her.

9:35am - Tricia is out of surgery. Waiting for the consult with the surgeon.

8:00am - Surgery just began.

7:30am - They just rolled Tricia into the OR. Should be about 2.5 hours.

We report to the hospital at 5:30am (who picks these times?!?!) for a 7:30am surgery. I'll update on this post throughout the day, although we don't expect anything very exciting to happen. Thanks for your prayers!



  1. Sending good thoughts & vibes for a successful surgery and rapid, gentle healing...

  2. I'm on it....I'll be praying probably around 5:30am when my little cutie likes to wake me up :)
    God taught me long ago to stop being frustrated by sleepless babies and to use that as my prayer time, so Tricia gets my 5am spot :)

  3. Glad things went well. I hope you get to see her soon.

    I am up on Friday; just a different kind of surgery.

    Hopefully by this time tomorrow you will be on your way home.

    Best Wishes!

  4. Praying that she stops vomiting soon and the pain is controlled!

  5. We have our entire company praying for her!

  6. I am glad to hear her surgery went well!

    I was curious when you said that Duke has a "CF floor", do you mean that they have an actual floor dedicated to CF patients?

    My family and I are relocating to NC in a month or so. I am rather anxious about meeting the adult team and learning their hospital. I have been a UVA patient for 24 years.

    Thanks so much.
    And again very happy to hear she came through the surgery well!

  7. @Michelle

    It's not exactly a floor for CF, but it is a floor that specializes in pulmonary patients, many with CF. We have met many friends there, and the staff on this floor is the best in the world and know CF inside and out.


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