
Sunday, August 21, 2011

New Glasses

First, thank you for praying for Tricia. She is nearly fully recovered from her surgery. Yet to know if the surgery has made a difference, but we're just happy that she's back on her feet and back to "normal".

Gwyneth's new glasses arrived yesterday! Her prescription changed, and we were told that it would be cheaper to purchase new frames than to change the lenses. So, we let her pick out the color. We decided to try rectangle frames this time, and she picked the purple, even over the same pink color as her old frames. We love them! The color is actually a darker purple than what showed up in this photo, so I'll try to take a better photo for you later.


  1. Beautiful little face! She is looking so much older :)

  2. Who told her she could turn 12 overnight! So adorable!

  3. Love the glasses! I smile inside every time I see her face. She reminds me of the preciousness of life, especially the life of a child.

  4. The new glasses are cute. She is getting to look so much older now. Cute girl!

  5. I just watched the video with Gwyneth on the bed being cute. She is signing which is cool. I am not sure if you know but a series called Signing Time is an awesome tool to teach children this language. If you already know....I am sorry! It just came across my brain.

  6. She's just getting big so fast. She is truly precious. Glad Tricia is recovering well from surgery.

  7. Cute! One of my sister's little students has those purple rectangular glasses. :)

  8. Cute! She's growing up right before our eyes.

  9. Look how big she's getting! She is so not a baby anymore. I mean, I know she's YOUR baby--that's what I always tell my kids but she's so big girl looking!

  10. WOW! I used to follow your blog all through Gwyneth's birth and Tricia's transplant but have been away a while. My computer crashed and I just didn't have my links I visited anymore. But was thinking of you all today near that oncoming storm and checked in - WOW again! Gwyneth is a young LADY now! So sweet to hear her count. She was a babe last time I was here. So happy to see her sweet self - your masthead is great - excellent design and the photo is wonderful! I hope your wife is feeling better after her surgery.

  11. What a cutie! She is getting so big! Praying for all you'll during Irene.


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