
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

CF Education Day Update

Below is the flier (click on it to view larger size) for the event with all the information you should need to attend. Again, this is a free event, but they do want you to register so they can anticipate the number of people attending and can order the correct number of lunches. Thanks!


  1. Wow its a very good post. The information provided by you is really very good and helpful for me. Keep sharing good information..

  2. Thinking about you guys as the hurricane approaches your area. Be safe!!

  3. Keep safe, best wishes from the UK

  4. Nate, Tricia, Gwyneth and family and friends....We are praying for you! Watching the hurricane on the weather channel and our hearts are with you. I can't believe it was a direct hit where ya'll are. Although God slowed it down a bit, I know there will be much devastation. Being from the gulf coast of Florida, I know from experience how life changing a storm like this can be. Prayers for you all and the rest of the people in the path of this storm.

  5. Hope you guys are well in this awful hurricane. My thoughts are with you.

  6. Thinking about you guys from MN as the hurricane approaches the OBX, and Nags Head NC area!! Praying that everybody stay safe and the storm passes without any incident! God Bless


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