
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Smartest Baby Ever


  1. Oh, how sweet! Thanks for sharing! Loved the LHJ feature.
    Hugs from us
    Brad, Karen, Lauren, Dana
    Vancouver, BC, Canada

  2. Her little voice is just so precious! I love the videos of her talking :) It has been such a pleasure to see her grow!

  3. Yes, I agree about her preciousness: you forgot to add that in your title! Hope Tricia is feeling ok.
    Kindest regards, Jade

  4. This is beautiful. My 3-year-old watched it with me and wanted to know how to make the "I love you" sign, so it was a learning opportunity for her, too!

  5. She is just so precious. My daughter was a 24weeker. She recently had a hospital stay for RSV and Pneumonia. When they went to put in the cannula Ruby was all upset and just kept saying, but I'm NOT a baby! She's so familiar with her baby photos and associates babies with the tubes ;) It's been such a joy watching your journey with Gwenneth!


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