
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Please Pray for Tricia

We are coming up on three weeks of Tricia being sick. She has not been sick for more than a few days since she was declared in remission from cancer. I refuse to worry, but it is frustrating, especially for Tricia.

Although she was discharged from the hospital last Wednesday, she was discharged with the diagnosis of RSV and (walking) pneumonia. Since coming home, she has no energy and has only left the house once and has spent almost all of her time in bed or on the couch enjoying time with our kids. She began complaining of having trouble breathing after coming home, and she has been sleeping most nights with a nasal cannula for O2. She has almost no appetite and has lost quite a bit of weight. She has had a fever off and on about every other day.

Her doctors are concerned for her, and we are scheduled to return to Duke next week unless they decide she needs to come earlier.

She is very frustrated and a little scared. It's difficult for somebody who has been through what she has been through and then to live life so well for the past few years to get sick like this again. It brings back a lot of bad memories and fears for her. And, CFers are notorious for their ability to know when something in their body (especially their lungs) is not working correctly even before the doctors can detect it.

We honestly expect that this will pass, but it is frustrating in the meantime. RSV and pneumonia are two things that take a long time to recover from for those with lung disease and a suppressed immune system. There are some very high risks that come with RSV and pneumonia, including greater lung infection and a specific type of lung rejection that is caused by RSV. Basically, Tricia is in a place where it could easily get better, or could easily get much worse.

I would appreciate your sincere prayers for Tricia.




  1. I do not do a lot of praying. But I am praying for Tricia right now. Specifically for a fast recovery from her current infections but also for a restful day for all of you. Sending love and strength and peace.

  2. i will pray for tricia, i reaaly want her to get better

  3. I can so relate to your feelings in this post! I wrote a similar type of "frustrated" post on my own blog as a matter of fact!!

    I love your "this will pass" attitude!! It inspired me to feel the same!!

    God's blessings on all of you!

  4. It is an honor to be able to pray for her. You guys are consistently such an inspiration. You live your lives so beautifully for Christ.

  5. Thanks so much for letting us know! I've been following y'all since before sweet Gwyneth and was so happy she has been doing so well. I will pray for Tricia! Please keep us posted.

  6. I am praying also. I know of a lot of people that have had pneumonia this season.

  7. I'm praying for Tricia. I know she must be very discouraged and frustrated.

  8. Prayers for everyone, especially Tricia.

  9. Huge, hugs, and more hugs! Thinking of all of you.

  10. Keeping Tricia, and all of you, close in my thoughts ~

  11. My daughter follows your blog. This is my first trip to your blog. Yes, Tricia and the rest of you are in my prayer from this forth.

  12. I will say a prayer for Tricia... you too Nate.


  13. Praying for a correct diagnosis, treatment if necessary, and especially for healing and strength to return for Tricia. Our God is mighty and sovereign and I know he has Tricia and all of you in His caring hands. Lean on Him.

  14. a prayer will be said.....hope she gets better soon..

  15. Praying for healing for Tricia!

  16. Tricia will be in my thoughts and I hope she begins to feel better soon! She has been through so much with such strength...praying she will continue to find that strength. Blessings to her and your wonderful family!

  17. Poor thing! She deserves some GOOD HEALTH! We will be praying!!

  18. Praying for Tricia, and for you and Gwyneth too.

  19. As always praying for Tricia and your family!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I'm sorry about the deleted post.

    I'm praying in Illinois.

  22. I will say extra prayers for her until you let us know she is all better!

  23. I have often thought of writing on your blog but this time, just had to let you and Tricia know you are being lifted in prayer. I am a 10-year post lung transplant patient due to CF and know this can't be easy. I also know that as much as you and Tricia love each other, God loves you even more and will once again be with each of you every step of the way. My husband, my family and I will be praying for Tricia, for you and for your family.

  24. Praying for Tricia to feel better very soon and for God to relieve her of any/all anxieties and worry. May she experience the deep peace that only He can provide. (Phil. 4:6-7)

  25. Praying hard for you guys!!
    It sounds she got this virus that has been going around. I had her exact symptoms to a T (except I don't have CF) and it was a full MONTH before I could leave the house and feel a little bit better. I am still not 100%.

    So I can imagine how bad Tricia feels :( I mean, I was just a regular gal with good health so poor Tricia must feel awful :(
    My former preemie son (also immuno-deficient) also got it, he was hospitalized but he is on the mend now. It is a vicious virus and it takes a LONG time to get rid of it :(

    My prayers are with you guys!!!!
    Big hugs!

  26. Yes! I will pray for her and your family and hope she recovers very soon.

  27. Sending healing thoughts and love to you!

  28. Praying for Tricia and for wisdom for the doctors to know best how to help her.

  29. Will be thinking a lot about all of you - keeping fingers crossed that she will get better soon. Hugs too

  30. Prayers for Tricia already sent.

  31. My thoughts and prayers are certainly with Tricia.

  32. Through your blog, I've fallen in love with your sweet family. It's honor to pray for Tricia and for you and Gwyneth. Please keep us updated. Prayers for healing, health and peace.

    Lisa in Oklahoma

  33. I am so sorry to hear this. I will definitely keep her and your family in my every prayer. Keep your chin up guys!

    Jenny in FL

  34. i'll tell yhu to continue to stand in God and tricia doesn't have any of these diseases in Jesus name because to have something is to possess it and i'm so sure she doesn't possess any of these diseases!GOD IS YOUR STRENGTH!!!
    keep on believing in God!
    God Bless :)

  35. @Anonymous

    I'm sorry, but we can't share any information about our foster children. I wish we could.


  36. @ibksuper

    I appreciate your prayer, BUT, Tricia does indeed have RSV and Pneumonia. Sorry.

  37. praying for a quick recovery for tricia. <3

  38. We are on it! Praying for you all.

  39. I follow your blog from here in the UK and your story is so inspiring. Prayers for Tricia and you all x x x

  40. Praying. Please keep us updated as you can, Nate.

  41. Wishing her a swift and easy recovery!!


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