
Saturday, June 16, 2012


Tricia received her CAMPATH treatment on Friday.  We were at the hospital for most of the day.  She became sick about halfway through, so they slowed the med down a bit and she made it through the rest without any major problems.

We drove home that evening, and by the time we arrived home she was experiencing some flu-like symptoms, but by this morning was feeling much better.

We took it easy today, and she'll be doing the same for the next several days until we figure out how this is going to affect her.  Her medications have radically changed, including new meds and new doses of old meds.

Gwyneth and Tricia at the Duke Gardens on Sunday.
We would appreciate your prayer as I head back to work tomorrow and we learn how to balance things...this will be our first real week of summer with the kids out of school and all of us at home, so it should be interesting, especially if Tricia experiences any kind of fatigue.  Thankfully, we have amazing family to help us.



  1. Hi! I've been checking your blog for a while and hadn't seen any updates until today and read back through the new ones since April. I've been reading your blog since before Tricia's transplant so am familiar with you guys in that way. I will be happy to pray for Tricia and your family once again. Praying for the best outcome and for Tricia to feel better!


  2. I'm glad things are going well at the moment. You will make it through. Happy Father's Day!

  3. I stumbled on your page randomly but I have been praying for you all since I have found this page and will continue too!

  4. Continued prayers for all her medicines to work and for improved strength!

  5. Where would we be without family?


    Continued prayers with you and your family.


  6. I started reading your blog right about the time you wrote that Tricia was pregnant. You are ALL on my list of folks I want to meet the most once I get to heaven. I will keep praying for you, for Gwyneth, and Tricia. I dunno if you can say anything about it or not, but do you still have a foster child (or more than one)?

  7. What a beautiful picture....Gwenyth is just so precious! Continuing to pray for you guys!!!

  8. We have been following you guys for years, but now with our own little girl in the NICU, seeing Gwyneth in action and Tricia pressing on is truly inspiring. Our own Micah is 4 weeks old today, and a whopping 1 lb, 12 ounces (up ten ounces from her birth weight!) Our families are testimonies to the grace and power of God, and we (the husband/dads) get to see it up close and personal. Praise Jesus!

  9. I'm praying for Tricia and your family. I have no words of wisdom only the fervent prayers of one who understands CF and crazy complications. You are loved and lifted up.

  10. I Read you story from the beginning till now and everything in between. IT's so sad now but i had allready put the candle on for your all.
    With all my love Jeanny from `holland


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