
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day Five

We were told that often the effects of the CAMPATH do not present themselves until day 5-7.  Tricia felt great for the first four days after her treatment...better than she has felt in several weeks.  She woke up on day five with a lot of fatigue, the same on day six.

Recovery from CAMPATH is unpredictable.  Some people recover within about six weeks, while others take over a year to recover.  We are not sure if Tricia will feel fatigued every day like this until she recovers, or if she will have ups and downs.

Thank you for your continued prayer.



  1. How many treatments will she be getting?

  2. Still praying. I had a dream last night that I was able to meet you and your wife (not Gwyneth, though).

  3. Praying for restoration for Tricia. You do such a good job of giving information and sharing the realities and also hope. Blessings to all of you.

  4. Catching up with you guys and praying regularly again.
    Allison and family

  5. I have faith that this treatment will help. It did for my husband, although it took several months to show its effect but it worked!

  6. Praying, praying, continually... Destiny

  7. Continuing to offer my prayers to Tricia, you, sweet Gwyneth and your families. Please tell Tricia to keep fighting and to take strength from the love and prayers of others.

    Kim in Canada

  8. I have been following your journey for years and went to high school with Uncle Andy and University with both Andy and Misha. Your dear family is in my prayers right now. Caroline, Matthews, NC


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