
Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Tricia was discharged from the hospital yesterday afternoon.  She has been placed on several new meds to help maintain her "health" and to help rid her body of the C Diff.  As long as she is healthy enough, she will be receiving the CAMPATH this Friday morning around 11am at Duke.  We are staying with some awesome friends until then, and if everything goes well with the CAMPATH treatment, we will be home by Friday evening.

Specifically, please pray that the C Diff is gone by Friday and that there are no other infections in her body before or after.  Any infection could be life-threatening with the CAMPATH.

As it has been explained to us, CAMPATH is a type of chemotherapy that attacks the same cells that AIDS attacks, so being treated with CAMPATH is very similar to having AIDS.  Tricia's immune system will be shot for a long time, even up to a year, which means she will be a huge risk to become sick from any number of other illnesses.  She will be wearing a mask out in public and will be avoiding anywhere and anybody that could make her sick.  Also, CAMPATH can cause severe fatigue...this was Tricia's biggest issue with her cancer treatment 4 years ago.

The goal with the CAMPATH treatment is that the rejection will be stopped, that her PFT's will improve, and that she will be able to regain some of her lost body weight.  We have been told though, before things get better, they more than likely will get worse.

Our life is about to drastically change.  We would appreciate your prayers for Tricia's safety over the next several months.  The slightest infection or illness could quickly lead to very bad things.  Also, your prayers for me as I relearn how to balance my life around Tricia's health needs.  For our extended family as they provide us with support and help, especially in caring for Gwyneth.



  1. Praying for Tricia and this new journey you all will be taking. Prayers for health/protection and strength for all of you.

  2. Showering you with prayers and positive energy from NJ!

  3. My faith grows every time God answers a prayer for you all. I am asking, and have been, for you and Tricia to see Gwyneth graduate from LU. It's something that I hope to see too! I am so enthralled by the love, respect and Godly character displayed by your family. It's marvelous, really. I know I am gushing, and I know it's all because of our Lord, but "encourage one another" right?
    I am always praying. You are doing a great job!

  4. You all have been through so much. Praying for God's healing touch once again.

  5. Praying! Asking the Great Physician to keep His hand on Tricia.

  6. I have been reading your blog since before Gwyneth was born. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers!

  7. Prayers are being said.

  8. Nate - You don't know us, but our kids knew Tricia when they were teens in New Jersey. We have been following your CF journey for years, and want you to know that your precious little family is often in our prayers. Our Bible study group has been (and will continue to be) praying for Tricia. I have asked just about every praying person that I know to lift you all before the Throne of Grace. God has granted so many miracles in your lives, and we trust that He will continue to do so. Blessings to all of you. You are an inspiration to many!
    Barbara & Bruce Martin

  9. sending prayers for your little family's book to have many MANY more chapters... and that they are not nearly as scary as these times. much love to y'all!

  10. Your family will be in my thoughts during this next phase of Tricia's battle. I hope things will turn around as they have in the past. (((HUGS)))

  11. We are on it! Rejection be gone... go away... stay away
    Gentle thoughts being sent from the Pacific shoreline to your shoreline.
    Vancouver, BC

  12. You got it Nate, thanks for updating on how to pray specifically. I'm claiming Phil 4:13 for the Lawrenson family!

    Kim M
    Waterford, MI

  13. Praying for positive results from this treatment and strength for this next year.

  14. Praying for your family.

  15. Praying Romans 12:12 for your sweet family. Destiny

  16. You and your family are never far from my thoughts and prayers.

  17. Been following your blog for quite a long time. To see how God has worked over and over in your family is such a faith-builder for me. I know He will continue. I am praying from Indiana.

  18. You all are in my prayers Nate. I think of you all so many times throughout my days and talk to the One who holds you all so dearly, asking Him for His very best for Tricia. Love you all so much and prayers will continue.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  19. You got it! Prayers headed your way.


  20. Absolutely praying! He is there. He is always there. Praying He would be the mask she needs to protect her from all illness.

    Keep it up, Nate. Your girls are so blessed to have you!

  21. I just found your blog on Sunday. A Facebook friend had shared it with a request for prayers for Tricia. I popped over here and I have hardly left since Sunday night! I have spent every free minute reading every single post from the beginning.

    My friend's son was a CFer, he had a liver transplant in his early teens and passed away in his mid 20s. We know Nathan is in heaven and breathing freely now.

    Know that I am praying for you, Tricia, Gwyneth Rose and your Foster child.

  22. Thinking of you all and sending love and prayers your way.

  23. I am constantly amazed by your family's faith and optimism. I know you would gladly trade the chance to be an "inspiration" for Tricia's chance at a healthy, complication-free life.

    Your family is in my prayers.

  24. I have been following your sweet family's blog for a while now and only comment from time to time. I am at such a loss for words , but do want you to know that we are also praying for your family. ~ Shawna , Round Rock, Texas

  25. I will be praying. from Denver, for health, strength, peace, joy, and an overwhelming sense of God's loving presence. Hang in there!

  26. your life is an unending prayer... and those who touch it are touched by God's grace... you can do this. You're doing a great job! Many are learning by stumbling upon your writing. Connie


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