
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Good Day

Tricia had a good day on Monday.  Tests showed that her CO2 is normal, which means she doesn't have to sleep with a CPap machine at night.  She also does not have a sinus infection, which she thought she had.  It was also thought that she might have ulcers in her esophagus, which she does not.

However, her doctors cannot decide yet how to treat her rejection.  She does have a GI bacteria called C Diff, which could cause some major issues if she receives any med that reduces her immune system.  They are all having a meeting this morning to make a decision, and we would appreciate prayers for wisdom.



  1. We are still praying for Tricia , her doctors and your sweet family!

    From Round Rock, Texas

  2. Continued prayers for wisdom and strength. Thank you for the updates.

  3. I hope you know how often you and yours are in my prayers.

    I'm doing what I can.


  4. Oh no the dreaded C-Diff! I'm sorry. It sounds like over all the other tests were good. I hope they are able to figure out a treatment for the rejection.

  5. Nathan,

    We love you all, and are still praying... What meds have they tried for her CDiff? I had that myself at one point, ant it took 2 courses of metronidazole to get rid of it.Let us know how things go.


  6. Oh no C.diff! I had it last year when I was at OBX and spent the week in the hospital there. It's just unpleasant. Praying the doctors can find the right mix of medications for her. And praying for strength for you and the kids.

  7. i wrote to you some time ago from europe and i wish tricia gets better soon. i will pray for her and your family, because i really like you and your family deserves the best.
    best wishes from portugal, jo

  8. efudgmMy Thoughts and Prayers are with your family...It is all in God's Hands and I pray to him that these medications work on Tricia!!! Patty

  9. sorry the efudgm was typed in the wrong space trying to let you know I am not a robot.Patty

  10. Hi found you from Lauri. I just wanted you to know I am praying for you!

  11. Praying for Trisha and for you.


  12. Sending many prayers your way. God Bless y'all!

  13. It is always important to remember that behind the clouds there is always sunshine waiting to appear. So glad that you received good news. Prayers continue!


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