
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cochlear Implant Surgery

After about a year of research and discussion and prayer, we have decided to move forward with a cochlear implant surgery for Gwyneth.  While she only has moderate hearing loss in her left ear, she has all but complete hearing loss in her right ear.  Because of her hearing loss, her speech is very delayed, and only those who spend a great deal of time with her are able to understand more than a few of her words.

Gwyneth will receive an implant only in her right ear and will continue to use her hearing aid in her left ear.  The surgery is schedule for tomorrow, July 19, and about a month later we will return to the hospital to have the implant "activated".



  1. I hope it all turns out well! :)

  2. asking God to make it work wonderfully for this sweet baby girl. praying for your wife too. e

  3. Lots of prayers for you all and that this helps Gwyneth be able to hear things she has never heard before.

  4. I have friends that just had this done for their daughter, amazing what technology has done! Prayers for Gwyneth and Tricia both!

  5. We and our Church continue to pray for all of you. What fun you will have as Gwyneth discovers all there is to hear. Special prayers for strngth for you, Nate.

  6. What an exciting new chapeter in your life!! Prayers that the surgery goes well and that she heals quickly. Can't wait to see how things are in a few months...sooo much to come!!!

  7. Will be thinking of that sweet girl! And say a prayer for her!

  8. Our good friends little girl had this done a few months ago and she is doing AMAZING!!! It seems so successful! We will be praying.

  9. That video is fascinating. Thanks for sharing. Praying for Gwyneth tomorrow!

  10. I think you have made a wonderful decision for your daughter.

  11. I believe you've made a great decision for Gwenyth! My friend's DD was adopted from China and when they received her they found out she was profoundly deaf. She had her first cochlear surgery as a toddler and then second (for her other ear) when she was about 8yo.

    I dare anyone to realize she is deaf when they meet her. She's an amazing little girl who speaks better than many!

    This video was taken 2 years ago, just general chit chat. Amazing!!

    This video shares the first time she was able to wear her implants in the pool so the first time she'd ever heard what it sounds like to be under water. This was taken just weeks ago. It makes me cry every time I see it!!

    Praying for your sweet baby girl as you take this step together!

  12. I hope this ends up being a big help to her. It's hard to be patient, but a month will fly by. I hope you'll update after she's used it and let us know how she likes it. I have another friend whose child is going through the same process.

  13. sending you many prayers and good wishes for gwyneth. i've heard wonderful things about the CI, and i'm sure she'll do amazing with it!

  14. Praying this procedure will open up a whole new world for precious Gwyneth.

  15. I have been a hearing impaired teacher for 36 years. Cochlear implants are game changers! A whole different world will be opened for Gwenyth. I 100% support this choice for her. Please keep us updated on her progress.

  16. Thinking of you today as you go through Cochlear Implant surgery.

    My son is bi-lateral CI user since the age of 8 months. He will enter Kindergarten in the fall with speech better than 90% of his hearing peers. CI's are amazing! Please let me know if there are any questions I can answer for you as you begin this new journey!

  17. I am excited in this next step for your miracle daughter! Praying for her, the docs as well as mom and dad. Exciting day but never easy to send your child to surgery. So glad she is not there alone as the Great Physician continues to watch over Gwenyth, Tricia and you, Nate.

    Kim M
    Waterford, MI

  18. What an amazing device! One of my former students had a cochlear implant and it was night and day the difference it made!
    Praying for your precious girl! (and beautiful Tricia!)

  19. Prayed for your daughter for that she would be in His great hands. She will be amazed how much she will hear than she didn't with her HAs once she is activated. I'm CI user myself. Look for to her hearing journey. God bless you all!

  20. As a pecch therapist working primarily with hearing impaire children, I can say CI's are one of the greatest inventions EVER! You will all love it!! Prayers for all of you!


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