
Thursday, July 19, 2012

In Surgery



  1. Our Precious Heavenly Father - watch over Gwyneth Rose and her medical team during this surgery that will bring so many new opportunities into her life. Please bring peace and comfort to her parents as they pray and fight the battles of worry for their precious little girl. We know you are the Great Physian oh Lord and we know you will bring her through this and into a richer world of sounds to appreciate! Thank you for the peace and encouragement you provide us through our prayers.

  2. Praying right now!!!

  3. Hope all goes smoothly!

  4. Oh wow! She's a little blondie Tricia!

  5. I hope the surgery went well today for sweet Gywneth :)

  6. Sara J. in KnightdaleJuly 20, 2012 at 2:49 PM

    Don't know if you are at Duke or not but I saw a woman in the Duke Children's Hospital lobby a bit after 8am today that looked a lot like Tricia. I was at the info desk finding out what floor my daughter's clinic appt was on. Anyway, when I saw this woman (she had a mask sort of around her neck)I said a prayer for Gwyneth that she was doing ok & that if you were indeed at Duke that she was doing well. Haven't been on the computer much so I didn't know all of the medical issues that have been occuring lately for Gwyneth and Tricia until I got home and checked here. I will continue to prayer for your family.


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