
Monday, July 16, 2012


We got word a few weeks ago that Tricia's medical team is moving forward with a plan to get Tricia back on the transplant list for a second double lung transplant.  We are waiting for the word from her team to know what the timeline is, so we really don't have much to tell you other than that.  We are still praying that the CAMPATH will work and reverse this rejection, and would appreciate your continued prayers about this as well.



  1. Wow. I'm so shocked that it has come to this. I know CF is a tough disease and it's never set in stone what's going to happen but I can just imagine that you are beside yourself. Prayers for you all.

  2. In my thoughts and prayers!!!!!

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  5. Sending you all my TLC, and wrapping the three of you in big hugs ~

  6. Praying without ceasing for your family.

  7. Still reading your blog, and always praying for your sweet family!

  8. Since your family has gone through this before it must seem very daunting to think of doing it again. Please know that so many people think of you and send love and healing thoughts.

  9. Sending all the positive thoughts and hugs to you and Tricia.

  10. I am so sorry, and will keep you in my prayers.

  11. You are all in my prayers.
    Stephanie /St Louis

  12. Prayers for all of you. A teen-age single mom at our church just gave birth to a beautiful little girl with CF. I often think of your family as I look into those precious little eyes!

  13. Praying for Tricia and your family from California!!!

  14. Praying for God's mighty power, healing and peace - Tricia and all of you. "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7

  15. I've been praying for your family and wishing the best for Tricia.


  16. I'm sorry to hear your family is facing the stress of transplant again, but glad that Tricia is a candidate for a second transplant. Thinking of you and hoping for the best possible outcome.

  17. Praying, praying, lifting you up to the One who holds you in the palm of His hands!!

  18. Praying from Michigan and so thankful that none of this has taken God by surprise!

  19. Nat I know these times are hard and you are a very brave and strong man.On Sundays when you are on the stage singing your heart out it just about brings me to my knees. I see the light of our lord shinning from with in you. The faith both you and Tricia have in our God is breath taking...Know you and Tricia and children are in my prayers everyday.

  20. Praying as always for your precious family!

  21. I am so sorry. It's been a rough week with CF for my family and I had hoped by checking on other CF families online that I would find better news. Our son, Micah, lost his battle with this stupid disease Thursday (7/12). It never gets easier. Micah was 10. I will pray for better news in Tricia's fight with this thief.

  22. Continued prayers for Tricia here Nate, for you and Gwyneth too. Asking God to carry you all through this difficult time. Love you guys.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  23. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  24. I'm sorry you are in this position but I'm glad she was able to get on the list.

  25. Sending prayers for Tricia and all of your family.

  26. I will continue to pray for all of you. I am so glad you and Tricia know Jesus. I don't know how people can live life without Him.

  27. Praying in Australia.

    One of my children was hospitalised yesterday for breathing issues. Whilst sitting in the ER, I could only think of your family. God Bless you all.

  28. Praying for Tricia and her medical team. Praying that the CAMPATH will reverse the rejection.

  29. thinking and praying for you all.

  30. Praying that the transplant happens soon! I know that going through the transplant process is INCREDIBLY difficult on Tricia's body, but I would think the sooner the better. Praying for you all!

  31. I used to follow your blog regularly; my husband has battled CF his whole life, until 10 years ago when he received a double-lung transplant at Stanford. In October 2011, he developed chronic rejection and was on oxygen 24/7 and permanently hospitalized in January until he received his second double-lung transplant in early February - he is now home, holding our 1 year old son, and gearing up to go back to work.

    When I read this post tonight, my heart broke. CF is awful and rejection is just as devastating. My prayers and thoughts are with you all. Many prayers for peace, a new set of lungs, and a successful surgery are being sent. Duke is wonderful.


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