
Friday, July 13, 2012

July 13 Update

Nothing much new to share with you.  Tricia is feeling about the same, about every other day is a "good" or "bad" day.  On the good days, she is able to get out of the house and spend some time with friends and family, on the bad days she spends a lot of time in bed.  Our friends and family have been a huge help, spending time with the kids so I can keep as "normal" a work schedule as possible, providing meals and just spending time with Tricia.

We are blessed.



  1. Thanks for the update Nathan!

    Often times God shows us our blessings in the form of good friends and family!

    I'm glad to hear that Trisha is experiencing some good days - that helps to balance off the not so good days.

    I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.

    Kim in Canada

  2. Been reading for years. I have 2 children with CF and because of the www and your writing, pray for you guys often.
    Love, the Howells

  3. Continuing to pray. I have been reading since you both were expecting Gwnyeth. I am glad, too, you have some good days. And that you know the One to praise.

  4. I have been following you and your story since before Gwyneth was born and like so many others, have received such inspiration from you two. Your faith and courage in the midst of deep trials encourages me!! I am praying that this new treatment will do its job and that you will once again be able to enjoy a "normal" life. Keep looking UP!!!

  5. So glad to see the update. I love to see that there are some good days in the mix. All our best....

  6. please give her my love and let her know she is always in my prayers (as is the rest of the family!) Love you all, Susanna

  7. Thanks for the update, Nate. Glad to hear that some days are good days and not all bad days. Continuing to pray.
    Lesley England

  8. God bless you both. You aree such an inspirational couple. Praying x

  9. i've been thinking of you all - i hope tricia is feeling well and will soon have more GOOD days than bad ones.

    sending prayers

  10. Thank you for the update. I too have been reading your blog for years. I am always inspired by your genuine thankfulness both in trials and in good times. I am keeping you in my prayers too.


  11. Thanks for updating - Have benn checking daily to see how Tricia is doing!

    Continued prayers for your family.

  12. Same here - I've been following the blog since before Gwyneth was born - I will continue praying!

  13. much love...been here since a little after Gwnteth was born. Remember the stuffed animal pics and I am so glad she is so big.

  14. I have followed your story since before Tricia was listed for her first Tx, before your little miracle was born. I waited with anticipation reading every update to, sometimes hesitate to open the page for what I might read...You guys have been such an inspiration to everyone who reads....I look forward to reading yet another miraculous update saying Tricia has her new lungs, and your lives return to living them to the fullest... All the best Nate, Tricia and little Gwyneth


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