
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Cochlear Implant Activation Tomorrow!

We are so excited about Gwyneth's activation tomorrow!  We have no idea how she will react...she has enough hearing in her left ear that we don't expect it to be too dramatic.  We know that kids her age often have a difficult time adjusting, and considering she has had almost no hearing in her right ear for at least a few years, we are anticipating she might not be too happy with it at first.

We'll let you know how it goes!



  1. Can not wait to hear this exciting news for your family!! This little angel has adapted so well in life, I pray that this journey will be a grand one for her too!! Thoughts and prayers for all good things ....Patty

  2. So exciting! Praying for your little sweetie as she makes this huge adjustment.

  3. Praying that all goes well for her...and for you all.

  4. Praying for good results and a quick adjustment -- just saw this today --

  5. That's so exciting!! I still remember getting my first hearing aide at 9 and Mom turned on her turn signal on the drive home and I asked, "What's that??" Of course Mom was stunned that I had never heard it but I didn't know any different. I've left comments before and mentioned I have a rare genetic lung disease similar to CF called PCD and my health tanked this summer so I started my own blog to share my own journey...yours was the first blog that I started following in 2008 after Gwyneth was first born and you got me hooked! I have been praying for you guys ever since...I was misdiagnosed with CF when I was 12 so it is close to my heart and I have benefited from treatments for CF like the Vest and inhaled antibiotics etc. :) Here's my blog if you ever want to check it out. ;)

    Hope tomorrow goes well!!
    In Him,
    Rachelle Thomas

  6. Awesome for you guys. Praying for tomorrow! :)

  7. I hope all goes smoothly tomorrow!

  8. best of luck tomorrow! i can't wait to hear about her reaction. what an amazing gift!

  9. Best of luck tomorrow Nathan. I'm so excited for Gwyneth and the wonder of sound this will open up for her. God Bless you and your family.

    Kim in Canada

  10. Praying the gift of sound will be a blessing for Gwenyth and your family. Enjoyed the photos of her on Instagram and was particulary struck by how her smile is Tricia's. You certainly do have a beautiful couple of girls with whom to share life!


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