
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Cochlear Implant Surgery Report

Warning...a photo with blood below...

Gwyneth's surgery went very well.  Took about 3 hours, and before they woke her up, they tested the device and took an x-ray to make sure it was positioned and working correctly.  It was an outpatient surgery, so we were at our hotel no more than two hours after the surgery ended.

Gwyneth always wakes up from anesthesia very grumpy (we've been told some people react this way).  She remained grumpy until she fell to sleep late that night.  She was feeling a little better on Friday morning.

Tricia spent Friday morning at Duke beginning the transplant evaluation process.  And, we were back home by 3:30 that day.  By bedtime last night, we had weened Gwyneth off the heavy pain meds and she was showing signs of "normalcy".  This morning, Gwyneth woke up feeling much better, and we were able to take her bandage off.  By bedtime tonight, she was full of energy and laughter...amazing how quickly she recovers.

We return next week for a post-op appointment to make sure everything is healing well.  In 3-4 weeks, we return again to activate the cochlear implant and run some tests to get it set up to best help her.  We are very excited!  Thank you for your prayers!



  1. I am loving this!!!! I am a nurse in CHOA and we do a lot of those surgeries. I am also sooo happy that she is looking just like the two of you!

  2. Praying that God will provide your every need for your entire family.

  3. Bless her heart Nate. Gwyneth is such a champ and such a blessing to me. Praying for you guys all the time.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  4. Praise God for this good news!!

  5. WOW...she's looking great and kids do bounce back pretty quickly after the surgery. God is so good all the time.

  6. So glad she's doing well! She looks exactly like you in the first photo and exactly like Tricia in the last one!

  7. She is such a pretty little girl. So glad her surgery went well. Prayers to your family!

  8. She will do great!!! I've done this twice (2004 & 2010) and recovery is pretty quick. Within a week of both, I was back to my "old self." It's going to be a fantastic journey and you will not regret it. She will thank you a million times over when she's older. The CI completely changed my life for the better and it's so much better than hearing aids.

    I'm a new follower! A friend of mine told me about this blog. I'm glad she did.

    Mary :)

  9. Through all your family endures your faith in our Lord amazes me...I would like for you to know that you give and show the true meaning of God's Grace. You set and example and I am so blessed to have meet you. You encourage me in may, may ways...You are in my thoughts and prayers. Much Love, Debbie C

  10. Thanks for the update!

  11. Praise God for an uneventful procedure.

    And Gwyneth is simply beautiful!

  12. she looks so much like tricia. cute!

  13. I was just on your photograph blog and it says by invite only, is this a mistake?

  14. I have been reading your blog since before Tricia's first transplant and before Gwyneth was born. I'm thanking God that he has seen you all through so much and that Gwyneth's surgery went so well. I have prayed for y'all since I first read this blog and will continue to do so as Tricia faces a second transplant. He is able. P.S.~ Gwyneth looks exactly like Tricia in that last shot. So cute!

  15. Gwyneth is such a darling! I'm so glad to hear that her surgery went well and she is recovering quickly.
    I've got my fingers crossed that when the "turn it on" Gwyneth will have positive results.

    As always Nate, I have you, Tricia, Gwyneth and your families in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know how Tricia makes out at her transplant assessment.

    Kim in Canada

  16. Such a precious little girl! She is adorable. Continuing to pray that all goes well with the implant. Also, praying for Tricia. Our God is a mighty god!!

  17. My little one has been through many surgeries. I think it's the best thing ever when they finally smile afterward! She just had a T&A yesterday but we aren't smiling yet. I think it might be another day or two. I'm glad things went well and she's smiling again. Hugs.

  18. My son had this done twice. :) Best decision ever. Activation day is very exciting. Best wishes to you.

  19. Hi and your baby girl are sweet

  20. She is just beautiful! I've been reading your blog before she was born! You have a beautiful family!

  21. I am praying for Tricia. I'm a cf wife and my husband is currently on the list for his first double lung transplant. It's surreal how you can want something so bad, yet be so deathly afraid of it at the same time. All I know is that God is in control.
    Here's his blog if you're curious about his story:

  22. Praying for your girls. Very anxious to hear how Tricia is doing!


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