
Monday, October 1, 2012

Difficulty Breathing

Tricia is having more difficulty breathing this week.  She is heading to Duke tomorrow to be admitted.  Please pray that her medical team will be able to get this infection out of her lungs ASAP.



  1. Praying from out hearts to Gods ears.

  2. I am praying for each of you specifically.

  3. We're sending prayers to you all!
    Theo will ask Baby Jesus for blessings for you.
    and Theo (age 4)

  4. sending healing hugs..

  5. My thoughts and prayers for Tricia and the medical staff. Stay strong Nathan!

    Kim in Canada

  6. Praying for Tricia as well as you & little Gwyneth daily. So sorry to hear this post today.
    Bonnie in Missouri

  7. I am praying for all of you!!! I wish you all nothing but the best.

  8. Yes, praying for your family and for the physicians to make good decisions for Tricia's care.

  9. I'm doing what I can, Nate


  10. I'm praying & Tricia is going back on my list to pray for everyday.

  11. Praying that Tricia's breathing is improving and guidance for all those involved in her care. Your family is such an amazing witness to God's love and the possibility in life

  12. I'm not a pray-er, per se, but I believe in the power of thinking good thoughts/sending good energies! :) And that's what I'm doing for Tricia! (And for you, Gwyneth & all the doctors as well!)
    - Shari K.W. in California

  13. Thoughts & prayers with your family for T!!

  14. Oh no. I am so sorry.

    Thanks for updating your blog. I have followed your story for years and miss seeing blog updates.

  15. Followed your blog around the time Gwenyth was born, and was a regular reader for quite some time. I took a brake from the blog world a couple years ago but coudn't get your amazing family out of my head. Even though I don't know you your family has always been in my thoughts. Prayers for Trisha!

  16. You, Tricia and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  17. Been a reader of your blog for years now. My 2 year old has CF. I know how scary it is when the difficulty breathing sets in. Please know I am lifting Tricia's name up to the Heavens along with your entire family. Please keep us posted when you can and until then, always praying....((((HUGS)))

  18. We are praying. We know what it is to be facing such difficulties with CF+ and so we pray very specifically. Whenever I start a treatment, I will pray. Whenever I start my tube-feeding pump, I will pray. And whenever I start an IV I will pray. I am the Mama (who has CF & brain tumors), my husband John is the care-giver, and our daughter Murren has been our shining light and greatest blessing through everything we've been through. We really identify with you.

    John's blog is which isn't really about CF, but more about living your faith and learning who God is through all the hard stuff.

    My blog is


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