
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Home Again

I brought Tricia home on Friday, but she is not doing any better.  Her medical team did what they could for her, put her on some different meds.  The more time she spends in the hospital the more likely she is to pick something else up that is detrimental to her health.  She is not currently on O2, but we think she will be soon.  We go back to Duke this week, and wouldn't be surprised if they either keep her in the hospital or tell us that she is ready for transplant.



  1. Thanks for posting an update. I'm a long-time reader, and have been worried for Tricia. Praying for all of you.

  2. She has been doing so well for so long... this breaks my heart. I hope for the best!

  3. Thanks so much for the update. We will continue praying!!

  4. As always ~ keeping you all in my heart & thoughts~

  5. Praying for wisdom and peace for you all -- and praying against any bugs from coming your family's way. You all are so faithful to let God's light shine through you even in the midst of difficult circumstances, I will always be inspired by your unfolding story.

  6. Praying here for Tricia & all of you.

  7. Tricia was in my prayers last night and will continue to be... prayers for healing and improvement. Also prayers for the rest of the family during this difficult time.

  8. Standing with you and PRAYING!!!

  9. Really stepping up my prayers for Tricia and for you too. This has been a long journey but I know He holds you all in the palm of His hands. Love you guys.

    Love and Hugs, Laurie

  10. All of you are in my thoughts and prayers

  11. Thanks so much for the update. I will continue praying for her!!!

  12. Thanks for the update. Continuing to lift up Tricia and your sweet family. May His peace abound.

    Lisa in Okla

  13. I will pray also for you and your precious family. Your story is a powerful Christian witness to people all over the world. Praying that God's almighty love surrounds you each and every moment.

  14. Prayers for Tricia and the family. May the Lord guide the wisdom of the doctors in healing Tricia.

  15. Thanks for the update. I'm a long-time reader, and your family has been on my heart quite heavily over the past few weeks. Will continue praying for a miracle for Tricia.

  16. Praying for healing. Lifting you up to Him who knows us intimately and loves us so deeply. May you feel His presence and peace.

  17. Praying for y'all, Nate. May God fill your hearts with His peace as you wait for His healing.

  18. I'm very sorry to hear Tricia's not feeling better but I'm glad she was able to come home, and without oxygen. Hang in there while you are waiting to find out what comes next.

  19. Think about your family daily and praying for all of you!

  20. Thinking of you all. My son is 15 and is waiting for a liver transplant due to CF. all the best x

  21. Thanks for the update! I have been checking every few hours, waiting for an update! I am sad she is having a hard time. We are praying from Texas!

  22. Your family is in our prayers.

  23. Focusing on Psalm 103:3-5 (Love the Message version)
    He forgives your sins—every one.
    He heals your diseases—every one.
    He redeems you from hell—saves your life!
    He crowns you with love and mercy—a paradise crown.
    He wraps you in goodness—beauty eternal.
    He renews your youth—you’re always young in his presence.

    Praying he heals YOUR disease, Tricia, every one.

  24. Thanks for the update. I am praying for all of you.

  25. Long time blog follower, infrequent commenter... but felt convicted to log back on to my computer to let you know that I'm praying for Tricia (and you and your kiddos). Your faithfulness over the years is a bright light for the gospel... thank you for sharing, even when it's not easy.

  26. You are all in my thoughts and prayers! Praying for more miracles!

    Linda Miller Martin


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