
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pray for Tricia

A friend made this for us and it is being shared by hundreds of people on Facebook.  If you'd like an easy way to ask others to pray for Tricia, feel free to download and then share as well...and feel free to point people to the blog.



  1. Nate, I shared this on my F/B page and please know that you, Tricia, Gwinnie and your foster are all in my prayers, as well as your other family members. Our daughter, Patricia, went to be with Jesus in Dec. of 1971. She was 10 years old and had CF. I feel a special closeness to ya'll even though I have never met you in person. I have been following your blog ever since Dec. before Gwinnie was born. May God bless ya'll and give you many more years together. Praying without ceasing.

  2. Thinking often of your family and the best for Tricia!

  3. Praying for your family. I also posted this on my blog.

  4. Nate, I have been following your blog for years. I am praying faithfully for Tricia and all in your family during this time. I was able to share the photo on fb yesterday via Misha's page. Praying with you all and for you!

    Blessings, Caroline Bell

  5. Thanks for sharing this with us Nate. I have placed it on my FB page. You and your lovely family are in my thoughts and prayers xx

  6. Praying for you all. I too have followed your blog since before Gwyneth was born. I've been so blessed by your story and strength over the years, as many others have. Keep the Faith my friend.


    Joshua 1:9

  7. I lost my wife to CF in June of this year so I am praying for her..... I know what you are going thru so if there is anything I can do please let me know..

  8. done and done,,, put it on my facebook,,,,, HANG IN THERE!

  9. I have followed your wonderful blog for over 4 years...I am sharing your blog and reposting this on Facebook...prayers for Tricia and your whole family.

  10. Oh, Nate...I just thought of you all the other day and was so shocked to read all the recent happenings. Sooo thankful the Lord is never taken by surprise and I know He is caring for you all just as He always has been. I know you have always wanted your lives to glorify the Lord, and I will pray that they always will! I will be praying for you, Tricia. Praying for strength, healing, wisdom, peace and joy that only comes from Jesus.
    Nate, praying for you as I know your heart must ache at times with concern for your sweet wife. Praying for your entire family.
    Jaynee Lockwood

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Thank you for sharing your story. I'm praying for you guys!

  13. Thinking of all of you...praying for courage, strength, patience, and hope.

  14. I hadn't been on your page for a while, but remembered you got hit by the last Hurricane so was checking to see if you guys were ok with the storm. I had no idea how sick Tricia was. Praying for her right now, and will keep her, and you all, in my prayers.

  15. Thanks for sharing this. I've put it as a button on the side of my blog. I think of you and Tricia and pray for you every day. Thank you for sharing your story. Much love to you and your kids.

  16. Will continue to pray everyday for your family


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