
Friday, October 19, 2012


After over a week in the hospital, Tricia was discharged on Wednesday.  She began her physical therapy at Duke yesterday.  She will go every weekday for about four hours to help strengthen her body in preparation to be placed on the transplant list.

I did not realize how sick Tricia has become until she got "home" on Wednesday.  Her breathing is incredibly laborious.  I was up most of that night in bed listening to her breathe...the bed literally shakes with each breath because she puts so much effort into it.  It reminds me of this exact same time five years ago when she was pregnant with Gwyneth and I would wake up several times a night just to make sure she was still breathing.

I am very concerned for her.  This has all come on so quickly, and I know it has her really worried that she won't be able to be strong enough to get on the transplant list.

We are in Durham now, Tricia is full time and I'll be traveling back home on the weekends whenever possible.  This was much easier the first time when we did not have children.  We are thankful for our family and friends who are helping us.

Please continue praying for Tricia, that she will be strong and healthy enough to be listed as soon as possible.  Please pray for our children, Gwyneth and our foster child.



  1. I am praying. I just got out of the hospital yesterday. I have been thinking of you all a lot. Lane, a 13 year old boy who was fighting cancer for the 3rd time got to go see Jesus night before last. He is whole again. It is hard for the sick and the caretakers. As always, I am proud of you and how you stand behind Tricia as well as stepping up to the plate and being a great dad too. Just know that like Aaron and Hur, we are holding your (Moses) arms up from all over. Caring from KY. HUGS to you all.

  2. Keeping Tricia, you and the children very close in my thoughts and prayers .

  3. Praying for Tricia and your family as well Nate.

  4. I am praying for each of you! <3

    With love from Ohio,

  5. Praying in Washington.

  6. Hang in there, Honey. Praying for all of you.

  7. I am praying. For peace, for strength, for God's will to be done.

  8. Thank you for the updates! I have been praying for you all and appreciate knowing more specifically how to pray! I am also a foster/adoptive parent and know having that whole system issue with everything else has got to be a challenge! Definitely praying!!

  9. Thank you for the update Nathan. I check in every day to see how Tricia and you are faring.
    I will continue to pray for all of you and especially that Tricia will gain the strength that she needs to be re-listed.
    Take good care of each other!

    Kim in Canada

  10. I will continue to be keeping Tricia and the rest of your family in my prayers. I can't imagine how scary this must be for you, as well as Tricia, to be going through again. Prayers for strength for Tricia, guidance for her doctors and peace for you during this time.

  11. Nate, we are praying for you all every day! SERIOUSLY, please let me know if you need ANYTHING. We're in Wake Forest and can help in any capacity necessary **friend's of Patience by the way** ~Mary

  12. Nate and Tricia I was sorry to check in on you and read that Tricia is again so very sick. My prayers are with you, your kids and families.

  13. Nathan,
    I have been following your blog since Tricia was in the hospital the first time and as your little girl was born. My husband and I prayed for you, Tricia, and Gwyneth so much then and have continued to follow your family and pray. We are praying now for God to protect Tricia's life and provide what she needs including new lungs.
    I am reminded of how in Genesis God breathed life into Adam and how intimately He was involved in creation of man. I am praying that God would breath life into Tricia and heal her body. I am praying that God sustains you both as you wait on Him.
    I am praying again for a miracle for Tricia. I don't know you personally, but love you and your family...for you are my brother and sister in Christ.
    Trusting God with you.
    Love and prayers from MN

  14. Oh dear, still praying for all of you.

  15. Praying in Brisbane, Australia. Thank you for taking the time to update.

  16. Praying for all of you. Thanks for the update.

  17. You all are never far from my mind, and you are in our prayers- mine, my family's, and our church's.

  18. Thank you for the update. Your family continues to be in my prayers. Praying for peace for you, Tricia, your children, and everyone else involved, as well as for those good things like healing, patience, etc.

  19. Nate, praying in earnest for Tricia and all of you! May our God strengthen you each day! With love and prayers from OK...

  20. Praying in Ohio...

  21. I got out of the hospital on Thursday. Our family continues to hold yours up to the Lord in prayer for His intervention. His strength is sufficient and His mercies are new every morning.

    We totally understand the added stress of children. The older our daughter has gotten, the harder it is to keep things up and running, since she's not old enough yet (10 years) to really help carry some of the load. But, she surely is our bright spot and one of my biggest motivations to keep pushing even when I'd really rather give up. Thank God for our children and what He's going to do in and through them because of these trials.

  22. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I feel kinda like I know you all since I followed your stories prior to Gwyneth's birth and through Tricia's transplant.

    May God be with you!

  23. I to have followed your story since before Gwyneth was born and was very saddened by this latest news. Thinking of you all and sending prayers from the UK. X

  24. I just found your blog today and will be following regularly now. my mother passed away about 10yrs ago from CF.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Praying for your entire family as you travel this difficult road. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.

    Carol. A friend in Ontario, Canada

  27. My heart breaks reading this. I know God has a great plan for Tricia's life (and yours and Gwyneth's as well) but it's so hard to wait on His timing sometimes! Praying for you guys continually.

  28. praying and thinking about you, Tricia, and the kids. Much love.

  29. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless.

    C.O.L.E.'s Prayer Team
    Caring Openly, Loving Eternally


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