
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday Night Update

Tricia is still feeling the same.  Infection is still there, she is on O2 as needed.  She had a very simple procedure today to fix her portacath because it wasn't able to draw blood.  She is having another simple procedure tomorrow to change her feeding tube from a G tube to a G-J tube.

If all goes well over the weekend, she will be discharge early next week and will immediately begin physical therapy at Duke to prepare for a transplant.  From what we've been told, she is now in the window, but needs to build her strength up to prepare for surgery.  I'll refer you to This Post from 2008 for a description of how the whole transplant process works at Duke.

You might remember from her first transplant that she was a very hard match because of the antibodies in her blood. We've been told this time that, because her antibodies have changed, she should be a much easier match. But, she probably won't be at the top of the list like she was before, so there is no telling when the call might come once she's on the list.

Thank you for your continued prayer.



  1. Keeping Tricia and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Praying for God's grace, peace, and mercy to flow freely and for Tricia to be lined up with a perfect match.

  3. Nate, is there a cut off on age for not taking lungs? Say if I died (I am 58 and a non smoker who runs very slowly) would I be deemed too old for donating? I have been on the list for donation of whatever is needed and appropriate for 30 years plus. I just wondered if we get to a point when we are not viable for donations? Sending the best to your family and your friend getting lungs tonight. We can't take our parts when we leave this existence so the best is to pass them on.

  4. was just thinking of you all this am and was grateful for the update. You are all on my heart and I continue to pray along with everyone else for Tricia and your family.

  5. I've been reading since her first transplant. She's been on my mind! Praying for her, for you, and for your families!

  6. @Jan

    Age does become a factor with certain organs, but it's different for every donor.

  7. Gosh, continued thoughts and prayers coming to you from Kentucky! Thanks for keeping all of us fellow bloggers updated. Praying for Tricia's strength and a good donor match very soon.

  8. Praying for Tricia and keeping you all in my prayers....may God's grace be with you as you go through this next chapter in your lives.

  9. praying!! May Jesus fill you with His peace! His presence!

  10. I have been reading your blog since before the first Transplant. Praying for ya'll from Dallas. I know this is so hard. Praying peace for both of you. Thankful you have such a great family and support system.

  11. I stopped posting for a long while, but never stopped caring and praying. Hope it helps to know that there are a lot of us out here.

  12. Thinking of you all x

  13. Praying for you and Tricia and the kiddos. Can't imagine what you all must feeling right now!

  14. Dear Jesus,
    Thank you for the miracles that you have already worked in this precious family's life. Thank you for the lessons that you have taught me by watching their faith in you, and their relationship with you, and life of service for you.
    Lord, you know that they are weighing very heavily on my heart, and I pray that you would help them to feel the prayers of those who love them, that you would make them to feel your arms wrapped around each of them, as you carry them through this. Please give them the strength to make it, both physically, and emotionally, through this ordeal.

    In Jesus' powerful and healing name, I pray!

  15. My name is Lana and I am 39 with cf. I live in the U.K and am also a Christian. I have been in hospital for 2 weeks now with a really nasty chest infection. While here I came accross your blog. I started reading it right from the beginning and have loved getting to know your family. I have cried with you and shared the good times. You are a truly amazing family and I thank God for your desire to serve him in every way. He is preparing a special place for you in heaven when it is finally your time to rest. I am able to leave the hospital today but will continue to pray for you and eagerly read your blog.

  16. Nate, I just want to add that we also pray for Tricia and you, your family. I also want to thank you for sharing your journey with all of us...I know I am not the only one who has been blessed by the way you have chosen to take all things from God's hand, and to enjoy the little things in life so much.



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