
Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Tricia was deactivated today because she has been having some issues with her stomach for about a week.  The pain became so severe that we ended up in the ER late Sunday night.  We have no idea what the problem is, and her team is running a bunch of tests this week to try and identify the problem.

Deactivation means that she is still on the list, but they will skip her name if lungs become available.  Reactivation is very simple, but they have to identify and fix the problem before they'll reactivate her.  As I explained in my last post, it is imperative that she gain as much weight a possible...obviously, if she's having stomach pain, it's going to affect her ability to take in calories.

PLEASE, pray that her team will be able to take care of this issue as quickly as possible.  Thank you.



  1. crap...i hope the resolution is quick and simple and she get right back on track. what an inspiration your family are..hope prayers and all the love a cyber hug can send.

  2. I am praying for your entire family!! I hope that the doctors can get to the bottom of this issue. All you can do is keep your head up and try to be positive!!!

  3. Thinking of Tricia and all of you. Hope they find the root of the problem so she can clear this out and be reactivated ASAP! -Megan

  4. Praying for Tricia and the whole family!

  5. Yes, still praying and thinking about your family often. Thank you for the update.

  6. Praying still. Big hugs to you and Tricia.

  7. Praying and checking on you-a lot.

  8. Many people are praying for all of you here in Maryland.

  9. Our God is great...praying He reveals His mercy and healing to your beautiful wife in His most perfect timing. many prayers...

  10. Praying for wisdom for Tricia's doctors that they will find out what the problem is. And peace and comfort for Tricia as she waits for her new lungs.

  11. Prayers for Tricia...

  12. Thinking of you all, hoping that Trish is back on the list and on her way to recovery very soon.

  13. i will keep praying for you and your family. Hang in there and always remember that god is walking beside the three of you in whatever circumstances. Be strong and stand firm, god will take care of you:)

  14. Oh no! I hope they find the problem quickly so that she can get those new lungs!

  15. Oh so sad to hear, prayers that she improves and is reactivated.

  16. Praying hard and won't stop!!! Praying for you and the kids too. <3

  17. Many, many prayers!

  18. Love and prayers to your beautiful family. xoxo

  19. My prayers are with you and your beautiful family <3

  20. Prayers being sent your way from Cincinnati, Ohio.

  21. Prayers for all of you from Central NY.

  22. Praying for your sweet family.

  23. Nate--how is Tricia? She's been on my mind and I am praying hard for all of you!!

  24. Nathan, I am sitting in my office this a.m. and was overcome with the impression on my heart and mind to pray for you and your dear family at this very moment. I am praying faithfully for peace, provision and stamina on this journey. Please tell your beautiful bride that she is being prayed for today.

  25. Prayers and thoughts throughout each day; love to each of the Lovebugs

  26. I came across your blog at the beginning of this month when I saw a "Pray for Tricia" photo on someone's Facebook page. After reading your story, I have been praying for you all daily. May the great Creator bless Tricia with complete health.

  27. I have followed your blog and have prayed for Tricia since she was pregnant... continuing to pray!!! Will you please join me in praying for a dear friend of ours battling cancer?!? His time is very limited and is in need of a miracle.

  28. I look at the date and how long she's been deactivated and pray her stomach issues are resolving and she's able to eat and start holding some weight. Praying she's well enough for new lungs and more time. It must be so hard on the kids...and for you Nate this is heartbreaking; your love is great! Hugs, Pam

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