
Monday, November 26, 2012


We need your prayers tomorrow (Tuesday) from 7-10am.  Tricia is still inactive on the list.  We believe that she has done everything that has been asked of her and that the issues that caused her team to deactivate her have been resolved.  Tricia's breathing is becoming more difficult, and we know that her window of opportunity for a transplant is getting smaller each day.

Tricia's transplant team meets every Tuesday morning to discuss all of their patients.  PLEASE, pray that they will discuss Tricia and decide to reactivate her on the list.  If you would pray anytime tomorrow, but especially between 7-10am, we would greatly appreciate it.  We would also appreciate it if you would invite others to pray for Tricia as well.  Use the hashtag #PrayForTricia and link to the blog if you can.  Thank you in advance.



  1. Keeping you all in my thoughts
    with much love ~

  2. Prayers for reactivation coming right up.

  3. Our entire MEI staff will be praying for you all, esp. your request for Tricia to be reactivated. Our God is an awesome God. Love to all...

  4. Passing this to my entire family...from Atlanta, to Cali to Chile!

  5. A very long story in a very small nutshell... 2 yrs. ago my cousin was on the list for a heart transplant. Just as a heart became available, she developed pneumonia. We went to prayer! Through a series of "oversights" and unexplainable circumstances (miracles), the prep for surgery went ahead and Megan's fever and white blood cell count dropped all day.When it was time for surgery, she was weak but able to receive the perfect heart for her. Today she is alive and thriving! God knows and is not intimidated by man's logic. Be "strong and courageous!" I am praying and believing...

  6. Will be praying.

  7. Prayers for Tricia and you all!

  8. Prayers from Ms. Donna for Tricia and you all!

  9. Prayers your way..

  10. Praying for your family

  11. praying that Tricia will be back on the transplant list

    mrs pam

  12. Prayers are going up. For Tricia, Nate and Gwyneth.

  13. Praying right now...and posted on FB late last night when I first saw this. Expecting another miracle!

  14. Praying right now and throughout the morning from Kentucky! Interviewing Friday for a management position in the Transplant department here, hoping to one day be a blessing to people like your wife. God bless you!

  15. Morning prayers have been said. Best wishes to Tricia this morning and always!
    Take good care Nathan.

    Kim in Canada

  16. Getting prayers ready right now!

  17. Read this at exactly 7 AM - prayed immediately and will continue to pray.

  18. Thanks for the update. Praying for a transplant soon in KY!

  19. Thanks for the update. Praying for a transplant soon in KY!

  20. Prayer said in WIsconsin.

  21. Done and done. I've followed y'all on and off for years. Praying hard for Tricia and your entire family.

  22. Your family will be in our prayers tomorrow especially between 7-10.

  23. Gathered together while focusing on Christ's Sorrowful Passion, my nine children and I prayed for your sweet wife today. --Elaine

  24. Oh I just saw this but am praying now!

  25. Blog post shared. I am still praying for your dear family.

  26. Praying for her and I am sure miracle will happen.


  27. Just saw this. Praying relentlessly. Hope everything went well! Please let us know soon if she has been reactivated. God bless and keep you all.

  28. I have been following your blog for a very long time. I think of your family often and I pray that Tricia will be reactivated and receive her much needed lungs very soon.
    As I type this I am sitting in the hospital with my husband waiting to be reactivated for a kidney transplant. Was evaluated for heart/kidney transplant but it was decided to try to improve my husbands heart in order to survive the transplant.
    Praying hard for you and Tricia. Because you and I are the caregivers of our spouses, I feel I have a good understand of what you are going through. I will pray for your family daily and can't wait to hear the good news of reactivation.
    With much love.


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