
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 28 Update

I have taken most of the blog offline temporarily.  I am hoping to restore the blog in the near future, and will definitely do so before a transplant surgery takes place.

In the meantime, we deeply appreciate your continued prayers for Tricia.  You are welcome to follow me on Twitter if you want to continue to receive updates.  CLICK HERE for my Twitter page.  Thank you.



  1. Wishing you well.


  2. Nate and Tricia,
    I have followed your story and prayed for you for years. I have kinda been stalking the site to find out the results of yesterdays meeting. I will continue to pray. Your story is full of miracles and I will pray that God continues to use your family to show the world that he is still in the business of healing. Thank you for your transparency. I look forward to you reactivating the blog as I do not twitter. But until then, I will continue to pray and ask others to do so.

  3. Praying for you Tricia xxx

  4. Have been praying nate, i think of you all daily and pray with expectation. The Lords peace rest upon you.

  5. As always, continuing to pray for your family.

  6. As others posted, I've been reading since Gweneth was born and following your amazing story... Thank you for sharing what you have, I'll follow twitter for updates and pray for a speedy reactivation/transplant success. Hoping everyone's prayers will be answered soon.

  7. Wishing you well.

    Warm greetings,


  8. Waiting in anticipation of some good news...
    Been following from practically the very beginning.
    Always in my thoughts and prayers,
    Sharon from Northern Ireland. xx

  9. Praying for Tricia and your families....

  10. I have followed your blog since Gwenyth was born. You have all been an inspiration to me and many others. I will miss seeing updates on the blog but will definitely follow you on twitter. I will continue to pray for all of you!!

  11. I have been following your blog for years and think of your family often. I will continue to pray for Tricia and a transplant.

  12. I pray for Tricia everyday! I pray that you get great news tomorrow about being reativated! I just pray that you find some JOY amongst all of the decisions!

    From one Tricia Blair-to another Tricia

  13. I already follow you on Twitter, but, unless I happen to hop on when you post I may miss it.....will continue to pray for y"all!

  14. Like others said, I have been reading your blog and been inspired by your faith,kindness, candor and love for years. You have created an awareness of CF and organ donation that is going to positively affect so many more lives than you know. I hope that you get some goods news soon so Tricia can recover to come back home soon.

  15. Hi, we have been following your family for a long time and praying for Tricia; We will continue praying for Tricia and your family. Tracey & George from Canada

  16. I'm not sure how I found your blog but I've been blessed by your story. I'm not a twitter user, and will look forward to the blog returning, and will keep praying for Tricia!

  17. You don't know us, but we have been praying for you all for years, along with our Bible study group here in Maryland. We will continue to petition God for another miracle.
    Barb & Bruce Martin

  18. My thoughts and love are with you all. I've lost 2 cousins (sisters) to CF and I pray for Tricia to be reactivated quickly.

  19. I have been checking in for updates. Praying...
    I look forward to the blog reopening, because I am not on twitter.
    Grace and peace through Jesus Christ our Lord,


  20. I have followed your open, loving, beautiful, funny, serious blog since Gwyneth was born. Amazing journey you are on!! Will continue to lift each of you up to Him....Lean on Him and rest in His love. Take care and I hope you are back here soon. In the meantime, I'll follow you on Twitter...Love and prayers.

  21. Prayers for you'll as you wait for the meetings. Prayers for the Dr as they consider Trica for the transplant. Prayers that the Dr see her as a woman, mother with a zest for life. Prayers that they will relist her. Thanks for the updates. Continued prayers from Ky.

  22. We've been praying and continue to ask God to move on your behalf and that you'll sense His peace.

  23. I'm praying hard. I've prayed for you both and for Gwyneth since before Tricia's 1st transplant.

    God is faithful and in control. Praying His peace and protection over you all.

    Love from Florida,
    ~ Jean Marie

  24. I will continue to pray for your family, Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth. You have all been such a blessing to me.

  25. I will continue to pray for your family, Nate, Tricia and Gwyneth. You have all been such a blessing to me.

  26. We are praying for you. My family and my church have been praying for you for years and have followed your blog. We will continue to pray.

  27. Praying and will continue to do so.

  28. I have been and will continue to pray for you guys. I pray the Lord will give Tricia new lungs soon so you all have more time together. The pics of little Gwyneth saying good bye tear me up! May the Lord give each of you strength and grace to handle each day.

  29. Continued thoughts and prayers.
    We will be here when your blog "re-opens"
    Vancouver, BC

  30. Nate, I don't do Twitter, but will continue to pray for you and Tricia and Gwyneth and the rest of your family. Hold on to Jesus, Brother, hold on.

  31. Just like so many others, I have followed here since Gweneth was born. I don't have a twitter, but will try to figure it out so I can follow updates. I pray for Trisha every morning.

  32. Will be praying and looking to see when you reopen the blog. I too do not Twitter maybe you have a facebook that you will update? What is important is the time and attention you need to give your family at this time so understand the blog decision. God bless you all.

  33. I too have been reading/praying for years, since before Gweneth was born. I will check back often to see when the blog has been reactivated since I do not twitter. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

  34. Continuing to pray and will be anxious to hear when Tricia anticipates her transplant. I do not twitter so will check in from time to time.

  35. I am sorry that you are not continuing your blog I have followed you since before your little girl was born and will miss the update will pray for your family

  36. Praying in Abilene Texas!

  37. Praying in Abilene Texas!

  38. Praying for your family in Abilene Texas!

  39. I've only commented on here once, and that was years ago, but I just wanted you to know there are still more prayers being sent in your direction.

  40. Nathan, Thanks for letting us know about the blog. I sent you a message via FB because I thought I was locked out. Continued prayers for all of you and especially for Tricia. God bless!

  41. I'm on your prayer teamm! I've been praying for Tricia and your family and have been following your blog since before the first transplant.

  42. Hi
    Like many others i have been following your blog since Tricia's first transplant. you have taught me alot and given me alot more understanding that i pass on to our physiotherapy students at the uni where I work. praying that you are your family can keep strong and Tricia is reactivated very soon. always in my thoughts, Sharon, UK

  43. Best of luck to Tricia and you. If all the medical criteria have been met, the surgeon will likely go for it, yes? I should think so. It will be a more difficult surgery for him, but certainly not impossible, I should think.

    41 year old w/ CF, here. Male. Listed. I'm a friend of Missy Roark's on FB. You can find my own blog at

  44. So glad to see the blog back up earlier this month. I keep checking in for an update. Please update when you can.

  45. Praying Tricia is doing better....

  46. Praying for you and your family Nate, praying, praying, praying.

    Fellow CFer, Meg.


  47. Praying for you all...Gwyneth is so pretty and getting so big, and looking more and more like her pretty mama. Praying for you, Tricia, that sweet pretty girl, and everyone!

  48. Praying for you, Gwyneth, Tricia, and everyone. Been thinking of you all. Gwyneth is getting so big and is so pretty, and looking more and more like her pretty mama.

  49. Any way we can get an update on Tricia and her health and transplant status. Nothing in so long! Praying for your family but only reading tweets about football, politics and controversial views

  50. Wow, i dont twitter but was wanting to hear if the prayers we are praying are working.
    Will continue to pray and check back in.

  51. We would love to know how you all are doing, and are continuing to pray for you.

  52. Tricia and your family have been in my thoughts. I'm hoping for a miracle and some good news soon. Hugs.


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