
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Dry Run #1

Nearly everybody waiting for a transplant experiences at least one dry run.  And, in our opinion, we'd rather have no lungs than bad lungs.  Today turned out to be a dry run, even though, for a few minutes, it looked like it was a go.  We received the word that the lungs were good around, but just a few minutes later got another call that the lungs were no good.  Being told the lungs good and then no good isn't the norm, but we're thankful for the team doing their due diligence to protect Tricia from anything less than suitable for her.  Unfortunately, we assume that means the lungs weren't good for anybody, but that doesn't mean other organs from the donor weren't used for other people waiting.  We'll continue to thank God for this donor and his/her willingness to give and to pray for his/her family.

The fact that we received a call this quickly is incredibly encouraging, and we're praying for another call very soon.  Honestly, we are neither disappointed nor frustrated.  God's timing is perfect, even when the results aren't want we want.



  1. Praying for you and Tricia. And precious Gwyneth

  2. I have to say the ups and downs of today did make my heart ache, so many tears of joy and heartbreak, but I do believe in God's perfect timing and I have faith that soon Tricia will be wheeled into the OR to get a perfect pair of lungs. God is awesome and does awesome things.

  3. I'm sorry that it didn't work out for Tricia this time. I agree it is encouraging that you got a call so quickly.

  4. We continue in prayer and trust fully in God's perfect timing for all involved! Thank you so much for updating the blog~the only way that we, in Idaho, can track with you in these days! Under the Mercy!

    Nana Judy

  5. Prayers continue from up in Corolla, Nate. Please let Tricia know that she's in our constant thoughts and prayers.
    Doug & Elizabeth Wendling

  6. Praying for you guys. One of my best friends here just celebrated his third year with a heart transplant. He had a couple dry runs. We are going out to dinner tonight. Hopefully, it won't be long Trisha will be breathing better and back to enjoying her family and life on the OBX!

  7. God's timing is perfect. Prayers for all families.

  8. God's timing is perfect. Prayers for all families.

  9. We are half a continent away, but we are in the room with you through prayer!

  10. Praising God for his protection of Tricia...that He desires to give no less than His best. Praying for patience and endurance as you run this race set before you.

  11. Continuing to pray in Amherst, NY. I'll give you to our Prayer Team tomorrow and our Women's Bible Study group will lift you up on Monday.

  12. I recently began following Tricia's journey & I'm amazed at the way God has worked in her life through such dire circumstances. All Glory to God!! I will keep Tricia & your family in my prayers as you wait on the Lord's timing. Keep trusting Him. Take Care.

  13. Nate, I have never met you or your sweet wife Tricia, and probably won't on this side of Heaven, but I just must tell you how much of an amazing encouragement you are to me. I've been following your journey since Tricia was pregnant with Gwenyth and have been so amazed by your unwavering faith and trust in our Savior. I pray for your family everytime you come to mind and when I saw how close you were to another set of lungs today I was so disappointed....and yet, I leave here so encouraged by your complete trust and peace in God's timing! My family is also going through some very very trying times (my daughter has a brain tumor) and this little bit of encouragment/reminder is exactly what my heart needed tonight. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. Know that God is using your family in big ways! Continuing to pray for you! S.Beth

  14. Praying for all of you. Praying, praying, praying...

  15. Keeping you all in my prayers. (((hugs)))

  16. Oops, I just realized I misspelled Gwyneth's name in the above post. So sorry Nate. S.Beth

  17. We are doing the waiting game to with my son since calls yet no dry runs like you god is waiting for the right set and ones that will last a long long long time...

  18. Keeping u guys close in my heart and in prayer

  19. We had six calls for my sons liver transplant (he has CF) and I thank everyone of the families for donating, although the first five weren't suitable, they still did something very meaningful at such a sad time for them.

  20. Thank you for sharing your story and I am praying for you and your family. Your strength and optimism are such a blessing. You have no idea how this post helped me put some things in perspective in my own life. I will "pay it forward". Thank you and best wishes.


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