
Sunday, April 28, 2013


Several people have expressed their disappointment, sadness and even anger about yesterday's dry run, but please don't be sad or upset for us about yesterday. We honestly were at perfect peace about the dry run. We did not get overly excited, and we certainly didn't feel any sadness when we were told it wasn't going to happen. The staff we worked with were all very kind and took great care of Tricia while we waited, and we made a few new friends. It happened on a Saturday, so we had nothing on our schedule and the hospital wasn't busy so we didn't have to wait for anything Tricia needed. Our kids were back at home to celebrate a cousin's birthday, so we didn't miss any time with them. The weather was nice outside, so we drove with the windows down on the way home. Tricia got a good nap in afternoon and I got our place cleaned up a bit. Three of Tricia's best friends drove eight hours round trip just to spend a few minutes with Tricia last night and this morning. All in all, it was a good day.

Yesterday happened exactly as God planned it, and we're not disappointed about it at all. Whether new lungs come yesterday or tomorrow, even if they don't come at all, God is good all the time, and He knows the plans He has for Tricia.

Thank you for your prayers today and for the future.


  1. There is no need for anger, especially from others...It happens when it happens and they have to be the right lungs/liver/heart whatever is being donated. At the end of the day someone has agreed to donation and that's what everyone has to be thankful for.

  2. I just wrote my column for Wednesday's Outer Banks Sentinel on prayer and disappointment. I'll probably post it on my blog as well.

  3. I'm still praying for your miracle. I am not a church going person but I do believe God is looking out for us all. My father should have never survived a blown abdominal aortic aneurysm or the following weeks in the icu but he did. He was a miracle because he had more work to do on this planet and I am praying Tricia receives the same.

  4. I've been one of your silent readers for a while. I've been inspired by your love, faith and devotion to your wife, family and God.

    It's truly remarkable and beautiful.

    Thank you for sharing your words and experiences with us.

  5. Your faith is an inspiration to so many people. Prayers continue.

  6. Thank you for sharing~we continue in prayer....Nana Judy

  7. Your faith is so beautiful and great! Your complete trust in God and His timing is inspiring. May you feel the prayers of many as you face this current challenge. Many of us are with you in spirit from many places. Know that you are loved and prayed for as you take this journey. Thank you for keeping us informed!

  8. What a loving photo. Made my day!


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