
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

In the ICU

Tricia arrived at Duke yesterday morning around 7am via ambulance.  For the past 5-6 days, her breathing has steadily become more difficult.  She has also had increasingly severe headaches and nausea.  I suspected she was experiencing high CO2 levels.  Shortly after arriving at the emergency room, she was placed on a BiPAP machine.  Within an hour, her headache was gone, and within 5 hours her CO2 level had dropped from above 100 to 80.  Normal CO2 levels are between 30-40.

Around 3pm Tricia was moved from the ER to the ICU.  She'll stay on the BiPAP for as long as needed.  If she continues to show signs of improvement, she could be moved out of the ICU to a step-down unit.  The doctors believe she may have a virus which has weakened her lungs to the point that she can't exhale properly to discharge the necessary amount of CO2.  She is being tested to determine if she does have a virus and has been placed on some antibiotics.

Landing in the ICU is never a good thing.  It can be very difficult for somebody in Tricia's condition to recover, and although the ICU is the "best" place to receive the treatment she needs, it is nearly impossible to relax and sleep.  We are praying that she'll be out of the ICU as soon as possible.

Thankfully, the transplant team is keeping her on the list, and they are hopeful she'll receive another call very soon.



  1. Just sent you a private FB message. XO

  2. Once again, thanks for updating and we continue in prayer!

    Nana Judy

  3. Sending prayers and hope to you and Tricia, your children and families.

  4. Continuing the prayers for Tricia. You, Gwenyth, your foster child and rest of your families are in my prayers as well. God's grace will see you through. Much love from Texas!

  5. Thank you Lord for keeping Tricia breathing...getting her help....keeping her on the list....being there for her in every way. Bless and comfort Nathan...heal Tricia, please.

  6. I am praying for all of you as I have sice before Gwyneth Rose was born. I admire you all so very much,

  7. Prayers continue for all of you. Becky

  8. I'm so sorry im glad that he got some relief so quickly...i will continue to pray.

  9. Asking the Father to pour out His mercy and allow His power to be seen by many through Tricia's healing. He is able! Asking for peace over you and your family, too.

  10. Think of and pray for you guys often, from Fort Worth, TX... Thanks for all the updates.
    "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still"
    Exodus 14:14

  11. Praying for Tricia and your family.

  12. asking God for a miracle, to restore her health, to provide a needed donor. for the donor to be blessed by the act of giving another life.
    praying for anyone who touches her life to be blessed.

  13. You both have been in my thoughts and prayers lately...and especially since Tricia's in the hospital. Praying for a new set of lungs SOON and for renewed strength and healing.

  14. I am a Respiratory Therapy student & Tricia is on my heart everyday as I go to clinicals & work with patients just like her!!! Praying for all of you & the donor family that the new lungs will come quickly!!!

  15. Praying for Tricia and your family

  16. Grateful she is still listed and praying for her and your family.

  17. sending prayers for a quick recovery and quickly-arriving lungs

  18. I'm praying for Ms. Tricia everyday!
    so you're still in my prayers :)

  19. praying for strength to fight this off. pray=ings she and you get rest as she recovers. Prayers for the lung transplant! Thanks for keeping us updated so we know hoe to pray.

  20. I'm sorry to hear Tricia is struggling but it's wonderful that the BiPap is helping. I hope she is doing better soon.

  21. praying for a quick resolution for Tricia's healing, whatever God's will might be. And praying for everyone to become organ donors so families never have to wait for hope.

  22. Just said a prayer for you all. I don't twitter, so I miss out on a lot, but check your blog often for updates. May God pour out His blessing on you all today.

  23. Hoping today is better. Our prayers continue.

  24. Both Al and I are praying for Tricia! Will pray at church tonight as well!


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