
Sunday, April 28, 2013


Nothing speaks encouragement like three girlfriends traveling eight hours round trip to spend less than an hour with a sick woman to pray, hold her puke bucket and run fingers through her hair until she falls asleep.


  1. That's love. The "doing" and "being" kind, not just the talking kind. Thankful Tricia has such friends. Praying.

  2. Nate, that is true friendship and true love. They are amazing. When I see pictures like that, I know that our society still stands a chance. I love it.

  3. We should all be so blessed to have such friends. We should all strive to *be* such a blessing to our friends. Praying, as always.

  4. Wish I could have been one! Hand in there, girl. I'll be stateside next week. Love from Uganda!

  5. That's the hands of Jesus right there. Love it.

  6. I'm so worried and sad but so hopeful and seeing this just warms like they were my friends im so happy that Tricia is surrounded by such love and knows this love

  7. This is the most precious thing I have seen in a very long time!


  8. Girlfriends are the wonderful for the soul. Trisha is very blessed to have some many people in her life that love her like this. Amazing friends.

  9. this photo makes me cry - such love is poured out on tricia - i am so happy. she is so blessed. i miss you tricia and pray for you constantly. xoxo

  10. Awesome women of God right there! xOx many Blessings & prayers comin atcha in Jesus mighty Name! AMEN

  11. Awesome display of love! Constant prayer going up from this total stranger every day!

  12. There's nothing like faithful friends!

  13. Glad Tricia has such true friendships. Praying for her

  14. This picture made me tear up and I don't know any of you except Tricia through blogland. :) This picture is the love of Christ. So real, so tangible, so sacrificial, and peaceful. My heart is full to the King for the way the church loves each other but also with begging for lungs for Tricia. To God be the glory.

  15. I have followed your blog for 6 years. My best friend had CF and died waiting on the transplant list in the UK 5 years ago. This photo is so incredibly beautiful, and although it's so hard atm it's moments like this friends never forget. I can relate to it so much.

    All my love and prayers are with you. I hope your strength and faith carry you through everything that's being thrown at you all.


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