
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Back in the ICU

As I explained in my last post, Tricia's breathing was becoming more difficult over the week, and around 2am on Saturday morning she was brought back up to the ICU.  She was looking and feeling rough, but by Saturday afternoon was doing better.  They changed some setting on her vent and gave her a few meds to help her catch up on some sleep.  By this morning she was looking and feeling much better, maybe even as good as any tie during her Duke stay the past few weeks.  The plans are to try to get her back to stepdown tomorrow if she is the same.



  1. I don't know you all have the strength to deal with this roller coaster ride. I'm still praying for you all and that Tricia gets her lungs now.

  2. Thanks so much for the update, Nate. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers constantly.

  3. Awesome news!
    I know you had expressed some concerns about Trish receiving any sleep meds because you said it would jeopardize her status on the transplant list. I am assuming (and hoping!) that you were wrong about that since she is still able to remain on the list?

  4. Nate, I've been keeping Tricia in my prayers. I hope she does make it to stepdown tomorrow, and that she had an as nice as possible, under the circumstances, Mother's day! God bless you both.
    Hugs and Blessings,

  5. Continued Canadian prayers being said for you and your girls ... firmly believe all the love will triumph and Trish will rally yet again.

  6. I prayed all my church service time today, for her to receive these lungs...I asked God to bring forward the donor, as we all know somewhere, there is someone, who's time on this precious Earth will be up, and God can open the door for someone else to live thru this transition that someone else will have to go thru. I told God I knew it was hard for families to sometimes agree to this, but to please open their hearts to be receptive for donation, since their loved ones would be going on to bigger and better things. I prayed for God to ease the pain for the families that would donate, and to give them the peace, that they were helping someone else to live. I know God hears my prayers...I just know it! So glad today was a good one for everyone! Praying God knows which door to open now for Tricia....(((HUGS!!!)))

  7. Nate still checking in and praying for you and your girls.Good that they. Were able to helpTricia breathe and sleep some.still still praying... Love Lisa and Ty in San Diego

  8. And we continue in prayer for you all...

    Nana Judy

  9. Annie from OregonMay 13, 2013 at 4:09 AM

    Thank you for telling us this.... I was re-reading your posts written around her first transplant and Wow! I just praise God for His care for all of you! Reading brought back memories and made all your words and prayers amazingly alive again. Because His Word is alive! and He promises it will not return void. You abandoned yourselves to Him and simply leaned trustingly on Him. I see you doing that now!! and He will bring about your miracle of new lungs for Tricia again....I pray she is restored very soon...Praying and believing with you and for you.

  10. Does this update mean she is no longer on the transplant list?

    You mentioned before that if she got certain meds she couldn't stay on "the list."


  11. sending healing thoughts and strength to you both.

  12. Praying for Tricia and for her transplant to come soon! Hang in there...

  13. I saw another comment above and I am praying Tricia wasn't removed from the list because she got those sleep meds! Nate, will you please update us so we know how to specifically pray?

  14. Continuing to pray for you all. Hoping too that you are getting some rest with the ICU back in your lives.

  15. God bless.
    You and Tricia are in my prayers.
    Rene Vosloo
    South Africa


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