
Thursday, May 9, 2013

11th Hour...Again

It's very surreal to be here again.  So many things are the same.  We're just two doors down from the room we lived in for three months while waiting for a transplant just over five years ago, so our view out the window is nearly identical.  So many of the staff are the same, hospital food is still iffy, Tricia is experiencing many of the same things she experienced then.

Breathing has slowly been getting more difficult for Tricia since being placed on the vent.  The first few days were a relief from the BiPAP, but the past few days have been difficult for her.  Sleep has come in short spurts.  She began experiencing some chest pain today, haven't heard back about the x-ray yet.  We were both reminded of the collapsed lung she experience the day before her first transplant.  I'm really not sure how much more she is willing to tolerate before she asks for medication that will put her status on the list in jeopardy.  But, the team continues to tell us that she is at the top of the list and to expect lungs at any moment.

Thank you for your continued prayer.



  1. Lungs, at any moment then. This is my prayer. Father, can this be the last prayer prayed before they come. Can it be now? We will glorify you, you are holy. Amen.

  2. Do you mind me asking what medications but a transplanting in jeopardy, I am hoping to become a medical student, so I am interested in the specifics of stuff like this. Praying for Tricia.....

  3. Many Prayers in hopes a Lung comes in May God walk with you all thru this Journey and he will be beside your daughter thru this all <3 <3

  4. Many prayers for you and the donor family... please, please, please let it be soon.

    Praying in MA,

  5. Prayers continue for your whole family - Hoping that nothing puts a second transplant in jeopardy!

  6. Praying and praying. Put a plea on my Facebook page.

  7. I cannot imagine how difficult a second wait is for you and Tricia and your families. The first time around it was all new to you. This time you have a much clearer idea of what you're facing and how hard it is and will be. My prayers are with every one of you.

  8. Oh Father - You hold all things in Your hands - We place Tricia and all who know and love her in Your perfect loving Hands. We are asking for a miracle, Lord. We love you, we desire for You to be glorified. Strenthen and encourage your dear children. We put our trust in You because You never fail. Amen

  9. I put Tricia's name on our prayer list at church so many people are praying for her. God bless all of you.
    Hugs and Blessings,

  10. He is so good and He is so faithful! We continue to wait expectantly with you!

    Nana Judy

  11. I'm soooo hoping that what you said about new lungs coming at any moment will be TRUE when I check this blog tomorrow!!!! :) I've been thinking very good & hopeful thoughts for Tricia & will continue; "where there's life, there's hope!" I was reminded of this all too well yesterday when visiting a dear friend's son who's hospitalized with CF-related pneumonia. He's years from needing a lung transplant (thankfully), but his time will probably come one day, unless better medical and/or genetic therapies arrive sooner.

    As you know, I'm not a religious person, but I'm spiritual, and I do believe in the power of thinking and sending good thoughts and energies! I don't know how much it helps, but I know for sure it CANNOT hurt, so I'm doing it! :)

    Hugs from Redwood City, Calif.
    Shari K.W.

  12. I am praying Tricia gets lungs soon. My thoughts and prayers to all of you through this difficult time.

  13. If it is meant to be , it will be. God bless all. Breathe easier tonight Trish.

  14. Praying this morning for new breath for your sweet Tricia. Praying for you and for Gwyneth and for your families. This is so far reaching. May God use it for His kingdom.

  15. May Tricia receive relief from all her pains and struggles, whether Your will is for it to occur here on Earth or in Heaven, we pray. Amen.

  16. Our fervent prayers are for the lungs to arrive today.... and we pray that if a donor is found that the match is great and that the hope for a strong future is alive in them. We pray for families making critical decisions for family and the ways we all need to step up as donors and as caregivers for one another. Bless this day and bless Tricia this moment, this hour, this day for new lungs.

  17. Praying! May the next pair of lungs be a perfect match for Tricia and may they come NOW!

  18. praying for lungs, the doctors, nurses and the whole team who are caring for her. praying for new lungs, praying for the family who will lose a loved one. asking God to keep her comfortable till He decides to work another miracle for Tricia. God be with you all.

  19. Prayers, prayers and more prayers!!! I wake up every morning hoping and praying for your sweet family.

  20. Praying Trish is able to push thru the pain and breathing is easier. Praying the lungs come soon. Praying for peace for both of you as you wait. Prayers that Tricia can get some good sleeptime. Sleep helps all.

  21. Praying for Tricia, and all of your family.

  22. Prayers for lungs for Tricia... and for the family of the donor! My thoughts are with all of you!!!

  23. Praying for the best possible match of lungs!

  24. A 28 year old teacher choked on a hot dog and died at the Cubs game a few days ago. Several of her organs were donated, including a heart to a 14 year old boy. I was SO hoping Tricia might get her lungs. But either they weren't harvested for some reason or they weren't a match for Tricia. My heart goes out to the teacher's family and I pray that more people become donors after reading about this young woman's unselfish gift. Praying with all my heart that Tricia gets a perfect set of lungs soon!!

  25. My son and I were in the ER all day yesterday, and we both offered our sufferings (which are small in comparison) for two little girls with neuroblastoma and for Tricia. We are praying for you all, and for the family who will be co-operating with their loved one to give such an amazing gift to you, Tricia and Gwneth.

  26. Please let Trish be relieved from her suffering right now. In Jesus' name, Amen.

  27. Be Still and Know that I am God.
    Psalm 46:10
    Prayers for your precious family.

  28. Praying for you. I have followed you from the beginning. Your story has brought me back to my faith. Thank you so much.

  29. Prayers for Tricia and your family.

  30. This is the strongest woman I know. Sending prayers as always!

  31. I don't remember how I found your blog but I've been reading it for a few years and have always been inspired by the way you never question God even when life is not well. Praying for strength for you, your beautiful wife, and all of your loved ones. I can't begin to imagine how hard it must be to sit and wait for new lungs. Praying that no matter what the next weeks bring you will continue to feel God by your side.

  32. Praying that Trish's difficult and painful struggle comes to an end with either receiving new lungs or that she goes to rest peacefully in her Savior's arms. I hate seeing her suffer so much. Praying for peace for all.

  33. I keep checking your blog and hoping that there will be a post about Tricia's new lungs. I am keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers. Miracles happen.

  34. Keeping Tricia and your family in my prayers.

  35. Wish I could be there to hug you both, to hold your hands & pray with you, to just be there & help if I could.

    THANK YOU for allowing us to walk this road with you and to peek behind the curtain and see what you are both thinking and feeling. You are so very loved & prayed for every day!

  36. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I am so sorry Tricia is having to go through this again. What a brave young woman!

  37. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, Tricia...God gave you a miracle baby, and she is blessed to have you as her wonderful Mother! She WILL be seeing you MANY MORE Mother's Days, and just wait until YOU can get those GRANDMA Mother's Day cards from Gwyneth's children, one day in time!!! God's got this covered....HE knows when the time will be just perfect to give you the lungs you need so desperately!!! Praying for them ASAP, and praying your day tomorrow with your beautiful child, will bring you wonderful memories to share when you are old and gray! GOD BLESS YOU, SWEET LADY!! And know that people EVERYWHERE are praying for this, for you!!!

  38. Happy Mother's Day Tricia. Praying for you.

  39. Continued prayers for your family Nate....
    Deb and Family


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