
Monday, May 6, 2013


Tricia has been "stable" the past few days, and just a few hours ago she was moved to the stepdown unit.  This is a huge blessing.  Gwyneth is very excited about seeing mommy in the morning!  Other than that, we are just waiting for new lungs.



  1. I have been checking a few times a day fro the past few days....SO happy she was moved to the step-down unit!! Praise the Lord!! Prayers for new lungs continuing!!

  2. a million yays!!! and SO exciting that Gwyn gets to go visit!!!!

  3. Keep the faith. Glad the family can be together tomorrow! I'll continue to pray.

  4. What a huge blessing for each of you~especially that Darlin' Daughter! We continue to trust in our good, good God!

    Nana Judy

  5. God is so great, wonderful news about your lovely wife getting moved to the step down unit, I watch the video of her on the bike wheels and cried while saying prayers for her,Happy you get to see that precious daughter soon

  6. Praying that new lungs will arrive soon! Praying for all of you! Keep up the fight Tricia!

  7. Oh, wonderful! Prayers continue.

  8. Continuing to hold your family in my prayers in KY. Enjoy your time with your daughter.

  9. very happy for mommy & daughter to be able to be together again. God is so gracious! praying for new lungs to happen soon for Tricia, praying for the doctors,nurses and most of all the family who will lose a loved one. All of this is in God's plan. Thank you Nate for your updates, they are appreciated.

  10. praying for the perfect lungs to be available asap!

    mrs pam

  11. Awesome news! Praying for new lungs soon!
    Clayton, NC

  12. I'm happy to hear this good news! :) I hope that, following on its heels, will be even better news that new lungs are on their way!

    Thinking good thoughts for Tricia, as always!

    Shari K.W. in Redwood City, Calif.

  13. That's wonderful news!

  14. So happy to hear that Gwyneth will get to see her mommy! Thank you for the update.

  15. Great news! Gwyneth is such good medicine for Tricia. Praying God will provide the perfect set of lungs very soon. Praying for the donor family, too.

  16. Thanks for keeping us updated. Praying for you all.

  17. So happy for Tricia and Gwyneth! Spending time together will be the BEST medicine for Tricia's healing!

  18. So Happy she is in the Step Down and that Gwyneth will get to see mommy :-)

  19. so glad for you all. seeing your daughter will probably be great medicine for Tricia. have been following you since before the last transplant, saying prayers for your family.

  20. Prayers continue for Tricia and your family. God Bless

  21. Praise God for answered prayers! So glad she is doing well enough to move to the step-down unit. Will keep praying!

  22. I am so glad to hear that Tricia is stable and able to see Gwenyth again! I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

    My husband has his kidney transplant tomorrow thanks to his very generous brother! I will be having many conversations with God tomorrow!

    All the best Nathan - may new lungs come quickly!

    Kim in Canada

  23. I have your family in my thoughts and prayers and I'm sending good vibes your way as well! So very awesome to hear she's stable!! Much love! <3

  24. Continuing to lift prayers up for all of you.

  25. YAYYYYYYYY! I'll bet Gwyneth was elated (and Mommy too)!


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