
Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Tricia rolled into the OR around 5pm.  Surgery could take up to 10 hours. Five years ago was 9 hours. Second transplant surgery and recovery is more risky. 

Thank you for praying for the donor family tonight, wherever try may be. 



  1. Wow!!!! Praying for your beautiful family!!! Tricia is in my thoughts...miracles keep happening! God is good.

  2. Sending many, many prayers. Please keep us updated as you are able.

  3. So thankful to the donor family. Continuing to pray!

  4. Great! The Lord bless you and keep you ... and the surgeons and nurses.

  5. Big wishes hopes prayers peace...the whole shabang! What amazing day I will keep close the slefless gift This family has provided and awe that god has seen it find u guys...

  6. Such wonderful news!!
    Praying for Tricia as well as the donor and their family.

  7. Continuing prayers... (pretty much since Gwyneth's birth.)

  8. wishing you and your family the best!!!
    marta v

  9. Amen ! Praying for all of you and the donor's family. Such amazing love.

  10. So happy! Praying still...

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. PTL! Praying for you all and the donor family!

  13. Praying for Tricia, your family, and the donor family.

  14. Been following you since the beginning through a prayer chain forward to our church. Praying for the surgeons and nurses as they are God's hands through this transplant process. Praying for your family as you wait. Peace that passes understanding, calm assurance, faith and hope. Praying for those who gave this life giving gift in the midst of great sorrow and grief. Praying that the Lord will allow Tricia to deeply breathe in life giving air once again this side of heaven. Praying that He will allow her to continue to testify to His plan, His goodness, His love through a successful surgery and life post #2 so that many may be saved. She and we love you Lord no matter what. To God be all glory, all honor and all power. Blessed be His name. It is a privilege to pray with you.

  15. Dear Nate,

    I have been praying and checking on Tricia for such a long time and am so thankful that this day has come. I'll be checking twitter until I hear that she is out of surgery tonight, no matter what time it is. Your family is such a miracle.

    I was wondering why the second transplant surgery is often trickier than the first--of course, I understand if you don't want to discuss it here!

    Much love from a sister in Christ,

  16. YAHOOOO! Praying that somewhere, where a cherished life has been lost, a new one can be found in a successful transplant. Praying for sustained strength for Trisha...Lord we trust in you.

  17. Praise God! Been praying all day for His will. Praying for successful surgery, and for peace & comfort for the donor family as well.

  18. Thank you Lord for holding tight to both families. For the loss of a loved one who was willing to share of themselves with others, be with this family. Be a light was Trisha, Nate and Gwyn walk through this valley. Blessing to you. sg-KS

  19. Hooray!!! Praise the Lord!

  20. Jackie McCain JacksonMay 14, 2013 at 6:23 PM

    Prayers for Tricia and for the donor's family. God is so good

  21. Very pleased! Sending positive thoughts for a successful surgery.
    - Agnostic in Germany

  22. PRAYING for a miracle. Praying also for the donor family....our happiness is their sorrow.

  23. AMAZING! Thank you Jesus!!

  24. Wow!! Praying and so very excited for Tricia and your family!

    Tammy/Saskatoon, SK

  25. So filled with JOY!! I will pray and pray and pray!!! :) :) Michelle

  26. Praying for all of you!! For strength for tricia's body, great skill for the drs and for peace for you and gweneth. Also praying for the donors family!!

  27. Congrats to you both and prayers winging their way tot he donor family. I have a good friend with a donor heart and another one on the list to be transplanted... Praise God for the invention!
    Praise God that Tricia stays strong trhough this and many weeks to come.

  28. WOW! I'm agnostic but you make a very good case for the power of prayer. It's as if the willpower of your followers is keeping her alive. I am certainly submitting my willpower to Tricia. I will be holding my breath until I hear the great news. Your god is good.

  29. Thanks so much for posting that awesome pic of your family! Many prayers going out to all of you, the medical staff and the donor's family. God is good!

  30. I am praying for your family, and for God to guide the surgeons' hands and eyes tonight. This second chance is one given especially to you by God, and I know it's His will for you to heal and breathe strong.

  31. This just made my day (and I bet yours too!). God is good and prayers for all involved continue.

    May you continue to feel His faithfulness and love in abundance as you start this next chapter!

    Much Love,
    The VandeCastle Crew!

  32. So excited and praying for you all!

  33. Praying that God will guide the surgeons' hands. Praying for strength for Tricia and that she would soon be breathing well with new lungs.

  34. So wonderful to hear! Praying for Tricia, for you and your family as you wait, the doctors, and the donor's family!! so much emotion...such a great God!

  35. I am praying for Tricia, the surgeons, and for all of you as you wait throughout the surgery and recovery. God is a God of Hope. I am also praying for the donor's family that they would be blessed with God's comfort and peace in the midst of their journey. I will continue watching for your tweets and will continue praying.

  36. Praying for everyone involved, donar family, doctors, you, and extended family. Praying God will be glorified and the outcome will be cause for jubilation all around. I'm a friend of Emily Haager BTW.

  37. Good luck and healthy strong lungs and a good life for all of you for years to come.

  38. Praying for you and the donor family.

  39. I have no words. What a long, strange trip it's been! I pray for a long, long happy, healthy life for Tricia and your family!

  40. Praying for both families and hope that all goes smoothly. You are in our thoughts (all good) daily. . .

  41. Praying, praying, praying!! For your family and the donors family.
    Anna Boyd

  42. Thank you for sharing this journey with us. . . prayers, prayers, and more prayers. . . Stay strong.

  43. Wonderful news! Prayers for you all....prayers for the family of the donor as well. Godspeed.

  44. Lifting everyone up in prayer...your family, the health care team, the donor family...may Jesus's love and faithfulness be obvious to everyone involved!

  45. Almost in tears. What a blessing for your family. Praying for y'all and Tricia's medical team.

  46. Wow what an amazing thing. Blessed twice. Praying for you and your families.

  47. so exciting!! many prayers! what a gift!

  48. So thankful to know the surgery is finally happening. Many prayers being sent your family's way. May God guide the medical and support staff in bringing God's healing touch.

  49. I've been reading for years and remember her first surgery... I hope everything goes as good as possible. Prayers to everyone.. including the donor family who must be in great pain today...

  50. My family is praying for yours!

  51. Sending good thoughts your way! <3

  52. Praying in Oregon!

  53. prayed during the last transplant and once again bringing tricia and your family and the surgeons before the throne!!

  54. Prayers of thanks, and for strength, for the donor family. Praying for the doctor's wisdom, and for tricia's healing and strength.

  55. Amazing news...prayers for a peaceful wait and a good outcome for all of you.

  56. Praying in Northern California!!

  57. May God give you grace and peace and may He guide the hands of the doctors. May He also comfort the donor family. So thankful for your commitment to God's will - blessings on all of you.

  58. Keeping you all, and the whole medical team in my heart and thoughts this evening ~~

  59. Praying for your family and the donor family. God is good.

  60. Covering your familiy in prayer. Been following for a while now just hardly ever comment. Blessings to all of you!

  61. Thumbs up in Indiana too! I am praying for everyone involved.

  62. PRAISE GOD!!!! So excited, I felt the shock clear down to my toes when I saw the word transplant. Praying for you all.

  63. Wow, wow, wow! Thank you Lord! Many, many prayers.

    Jenny in FL

  64. WOW, WOW, WOW! Thank you Lord. Prayers for the donors family, prayers for you guys.

  65. Tricia is so brave. What a trooper she is in this life. Thinking of you. - Dale

  66. WOW, WOW, WOW! Thank you Lord. Prayers for the donors family, prayers for you guys.

    Jenny in FL

  67. Praying for all the family, the doctors and nurses and especially for the donor family. God's hand on all of these people and their various needs.

  68. Great NEWS!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!!!

  69. Prayers being sent to both your family and the donor family!

  70. Thank The Lord for answered prayers... will continue to pray for Tricia, you Gwenyth and of course the donor family.


  71. praying for all!!

  72. Just lifted Tricia, the entire medical team, and the donor's family up in prayer, Nate. Praying for God's protection and provision; that he would place a protective hedge around that operating table and guide the team's hands, giving them strength, stamina and wisdom to withstand the long hours before them. And that the Lord would guide the doctors' hands and decisions.

    Believe in His promises, Nate. God will be glorified in the end!

    The B Family
    Louisville, KY
    Southeast Christian

  73. What FANTASTIC news! Best wishes for a smooth, uncomplicated transplant for Tricia. Yay!

  74. Praying! For everyone!

  75. just read your post - praying for the dr's, tricia and you as you wait as well as the donor's family

  76. I will be praying for all of you and for the donor family throughout the following days! In His Precious & Holy Name!

  77. Praying for Tricia, you, and your family.

  78. I must have aged a lot in 5 years, I don`t know if I have the stamina to stay up for a final update this time! You are all in my thoughts!

  79. So happy to read this! Prayers of strength for Tricia while she is in surgery! ((HUGS))

  80. Thank you God! Will be praying for you and yours as well as the family of the donor...what a beautiful gift to get.

  81. Prayers for Tricia and for the donor family. Prayers for your strength as well.

  82. Praying for you and your family!

  83. Saying special prayers for Tricia & your family tonight!

  84. Praying for Tricia and your entire family.

  85. Sending lots and lots of prayers your way! God Bless.

  86. Praying for a successful transplant...praying for the whole family and team of doctors and nurses.

  87. Praise god!!! I have been praying for you all since the beginning. Felt such joy when I read the news. I will be praying fervently for all involved.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Praying for a successful surgery, quick recovery and comfort for those sharing such a special gift. God is good!

  90. Will be praying for Tricia and your family, as well as the family of the donor... may our heavenly Father surround you and them with His presence and peace in this uncertain time. I stumbled upon your blog a few years ago, read it a few times, but only recently thought of it again... glad to be able to add my prayers to the many already being offered.

  91. Praying at 11:05 PM for Tricia and the doctor's...Praying for the donor family as well!
    Cherith P

  92. Praises, tears of joy and prayers. May His perfect peace wash over yours and the donor's families and His strength and wisdom guide the medical team.

  93. Praying for your family and the donor family tonight.

  94. I was thinking about you all today after reading the tragic story of a heroic Louisiana family who made sure their sons organs were donated today after he was put on life support from injuries at football practice last week. Prayers for all of you carrying these crosses.

  95. Sending prayers Tricia as well as the surgical team and the the donors family

  96. Nate, Tricia, & Gwendolyn,
    I am sending you prayers of positive thinking. I hope that everything goes smoothly and calmly. I am praying for the nurses and surgeons, so all parts may work well together. I pray for the donor family as they experience the loss of a loved one. Hopefully, they will be able to find some small silver lining through helping to save the lives of others. By the way, do you work with Dr Reynolds? He's fairly new to Duke, used to be at Indy's Methodist. He saved my life before and I know he can do it again!!!

  97. Praise God!!! Praying for Tricia's surgery to go well and for her recovery to proceed smoothly. You guys have been so very patient all these long months. Praying, too, for the donor family. So thankful for their unselfish gift of their loved one's organs.

  98. Praying for the best results possible. And, praying for donor family as well.

  99. I am very happy Tricia has received another chance at life. Hoping for the best and thinking of the donor family.

  100. Sending HUGE prayers in your direction!

  101. I hope the transplant is going well! Thinking of you guys!

  102. Just about to head off to bed and the Lord put Tricia and your family on my heart. Praying for you as you continue to wait for the surgery to end. Also praying for the donor family.

  103. Praying for Tricia and your family - and for the donor family, too.

  104. Praying that your needs are met in body mind and spirit and for comfort for the donor family

  105. Nate,
    Does the donor arrive to Duke still on life support and they remove the lungs there? Or do they just remove lungs first and fly them in without donor body? Also do you ever get at chance to thank donor family?

  106. Praying for the donor family as they grieve and prepare a funeral for their loved one. So sad.

  107. Thank you Jesus for being the Great Physician....for touching and healing Tricia...and giving her a third chance at life. Praise to You!!

  108. Lots of prayers for you all from Maryland. And prayers for the beautiful family who decided to give life to others on their darkest day.

  109. Continued prayers for Tricia,you and your entire family,the donor family,doctor/nursing team as I walk this journey along with you in these early hours. Praying for good news and the newest updates.~ Darlene in North Dakota.

  110. I can't think of better news to wake up to. Praying for your family.

  111. Continued prayers for Tricia, docotors, nurses and all your family. Keep us posted.

  112. Woke up thinking of you and praying :)

  113. Woke up seeing this news and praising God! Many more prayers sent up for all of you and the medical team.

  114. Prayers for the donor family, the medical staff, and for Tricia.

  115. Praise God!!! Been reading and praying for your family for years, first time commenting. I pray all goes well, also praying for the donor's family.

  116. I was woken up this morning by a strong sense to come to your site! And wow I was drawn for a reason! I'm sending love & good thoughts not only to you but to the amazing donor family that's giving T another set of lungs; their grief must be unimaginable! I will say, however, if that picture of the three if you was from the day of the second transplant, T; for someone so sick you look amazing! Much love being sent your way! Love from the Midwest!

  117. Please let Tricia be ok. I am so worried.

  118. A million prayers that Trisha is out of surgery anddoing great. Always praying for you all.

  119. Praying for you guys!!! We're so happy for you!!!

    Cassandra and Theo (4, almost 5!)

  120. Praying for Tricia and her family and the donor family. Hope everything is going well.

  121. You are a very strong family! I pray for continued physical, emotional and spiritual strength for you and the donor family! Praise God who hears our prayers!!

  122. WEEPING WITH JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST WEEPING WEEPING WEEPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our God is Mighty to Save!!!!!!!!!!!!

  123. last night i came home from church to this wonderful news...praying it has gone okay for Tricia today and am now praying for a speedy, easy recovery.
    prayed for this wonderful donor, praying for the family to find peace during their loss and peace that another person is now living because of their dedication to pass on life.


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