
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

From Tricia

This is from Tricia's Blog, which she updated last night while I was sleeping.

Prayer Requests:
1. My lungs are in such bad condition at this point that the doctors can’t be sure of what will happen next. Please pray for the antibiotics that I am on to begin working effectively. So far, they have not helped out with any kind of improvement. Each day counts.
2. Mucus is what traps infection and keeps my o2 levels low and me from functioning at my best. I have had a hard time coughing up the gross stuff which once I do, will help my lungs out a great deal. Pray that I cough lots of it out easily without too much damage to my lungs and airways.
3. I have not slept more than 3 hours each day in the past week and a half. I am use to a normal 12-16 hours a day sleep. This is greatly effecting my body’s ability to fight infection, regain strength, and help me to get better. Please pray that I begin to sleep better. I have been on sleeping meds which have yet to help since it is a breathing issue and not just a lack of sleep desire.
4. My lung capacity is very very low, please pray I remain stable until giving birth and then waiting for a transplant.
5. If I don’t get better, I could be too sick for a transplant. Please pray this does not happen.
6. Pray for my heart to stay in good shape. It is beating slightly to fast and has been doing this for quite some time. Pray that it comes down to a normal heart rythym.
6. We don’t know yet about the details of having this baby but know it will be a complicated and risky procedure. The more time the better for the baby... a couple more weeks in my utero can make a huge difference when it comes to a good outcome for her. Pray for wisdom for the doctors and our family as we make these decisions.
7. Pray for the safety of the baby during all of this stress going on and for a safe delivery and recovery. She will most likely be rushed into NICU post birth.
8. That complications don’t arise from my feeding tube, port-o-cath, diabetes, or heart and non lung issues.
9. Pray for our peace of minds, and for our families. This has been a very stressful and scary situation for Nathan and I. Things are beginning to happen so quickly and so much is uncertain. Our faith is not shaken and we firmly believe in miracles and the power of prayer. Please be sending our prayer requests to your fellow friends and family!
Thank You


  1. Tricia, We love you. Know that you are in our hearts and prayers...always.

  2. Tricia and Nathan,
    You are in our thoughts and prayers. We are praying for you.

    Matt and Pam Landrum

  3. Lifting both of you and that precious baby in prayer.

  4. Nathan and Tricia,
    All 3 of you are in our prayers. I pray that this new year will bring many miracles in your lives. We love and miss you guys so much!

    Bobby & Dusti Ramos

  5. Tricia and Nathan,
    I found your blog through another blog . I have added your family to my prayer journal. I have saved your blog and will be praying for your family. We also live in NC. We are parents of five kids and our oldest son has special needs. He was born mentally challenged and has been such a blessing in our lives! Take Care and blessings in 2008! In Christ love, The Julians

  6. Woops for some reason our blog did not show up. I wanted you to meet the Julian's from NC... Trying again!

  7. Tricia,
    The Maranatha Fellowship Church worship Team and front-line vocalists in Charleston, WV, are praying for you. I have also sent an e-mail out to a few other prayer warriors. We serve an awesome God!!! He can do exceedingly abundantly above anything we could ask or even imagine! My husband and I visited the Cleveland Clinic for follow-up for a pre-transplant eval. right before Christmas and in about a 1/2hour time frame the Lord calmed our storm that had been swirling for more than a year. He is an "on time" God and He won't disappoint you.
    Karen Barach
    Charleston, WW
    dx'd at 2
    husband 13 years
    8 year old daughter
    play flute on a worship team!!!!

  8. We are standing with you through this in prayer, along with the C3 family. Praying without ceasing!

  9. Hi - you don't know me. I am a pretend friend of Tricia's sister megan! I am virtual ;). But I pray. That is real. I've been following your story for a long time. You have my fervent prayers for your safety, gentle protection, robust health, and peaceful rest. Erin

  10. I hope you don't mind prayers from a total stranger. Praying that the meds work quickly, the infection clears and that you and your little baby thrive.


  11. I found your blog through a friend. I will be praying for you from Nashville.

  12. I am an "old, old" friend of Tricia's Mom Agnes, and have been praying for all 3 of you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers today at noon.

    Judy from Philadelphia

  13. I will be praying for you at noon, along with the elders and many others.

  14. Nathan and Tricia,

    We want you to know your New Song Fellowship family is praying fervently for you all! I will be praying with you at noon today, and we will continue praying often. We serve a mighty and awesome God, and I know he is holding Tricia and this precious baby girl in the palm of His hand! Nathan, please give Tricia a group hug from her Titus Women sisters in Va. Beach!

    Laura Edwards and family

  15. Your blog comments are such a testament to how loved you are by those here on earth and God. Al and I will be praying for you guys.. even Josh. :)

  16. Hey Tricia its Margot, just wanted to say that I love you and you are a very strong person. I am praying for you! Stay strong and helps to smile through hard times! xoxo You are a very beautiful person and you mean a lot to myself and everyone else.

  17. Tricia and Nate--

    I am Janet's college friend, and have long been inspired by how you have handled your CF with such grace. I also have been blessed to see and hear about your family's devotion to you...from a young age through the present.

    I have been praying for you for quite a while, and will continue fervent prayer until your baby is born healthy and you begin breathing easier!

    Sara Brown

  18. Continuing to pray for you all.

  19. Nate and Tricia,

    We had a time of prayer for you with the students here at winterfest in our cabin. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Prayed several times today for you guys especially between noon and 1

  20. I'm praying for all of you, I don't know you but found you by blog-hopping. God is sovereign, God is faithful!

  21. Tricia and Nathan,
    I just received an email from Patience Leino to check out your blog and pray for you. My family attends C3 with Patience and Jordan, and they have shown us the power of prayer as baby Isaac overcame many overwhelming odds during his life when the doctors did not have the answers.

    We will be praying for you, the baby, Nathan, and your family through this. I pray that your lungs clear up, for continued healing, and that you continue to have the health and strength for your unborn baby. I pray for you and Nathan as you support one another through this, and that your family and friends continue to pray and keep their faith through these difficult and trying times. Our God is a mighty God who can overcome anything as long as we ask and have faith.

    Best regards and God Bless,
    Al and Holly Brewer
    C3 Church, NC

  22. Tricia and Nathan,

    We are keeping you all in prayer and making sure to let everyone we know that prays, to remember you and the baby as they pray. Please know that you are on our minds and hearts.

    With much prayer and love,
    Tina, Wayne, Isaac, Caitlyn and Noah

  23. Praying for the three of you as well as your families!

  24. I'll be praying for you all! May God perform healing beyond your wildest expectations!

  25. Hi Tricia & Nathan,

    I found your blog from a very lovely woman. I read your story and I just wanted to let you know that I am praying very hard for you Tricia, for your husband Nathan, your baby girl and all of your family. I will pray for all of you each and every day.Please know that prayers and lots of positive thoughts are being sent to you from NH. God bless all of.


  26. Love you guys. WE are lifting you up. I have a noice on my blog for everyone to pray for you.
    Becky Oehlers (Janet's close friend)

  27. I am praying and rooting for you Tricia, and baby!

    Jessica Anderson

  28. Tricia and Nathan,
    I have been keeping track of you since the 1st when I found out about your web site. I am praying for you both and the baby daily. With God all things are possible.

    Becky Jones

  29. I can over from Adopted As His Own. Know that I am and will be praying for you all.


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