
Monday, January 7, 2008


Please, join with our families to pray for Tricia and Gwyneth at 10:30am EST today (Jan. 8) morning as Tricia is placed on a ventilator. See This Post & This Post for things specifically to pray for. She will be sleeping (with the help of anesthesia) for most of the day tomorrow.

I left her in the charge of our mothers and her two sisters tonight. She was very tired, and I think she'll have some good sleep tonight as her belly is becoming empty (they turned off the feeding tube to get her ready for surgery) and her insulin pump has been turned off (which means no more hourly blood sugar checks).

We thank you in advance for the blessing of your prayers.



  1. I am definitely praying and begging the Lord for a are many others around here. Thanks for the update.

  2. I know you have NO idea who the heck I am but I've been following your blog for about a week. I want you to know that our family has been praying for yours this week and will continue to do so. I have a blanket I am making for your daughter (I know she won't be able to use it for awhile)and I need to know the best place to send it. As a mother of a preemie, my heart goes out to you. Rest assured your beautiful wife and child will be in our prayers tomorrow morning.
    todzwife @ (no spaces) if you want to email me an address.

  3. Ever since I found your blog a few days ago, I've been praying several times a day and will be sure to pray for your family of three tomorrow morning. There aren't powerful enough words to describe how inspired I am by the faith you and Tricia have. God is amazing!

    a follower from Illinois

  4. You can be assured of my prayers for tonight and tomorrow morning and Tricia and Gwyneth Rose are placed on the ventilator. I'd been wondering if she would be sedated to the point of sleeping and you answered that question! Aspiemom (GA)

  5. I am truly inspired by your faith and trust in our Father. I can't wait to meet you guys; it probably won't be until we are all together in Heaven so until then, BYSICEL. (If you don't know what that means, go to and read the poem on the first page.) My prayers are with you.

  6. Just a quick note to let you know we are praying for you in Connecticut. I will be sure to lift your family up in prayer tomorrow for the operation. I wish I could effectively express how moved I am by your faith.


  7. Praying for you all! You inspire me!!

    Michelle in Tx

  8. I have set an alarm in my calender to remind me to pray. Your faith will lead you through.

    Matthew 8:13 - And Jesus said to the centurion, "Go; it shall be done for you as you have believed." And the servant was healed that very moment.

  9. I am praying with all of my might for you, Tricia and Gwyneth. I have been lucky to have seen many "medical miracles" in my work, and I feel so strongly that there is one tucked away somewhere for you guys.

  10. I will be praying tonight and certaintly will be at 10:30
    a.m. tomorrow & of course until Tricia and Gwyneth Rose are safe and sound @home with Nathan...
    when i think of what Nathan & Tricia's Parents & the Parents of
    Nathan also sisters, brothers and families are going through my heart aches for you all...
    Showering all of you lovingly with prayers... (constant prayers from the many people I have shared what is happening with)
    From Long Island New York

  11. We are with you guys in prayer!! You are consuming our thoughts. Even our young children were praying for the three of you by name tonight at mealtime.

  12. Prayers are being lifted up for you and your family!!!! I am also pregnant and due in April and I am praying that God will give your little girl much strength as she enters this world so early!!! I will also be praying that God will bring comfort and strength to Tricia, physically and spiritually. You are an awesome husband who is leading his family well in the ways of the Lord!!!! Bless you all !!!! I have also posted a blog on my myspace to get more people praying for you!!!!
    -In Him
    Bridgette Anne

  13. Prayers and thoughts of you have been almost non stop for days. At 10:30 we will pause in our day to pray for you along with countless other people around the world.

  14. Nate, I have sent an email with your blog address to my Christian friends and told my wife about Tricia. So, I am trying to get as many people praying for you all as I can. God bless. Brother Gary

  15. Continuing to pray for your beautiful girls! Asking God for peace to cover Tricia as she goes through her procedures today.

  16. As the time draws near to what ever is around that corner, I'm praying for God's gentle love to be wrapped tightly around you all!

  17. Praying right now.

  18. It's 10:30 a.m. and I'm praying and writing at the same time. My memories of Tricia go back to her childhood. She was the sweetest, most cheerful child in Sunday School. No matter what the activity, she did it with her whole heart.

    But the memory that sticks out most in my mind are her beautiful, big, brown eyes. Tricia your eyes are always full of wonder and they dance when you smile!

    I trust as so many of us are praying for you that you have a safe delivery on Friday, and that your daughter has those same expressive dancing eyes. I'll continue to pray for her to know the Lord at an early age and love Him with her whole heart as you do!

    "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him." James 1:12 Your life shines for the Lord!


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