
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Are You Watching The Same Story I'm Watching?

I'm up late (cause that's what you do when your sleeping clock has gotten totally reversed), and I just read a comment about me on somebody else's blog that basically said that it is Satan who is putting me (and my girls) through this experience.

I want to say again ('cause I've already basically said it Here and Here, and because I think I probably can't say it enough): It is God Who is "putting" us through this journey.

How do I know this? Two reasons:

1) "This" journey is the answer to Tricia's Prayer, and knowing what I know about God and Satan, God answers the prayers that are prayed to Him, and Satan can't do a tiny thing about it.

2) "This" journey has been extremely painful at times for both Tricia and I (and it's only just begun), but the joy has pushed the pain so far away that I'm still surprised when it tries to resurface, and from what I know about God, He ultimately likes to bring His children a lot more joy than I must assume that this is God's doing.

Just because you cry a lot and experience lots of pain and empathy for us and our story (which we do appreciate, I think) doesn't mean that we always share those feelings with you. I can promise you that both of us see the miracles God all throughout this journey, and, even if this story were to end tonight, I'd hate to think that we ever gave Satan any credit for anything that has taken place. Yes, God has something great in store for us in the future, but that great thing is only an extension of what He is doing for us right now.

I'm not mad or upset...just amazed that people are seeing this story as anything but what it truly is... You are free to think what you'd like about this whole thing, but for me and my house...



  1. Hey Guys! I wanted to let you know that I am reading and praying...all the way from Anchorage, Alaska. I came across your blog after I saw a link on a friend's page. I pray for each of you daily, and I will continue to do so. May the Lord Bless You and Keep You in a way that will be so obviously a blessing that it will be undeniable to those around you. Your faith in Him is truly a witness...I have a feeling that there is much, much more to this story. God Bless.

  2. I'm up late because I had to check on the girls before bedtime...Hope all is well..I do understand what you are saying here, really I do.

  3. I learned a long time ago that "bad" things happen for a reason. They happen so those experiencing them and/or those around them can experience spiritual growth and experience God. This has been my personal experience and I've witnessed it when my father developed pulmonary fibrosis at 63 and passed away at 64. And your journey again proves this to me. What a miracle, in every post, with every day you and your sweet family are together. Bless you. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Satan...I don't know what their watching BUT I am witnessing all kinds of wonderful stuff to name a few...the power of prayer,a show of strength,faith, miracles, realize how many people out there are really pulling for your family is breath taking
    Showering You All Lovingly With Many Prayers.....
    Long Island New York
    TRICIA & NATHAN******

  5. Amen! My mother once told me that "God knows the past, present and the future. But satan knows nothing, but human nature." This, she said, is what satan preys upon, usually our fears and doubt. I have never met you, but I am in awe of you and very proud of your ability to calmly explain the concepts of faith in such a simple, and elequent way. God Bless

  6. wow! satan really? that is so untrue!!! I can't even believe anyone would post that. geesh.

  7. Thank you so much for this post Nate. It upsets me to the core when people say that it is Satan's work when people have disease or medical hardship. That it's Satan's work. That means that Tricia, myself, and all the others with CF were born with the devil's work... so not true. Instead our triumphs, our very lives, are palettes for God's work.

  8. All I can say is AMEN!!! I came across your site through Asher's friends and I must say that the spirit and faith of you and your beautiful wife Tricia is amazing and I am so inspired by your steadfast desire to Give God the GLORY for ALL He is doing! Amen, brother, and preach on!

  9. Wow. Satan? Really? Last time I checked he really was not capable of turning mourning into dancing... and spreading the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST to hundreds of people through the witness of one couple!

    Keep on keeping on... you guys are awesome.

  10. I've been following your story since they day your beautiful daughter was born. I have been praying for you and your awesome family. I KNOW this is God's work. Your story has touched so many lives in a positive way. Much love and well wishes for you all!

  11. *sigh* Completely know the feeling....


  12. I stumbled upon your blog, well I guess is a bad term.Becaus e I guess I was guide to this moment at this time in my life. Anyway I wanted you both to know that you have restored my faith in GOD, mankind, prayer, and yes faith. I find myself thinking and praying for your family every minute of the day. I check your blog every hour for changes and pray for positive outcomes. I have cried and cheered with your family as if they were my own. I would love to be able to send a card to your family if and when you get the chance please send the hospitals address.
    Much love and prayer for your family all the way from California.

  13. Back so soon, Nate? I'm not complaining, the updates have been great to read. Soon the scrabble board will say 'OkImreadytogohome'

  14. What an amazing TESTIMONY God is building in your lives. The devil may come to steal, kill, and destroy, but it is God that is in control!
    (From the lyrics of a 'Point of Grace' song:God is in control, though Godless men conspire, His will unfolds, though mortal minds are sometimes left to doubt, His ways are higher than our ways, so even through the fire, take heart and know, God is in control.)

  15. Great perspective Nate, thanks for all the updates. You are wise beyond your years! Still praying.

  16. Thank God you are strong and faithful enough to not let this hurt or upset you. You have God on your side.

  17. I think a lot of ignorant christians think that once you're saved, life will be easy... That to me is incorrect, as the Word says we will have trials and tribulations coming our way, but thank God we are overcomers! We grow the most in our relationship with God when we are going through tough times. Your blog is such a great message of hope, love and faithfulness of God, we are not going to give the enemy any recognition at all. Thank you Father God for what you are ccomplishing through this family.

  18. amazing. Hey, I thought of you guys yesterday when I heard a song on the radio called Miracles Sometimes Hide. really good--if you haven't heard it you definitely need to look it up!
    You are so right--God is allowing this, and while satan may try to attack...God is stronger!

  19. Amen and Amen! Great post!

  20. My house, too! Amen!

  21. Pray for them. If anything your blog and how the Lord is allowing you to minister into all our lives is a miracle.
    Keeping you in my thoughts.

  22. Amen! You are an awesome couple, and an inspiration to us all. God be with you, and his will be done.
    Stephanie/St Louis MO

  23. They must be reading the wrong blog, lol. God is definetly with your family.I'm so happy that Tricia is in her room and out of ICU.Sending prayers from Ky.

  24. How can anyone disagree that God is keeping you and the beautiful women in your life safe each and every day? Your daughter is holding her own, as is your wife and prayers are being answered daily for you and your family. I am thankful that God has placed His Hand on your lives, and He is blessing me with your story as well. Keep writing this story and God keep you Today!!!

  25. Well said Nate.

    I think too many Christians are running around giving credit for things he can't do. Example: "That's the devil's music." Since when did Satan have the power to create? I only know of one Creator.

    Your family's story is one of God's sovereignty, God's omniscience, God's omnipresence. His attributes can be seen in Tricia's life, in your life, and even in the little life of Gwyneth.

    Some Christians have been brought up in churches that teach that the devil is behind every bush. Problem with that line of belief is this: Satan's not sovereign, Satan's not omniscient, Satan is not (and this is important) omnipresent. Satan can't be in more than one place at one time, he is not God. I think Satan has bigger fish to fry than you guys.
    Oh and let's not forget, Satan is not omnipotent.

    God is awesome, almighty, loving, gracious, merciful. We see His attributes in your lives. This is the end of my sermon.

    Love you guys and praying all three of you have a fantastic day. Get the rest you need!

    Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

  26. Just wanted to say that I am praying for you only afew miles away in Wake Forest!

  27. The evil one would sure like some credit here. There is no way. What he intended for evil God has purposed for good! There is victory for the believer who submits his life to Christ in all things. I know it is bound to upset you but I just feel I need to encourage you. Look at the responses...God is being glorified, people are turning to Christ, healing prayers are being answered and THEN....there are a few Christians who want to God to work how they think He should and say stupid things.
    "Abba I ask that you would not even allow Nate's heart to be even mildly discouraged. Thank you for this time when he and his family have to completely depend on you. Thank you again for continued answered prayer. Surround the family with words of encouragement. Thank you Lord for attending to all the physical, emotional and spiritual needs that have come up and will come up. Thank you for allowing Nate to speak freely o this blog. I pray that thousands of lives will be reached for your kingdown. You are an awesome God who loves your children even more than we love our own. Encourage Nate and Trisha and wray your love around them today. Give them rest and peace. Thank you Abba for hearing my prayer."

  28. I can't help but attribute it all to God when you post those precious pictures of Gwyneth :-) We will continue to lift your sweet little family up in prayer!

  29. AMEN! God is using your story for His Glory in an awesome way! Just the fact that Gwyneth has made it this far healthy and with no complications says a lot for God's miraculous intervention! Praise God for your two beautiful girls! It fathoms me how someone could think that this is all because of Satan. What a blessing the birth of your little one has been. I pray for healing for Tricia and growth and development for Gwyneth. God has so richly blessed you and your family, and I am so happy I get to hear all about it through your blog. I am so glad I found your blog!

    Lots of love and prayers,
    Lisa R.
    Bethlehem, PA

  30. Bless you, sweet brother. Praise our Father for giving you eyes to see and ears to hear!! May He continue to strengthen you in your inner most being with the grace and peace that comes from the spilled blood of our Healer, Lord, and Savior!!

  31. Well said!!! Couldn't agree more. Still praying, blessings from Florida.

  32. Well said, and very insightful! I think people have a tendency to blame all that brings us difficulty in life as a work of Satan. I think you just debunked that rather well.

  33. "We Will Serve The Lord"

  34. Asked for prayers for you guys on our blog..

    We had a 24 weeker in Sept.But unfortunately he passed away. We pray for you guys all the time and hope little Gwenyth stays healthy!

  35. Just sending out a special prayer for you today. As God's children you are in his care and NOTHING that happens is without his purpose within your life. You may never see this side of eternity for it all but its all according to his plan for that is what HIS WORD says.
    Have a blessed day.

  36. "I know O Lord, that your judgments are right, and that in faithfulness you have afflicted me." Psalm 119:75

    "It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I may learn Your statutes." Psalm 119:71

    "But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold." Job 23:10

    "For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake..." Philippians 1:29

  37. Thank you for correcting that misunderstanding. i am so thankful that i know that God is in control. this blog is definitely like "a city on a hill"! Praying for you and your girls! jen in al

  38. How anyone can see anything but the power of God in your story is quite beyond me.

    1 Corinthians 15:57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

    1 John 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. 5 Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?

    In Christ

  39. AMEN! Folk give satan way too much credit. No one but GOD could have orchestrated the miracles that we have seen in EACH of you. And as much as you share with us - I know we are only catching a glimpse because God is STILL doing so much more. satan might be slick - but IF he knew what he was doing he would have NEVER let Jesus get on that cross! satan only knows his part of the story - our GOD is the writer, director and producer of the story! HE ALONE knows the miracles that await you! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

  40. well said cousin!!!

  41. James 1:2-4, 12, 17-18

    Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.

  42. Amen and amen! We are not in Heaven yet, and until we get there, we'll have trials and tribulations. NOTHING comes into our lives without going through our Heavenly Father.

  43. Maybe Mary and Martha would like to have blamed Satan when Lazarus fell ill and died. But Jesus said that he delayed his arrival back to them and allowed Lazarus to die so that when he was raised from the grave, it would be for GOD'S GREATER GLORY! I see God being gloried time and time again through your story. Praise Him.
    Hugs to you from Florida... and till praying. Pam

  44. Uncle Andy took the words right out of my mouth on this one. I believe if Satan was responsible for anything here, there would be no blog of miracles here to be writing about.
    I hope Tricia was able to sleep better in her new surroundings. My prayers continue for both of your girls as they are held in the loving care of Gods hands. To Him be ALL the glory. Gosh, I just love a good miracle and steadfast faith in Him. I see both here each and every day. God bless you and your girls Nate.

    Love, Laurie in Ca.

  45. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  46. Yeah... it would be appropriate to proof read more closely when blogging... sorry for the typos. God is GLORIFIED through your story, and I'm STILL praying! :-)

  47. Amen! I've been following this blog for a week or so after seeing a link on someone else's page...the first time I found it, I spent forever on here catching up on your story.
    I firmly believe that God is completely and totally in control of everything -- if Satan were the one putting you thru this, that would have to mean that God is "allowing" it to happen, and I believe that our God is way bigger than passively allowing things to happen.
    I am so comforted by the fact that God is in control of it all, even the things that we deem "bad" in life.
    I will continue to pray for you and your girls -- your story is an encouragment to me. Thank you.

  48. I know for me, I had been taught most of my life that all bad things come from satan, and only good comes from God. It's hard to reprogram some long, intense "training". And isn't it our job to share the gospel, to teach others. Think of us like a bunch of toddlers...having to be told over and over again, before we get it! (we are just helping to train you for parenting a toddler!) ;0)

    still praying in sc!

  49. To God be the glory. Don't be discouraged, but encouraged by this remark. It's just an intricate part of God's plan. He allowed the post, directed you to find it and gave you the opportunity to reply to thousands of readers, many who do not know Him as Savior.
    I pray today will be one of those "best ever days" in your new surroundings. Love and Hugs....

  50. Whatever!! Nate, every time you tell your story or someone reads this blog it's one more BLOW to satan's head! Your testimony gives God 100% of the glory. Thank you for allowing God to use you to defeat the enemy! You are a warrior!

  51. Do you really believe God is "puting you" through his experience? I don't know of anywhere in the Bible where God PUTS people through physical pain, trauma, division etc.

    And though I know Tricia wanted a baby and prayed... and clearly a baby was in God's will which is why you have your daughter I don't think it clearly defines that "God is putting you through this". Many a person with CF gets pregnant and delivers without the multitude of complications Tricia has faced...

    I know in the Bible God ALLOWED Job to be "put through" much including toward the end of his battle- physical ailment... all at the hands of Satan.

    I AM NOT AT ALL SAYING THAT SATAN IS PUTTING YOU THROUGH THIS!! I am saying that it's not beyond a possibility to believe that God allowed this to occur to your family and is now USING every moment for His glory.

    Now- please hear me when I say that I AM NOT GIVING SATAN CREDIT EITHER.

    It is just as much a possibility that because of Tricia's illness since birth that this is just the culmination of her illness and pregnancy and infections that lurk in the winter etc. That there is nowhere to place the "blame" as to WHO is putting you through this and that the only truth to any statement regarding the situation is that it is not surprise to the Lord, that He is with you, He will never leave you, and He will give you joy and cause this situation to be used for GOOD (His will and glory). (Actually there are a whole host of promises that can be cited regarding the person of God in a circumstance such as this.)

    I hope I'm not being offensive. I do empathize with your story and I don't post on my site that it is a result of Satan's work... I don't think anyone is challenging the fact that you and Tricia are seeing daily interventions and miracles of the Lord throughout this time or that God has something great in store for your family...

    I just had to respond to this post because it was a bit off settling when I read it and it seems noone else has challenged it at all which is a bit more disconcerting to me.

    I want more to be your friend than your "yes-man" and pray you know my heart in this post.

  52. I AM! All the miracles that have come your way could ONLY be God's handi-work! If those others say they are Christians then they don't fully understand Christianity OR they don't fully embrace it.

    God Bless you and your family and thank you AGAIN for being so candid, it's been a real pleasure getting to know you and your family.

  53. Sorry.. it was supposed to say, "Do you really believe God is "putting" you through THIS experience?"

  54. I can actually relate! When the Lord has blessed me with suffering, when I am at my weakest, it is then and there that I am most able to sence Him, it is then in those moments I have not the flesh to cling to, that I cling to my KING. Oh how growing hurts, the growing pains, the stretching of ones soul. But it is GROWTH.
    you are loved!

  55. It's truly amazing that some people have no faith! Mine's been sidetracked lately - but thanks to you Nate is now on the path to recovery.

    Two things I always remember -

    1. When there's only one set of footprints - they surely aren't mine.

    2. God never gives us more than we can handle.

    God Bless you and your girls!

  56. Giving God ALL THE GLORY here in Columbus, Ohio!


  57. God speaks volumes! I have faith in the testimony being spoken through your journey and I hear God loud and clear. I read this post and then went read my morning meditation. This is what I read immediately after your post:

    Meditation For The Day

    I believe that all sacrifice and all suffering is of value
    to me. When I am in pain, I am being tested. Can I trust
    God, no matter how I feel? Can I say Thy will be done, no
    matter how much I am defeated? If I can, my faith is real
    and practical. It works in bad times as well as in good
    times. The Divine Will is working in a way that is beyond
    my finite mind to understand, but I can still trust in it.

    Prayer For The Day

    I pray that I may take my suffering in my stride. I pray
    that I may accept pain and defeat as part of God's plan
    for my spiritual growth.


    It is amazing to me how loudly God speaks when we need to hear him!

  58. I so appreciate your candor and your resolve...after all you have the backing of a KING! It is a shame that people get so wrapped up in these stories that they feel they have the right to criticize and offer their best advice not realizing how harmful or hurtful they can be. No matter what anyone says, you and your family are an awesome example of God's power and strength. NO one can look at your daughter and say that she is anything shy of a miracle...especially as well as what she is doing at such a young age. Stay strong, brother. Keep rejoicing in these times of trial. Keep working toward the prize...
    In Christ,

  59. Just last night I was thanking God for the three of you and how you've so openly shared your story. If God didn't bless Tricia with CF, I probably wouldn't have the new outlook I do for the power of prayer. Tricia's life has brought new meaning to my prayers. I thank God for that, not Satan.

  60. I agree that this is a journey of faith, and a journey of profound love. God is working wonderful miracles in your life, and your reliance on Him is such a terrific example for me. I appreciate being able to take a glimpse of your journey, because it is strengthening my faith.


    If you go to my associated content website, I have written an article titled "The Modern Day Miracle Family" about your journey. The way the site works, is that I am paid for every page view. I have decided that for every view I receive on this article, I will donate the funds the Tricia's trust fund. Please take the time to log onto this site read the story of what I have witnessed on this journey and leave some feedback. Thank you! I hope there are many views so that I can donate TONS!

  62. Thought you might enjoy this.
    May His face continue to shine upon you.

    Malachi 3:3 says: "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver."
    This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and they wondered what this
    statement meant about the character and nature of God. One of the women offered
    to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their
    next Bible Study.
    That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch
    him at work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest
    beyond her curiosity about the process of refining Silver. As she watched the
    silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He
    explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle
    of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities.
    The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought
    again about the verse that says:

    "He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver."
    She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front
    of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined. The man answered that
    yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his
    eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a
    moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.
    The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, "How do
    you know when the silver is fully refined?"
    He smiled at her and answered, "Oh, that's easy -- when I see my image in

    If today you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember that God has his
    eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you.

  63. Nathan - we're praying for Tricia, Gwyneth and you. Your faith is amazing and you're a real inspiration. Today I will pray for those who don't know Him, who can't see the obvious miracles and who are lost in Satan's web.

    Have a good day and kiss that furry little head for Tricia and all us moms who just can't wait for her to be bouncing on your knee!

  64. We are watching this story, many of us marvel because we haven't been through this, or anything remotely close to it. We fear it in fact. We are amazed at your peace through it all, even with the Savior by your side. You seem SO strong, so able to handle these huge difficulties, at such a tender age. Maybe they blame satan, because it seems so Job like of you. We know God is the omnipotent one, we are just small creatures, clay. You give us hope Nate, Tricia... we love what we see in you, our God, a strong tower.

  65. "Do you really believe God is "puting you" through his experience?"

    Yes, I do. We apparently have differing theological views, but that's OK.


  66. Good post Nate. :-)
    I think by now you have at least seen my blog once so I won't post where I am. :-D
    Blessings to all of you today!

  67. It amazes me how many people will so easily use Satan as an excuse for their suffering. God has refined me so many times and those times were not easy. Those are the times He has grown me. When you're in the fire, you don't want to be there. Who does? When you're out of the fire, you look back and can see God's hand guiding you through it. Even if you aren't clinging to Him. It's how he matures us in our walk. The trials I've gone through, no matter the amount of pain, suffering & heartache, I would not give back one moment of that pain. It's made me a stronger person...the person God designed me to be.

    Casting Crowns: "Praise You In This Storm"
    Look it up's a song that everyone should grasp hold of.

    Stop giving Satan credit for Gods work.


  68. I just wanted to be another voice saying that I totally understand what you're talking about. When I was working as an RT at a children's hospital, I was often asked how I could stand to do that kind of job. How did I survive with all the sadness. I often got crazy looks when I said it was more happy than sad. God is at work in hospitals. Yes, there are some very heartbreaking times and some things that make you ask why, but in the end God's presence is always evident.

    So anyway, thank you for sharing your journey. It is wonderful and refreshing.


  69. "Pray for Nathan, Tricia & Gwyneth Lawrenson" Group

    Nathan Lawrenson requested that we put up all the sites where there story is being mentioned. I have decided to write an article about it for my publishing site. I do get paid per page view, and I have decided to donate ALL the funds from the page views on this article to Tricia's trust fund-65 roses for Pattysue. Please pass my site along, and tell them to click on the top article "Modern Day Miracle Family". I hope you'll support this article so that I can donate TONS to her trust fund! Thank you!

  70. Amen, my friend!! God is in control and satan deserves nothing!! God is so very Faithful!

  71. hi, i live in oklahoma, i got a link from my sister's blog and i am praying for you all. God is with you, i know you know that already. pugs are good for cuddling and watching out! i am glad she has one to look over her!

  72. I just heard about you through and just wanted you to know that I agree with you! Our pastor did a sermon one time and said that everything we go through is 'Father-filtered for our good and His glory'. Nothing comes our way, which our Father does not allow. But, in the midst of it He promises to be strong on our behalf. When we are weak, He is strong.

    There's a verse in Song of Solomon that says His head is as pure gold. This means is Headship, or His Leadership over our lives is perfect. Even in the rough times, His leadership is perfect. His ways are not our ways. And, this life is but our 'internship' for the life to come. This is not our home, we are only passing through.

    I pray that God will continue to strengthen your hearts and give you the grace to walk this out. May He encourage your hearts as only He can.


  73. Love to all of you.

  74. Nathan and Tricia,

    I've been following your story for many weeks now and I'm inspired daily by your attitude and your faith in God. I think of your story as a true blessing from God. He has allowed Tricia to realize her dream and prayer of having a child. Gwyneth is the most beautiful baby. I continue to pray for you. I know God has a great plan for you. He has already used you in such a wonderful way. Thanks for sharing yourselves with all of us out here. :)

  75. There is a less than orthodox strain of Christianity that teaches anything but a Christian's prosperity must be an attack of Satan.

    If you follow its logic, all Christians are supposed to be financially well off; Christians are supposed to be free from disease; all Christians prayers are answered with a resounding "Yes".

    For obvious reasons it's quite a popular brand of teaching and its main "evangelists" use its popularity to live in personal luxury from the gifts of those suckered into its we. But is at the same time a distortion of truth.

    Your story kicks Satan's butt. And he knows it. It points men and women to Christ and God gets the glory.

    Peace out.

  76. "web", not "we". Fingers can't keep up with the brain.

  77. It has probably already been said, but Satan could have originated it, but only with GOD'S PERMISSION. It is obvious that understand that.

    When we take our trials and let God use them for His glory, we see amazing things. Again, something you already understand because of the peace and the joy that is flooding from your lives. What a testimony.

    It is a shame when some believers give Satan more credit that he deserves.

  78. I agree with you 100%. I truly believe that the trials that are sent to each and every one of us have a divine purpose. The only way Satan could be given any credit is if we let him in and let him affect the way that we react to our trials. If we place the blame on God and pull away from Him, Satan has had an affect on us. If we continue to praise God and have faith that His will-will be done then Satan will have no place in our lives.
    Your family is an inspiration to so many. Your unwaivering faith is a true testiment that God has a hand in everything. I will continue to pray for you all.

    God Bless,

  79. Amen!! Sometimes it's hard for me to understand why "bad things happen to good people," but the bottom line is that we live in a sin-cursed world and we are not exempt from hardships just because we are believers. The one thing that IS different: We don't have to be full of sorrow like those who have no hope. (1 Thes 4:13)

    Praise the Lord for the miracles he is doing in your life and the lives of your family. He uses the ordinary things of the world to confound the wise, and He uses the EXTRAORDINARY things to change the world.

  80. Amen...Amen....and Amen!
    Satan would love to stop all of the miraculous works that God is doing in your lives, and he will do it any way that he can. I won't give him a bit of credit!
    Continuing to pray in Maryland

  81. My son has a heart defect. Through being his mother and being able to tag along with him on his journey I have met some amazing people and witnessed Heavenly Father working in so many ways. I would never wish what I went through on anyone but I also can't be sad about what has happened. Some people just do not understand that I guess.

    I am praying for you and your girls!!

  82. Praying that blog will have their eyes opened to the journey that GOD is taking you on. I can't speak for others, but when I cry for you it is tears of JOY! Each answered prayer is proof that He is doing BIG things. Watching our Amazing God work through you and your girls to reach so many and change the way so many interact with Him (including me, thank you!) is just an example of His answered prayer!

    Again, I will be praying that all who read your journey will see a LOVING God guiding your paths!

  83. Amen. God is sovereign and faithful. He wrote the story of your life together bf you were born!

    I grew up in a church that taught that if lots of bad things are happening in your life, you must not be living in God's will. It was a church full of people running around trying to be "Holy". There was no love, no joy and no peace. My heart told me this was wrong when I was about 10...

    Thanks again for being so candid. Your story has encouraged me and made me long for a deeper relationship with the Lord. I know that you are not perfect, and I'm sure that your faith wavers at times but you are so positive and hopeful and honest. It's a wonderful testimony.

  84. Back to square one.

    God created a perfect world with no disease or pain.
    Adam messed it up by giving into temptation.
    The world is now messed up as a result.
    None of this was a surprise to God.

    Wrapping our pea brains around the sovereignty of God can be tricky. BUT God is sovereign and He is in control. May not always make sense to us but our understanding or lack of doesn't change truth.

  85. Satan may be involved a little as he tries to shake your faith but anyone that has read the story of Job will know that Satan can't do much without God having a hand in it. God is ultimately in control and Satan has no say when God says "enough."

  86. Great post, as a matter of fact satan doesn't even deserve the capital S you gave him!! I found your blo throuh a pug blog and I am so grateful. My heart is opening up!

  87. Good work, Nathan. God is good, even when He leads us through pain. Praying.

  88. Satan's mission is to kill, steal, and destroy. Your message unites, inspires, spreads joy, the love of Christ, a message of hope,etc.

  89. I am watching the same story you are Nate! God is good and has a purpose in all of with you 100%!!!


  90. Isn't it amazing how God can use so many different types of situations to bring each of us closer to Him. Sometimes God uses blessings and wonderful times to bring us closer to Him and sometimes He chooses to use trials to lead us to the place where He wants us. And that place is right next to Him. I am continuing to pray for you and your family.

  91. How I admire and respect your transparency with your feelings. You have described how I have often felt but couldn't put into words.
    And satan? You're kidding me! I see nothing but JESUS in the midst of your life story. Nothing comes to us that doesn't pass thru HIS hands first. He knows and understands our struggles and pain and identifies with them. He uses things like this to draw us closer to HIM and to bring glory to HIS name. That is exactly what I see happening in my life as well as others.
    Keep on keeping on Nate! You are surrounded by prayers and love!

  92. Hi Nathan;

    Maybe some day you will find this post. Pedestals...they are very fragile things; they are often small and break very easily.

    When my husband (CF) and I married we both privately believed we would have about five years together and he would die and I would some how go on with my life. Nathan, that was almost 33 years ago! So many times in the last 33 years I thought I knew what the next event was going to be and where it would take us. Not much of what I "knew" ever came to pass; and thankfully so. Our life and been nothing short of a miracle. We never planned for a future because we didn't believe we had a future. But time passed and we were wrong. Scripture teaches us that God is the author of our faith. Scripture talks about how little faith we have and it also shows us our need for faith and our need for God and a Savior. I have found over the years that I have the faith I need most just at the very moment I need it.

    You mentioned anxiety and depression. Are you aware that some of the world's greatest Theologians struggled with depression? The more we know of God; the more we know God the more aware of our sin we become. Along with that awareness the more worthless we feel; the more unworthy we feel before a soveriegn and holy God. The Holy Spirit gives us those extra measures of faith and grace just in time. He is the "perfecter" of our faith also. As we grow in our Christian life God is always working on us, refining us as gold. I look back over the past two years since my husband's transplant and I am in awe of what the Lord did for us. God gave me the energy to meet each and every day at my husband's side. He gave me the grace to be able to sleep in those torturous recliners night after night. He gave me presence of mind to be able to keep up with all that was going on. I can see looking back how the Lord protected us. I am not one to be able to be "on the ball" 24/7 but with all of the complications, I had no choice. The Lord knows my weakness and he met me where I was and did a great thing through me to help my husband. To go into the ICU suite and see all of the stuff post transplant is a frightening thing. I am a Respiratory Therapist and it was difficult for me to reach beyond the circumstance and be there for my husband. Everyone knows I am a rather tender of heart kind of person and it showed clearly that what I was doing was God interceding on my husband's behalf. It was God's strength, God's power and God's purpose. You are right about being given only two choics. God uses those kinds of narrow choices to push us in the right direction.

    I gave up on pedestals years ago. That gives us an opportuinty to sit back and admire the work of God's hands.

    In the email updates I sent out nearly every day, I had to present a calm, knowledgeable front to my family and friends. I could not allow myself to share with them the depths of my despair about my husbands nearly disastrous transplant. Because of my training and experience I knew and understood what was going on but I had to keep it to myself to protect those who don't have that understanding. Once me moved back home after my husbands transplant I didn't leave the house for almost three months. It is during the calm after the storm, in the quiet of the night and everyone has gone home to resume their normal lives when things hit. And they can hit pretty hard. Few can begin to comprehend the depth of the pain of soul you are going through. But we have to rely on God's promises with the faith that only He can give. We have to remember His promises and cling to the cross. Now that is dependence on God....It is in the darkest of night when we see God's work and miracles more clearly. You will be forever changed. You are being refined as Gold and God will be glorified. People say foolish things.. Many times unnecessary hurtful comments come from people who have never suffered or struggled in this life, in this way and have great opinions about the "true" situation. But it comes down to being between you and God Almighty. May God continue to use you as His instrument of grace for his lost children.

  93. What a wonderful blog, amazing baby and beautiful wife that you have. I wanted to add a comment here, because this topic struck a cord with me.
    While I had nothing at all to do with the original comment you read on a blog, I view sickness and the source of sickness as absolutely from the enemy and a result of living in a fallen world.
    Can it be both ways? can God have taken what the enemy intended to destroy your family and use it for good? Yes, yes and yes He can!
    The bible say satan roams about like a lion, seeking whom he can devour, that he comes to steal, kill and destroy. God's power, purpose, and hand upon your life is not diminished in any way if he is not the one who gave you this load to carry. He is glorified through your words, your family, your beautiful baby girl.


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