
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Tired of trying to remember every time you stand on the street corner shouting to the world about Tricia and Gwyneth?

Well, now you can now use to point all of your groovy friends our way! Because, it is soooo much easier to remember...


PS. Some very cool (maybe the coolest ever) updates coming your way late this evening...


  1. Nate,
    Cannot wait for the new updates later! hopefully more prayers have been answered! Praying in Florida! I also have a link to you guys on my blog! Have a wonderful eveneing!

  2. Okay, now I am waiting for the coolest updates coming this evening. I hope you feel at ease after reading all the comments on your last post:)
    Praying for you guys and waiting for more answers to prayers.

    Laurie in Ca.

  3. Oh I have a feeling ... I know what it is! if that's the case YEAH YEAH YEAH.

  4. Ahh -- the suspense! So happy that good things continue to come your way. Hoping for continued good news and events!

  5. It was just a matter of time!! : )

  6. Can't wait for the updates. Please don't make us wait to late. I go to bed a lot earlier than most of you. Seems I can't stay off your blog.


  7. How exciting!! Looking forward to the updates...continuing to pray.

  8. Wow. You have alot of hair!

  9. Haha I see where Gwyneth gets her hair from :)

  10. I am so grateful & thankful that
    I am blessed to "be in on" your families journey.....I am excited about the very cool updates coming our way.....
    I have to go do the laundry or something or else I am afraid I just might sit here staring at the screen, hitting refresh every few seconds =) =) =) =) =) =)
    oh wait I have an idea what it might be...and if it is what I am thinking than "YES" I have been praying like crazy this day would arrive like NOW..... but I will wait & see if I am correct =) =)
    Showering You and Your's Lovingly with Prayers,
    Long Island New York

  11. I'll be checking back frequently ... sounds like great updates!

    Great picture, Nate! :-)

  12. So here's a question for ya: :) When ya going to go get your hair cut? Seems like it's gotten a lil shaggy. :P

    Not a suggestion just written in jest. :)

    Oh and ORANGE SHOES?e :) (these really don't express how big my grin really is)

  13. Can't wait to hear the updates! Praying in SC!

  14. I have a guess, well a hope and a prayer...does it have to do with a "list"? OH how I PRAY that it does!!!

    You are just NOT right (or is it rite or write? my human side!) in your head with all the suspense that you cause!

    Hopefully you won't be posting after normal bedtime hours on the east coast!!! How will I be able to sleep?!? HeeHee!

  15. Nate,
    I was just watching Oprah 1/31, there was a great segment on organ donation. It was so inspiring...I think many people will see this and register to be a donor!!

    Looking forward to your good news!
    Take Care,
    Marla from California

    P.S. always praying for you and your girls...

  16. I don't know how much cooler it gets than Tricia getting to see Gwyneth and speaking her first words in a while...I'm on pins and needles!

  17. I can't wait...
    I'll be stalking until the great post comes!!

    Hugs to you all

  18. Went through and read the other posts - PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to read the new ones tomorrow! We are praying! Sunshine

  19. Gwyneth looks so much like you!!!=)

  20. I cannot tell you how often I check my computer when you leave us bloggers hanging like that:-).. I pray that something amazing has happened (like maybe you got to start "kangaroo care")!! Praying for everyone to sleep well tonight!!

  21. Pacing, pacing, pacing, pacing, awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww comeoncomeoncomeoncomeoncomeoncomeon.Ok so I am impatient tonight! No really I need to go to bed soon, so I hope the coolest updates ever are up soon!! :) If not I guess I will have to wake up early so I have time to check before work. But I am hoping and praying that you guys got/get to hold Gwyneth!! Am I right? Am I? Am I?

    Just giving you a heads up as whats to come in a few years. ;)

  22. I wait for an update. Love the thumbs up....I love seeing pictures of Gwyneth, I like to see if the NICU is like mine.

  23. You know, this may be a crazy thought, but I was thinking the other day how cool it would be to have "business cards" with the blog address on it, and when you (we, whoever) ran into someone on the street, you could hand them out and say "Hey, check out this blog, pray for this family, and BTW, do you know my Jesus?" Just a thought, and I would never do that without your permission first.


  24. I have been following your info. for a while. I was on a multiples website and saw that someone needed a prayer to be said and to check out your website. SO.....I have been praying, checking and reading at least 5 to 6 times a day. I certainly understand what you are going thru with the NICU, my son was born 3mo. early.
    I am praying as to what the info. will be.

    Please read this, it is for you, Tricia, & Gwyneth

    I Said a Prayer for You Today

    I said a prayer for you today
    And know God must have heard.
    I felt the answer in my heart
    Although he spoke no word!

    I didn't ask for wealth or fame
    (I knew you wouldn't mind).
    I asked him to send treasures
    Of a far more lasting kind!

    I asked that he be near you
    At the start of each new day;
    To grant you health and blessings
    And friends to share your way!

    I asked for happiness for you
    In all things great and small.
    But it was for his loving care
    I prayed the most of all!

  25. I know. And I still can't wait for the update.

  26. Come on Nathan.. we are all waiting here, wondering what the surprise is. lol You are so unkind. hehehe

    I have to watch a movie soon and won't be able to check back on here until tomorrow morn. Please let us know. Tricia... talk him into telling us now....

    Jenn *Big Smiles and HUGS*

  27. Hey Nate!

    I must say that hearing about great improvements brightens my day! I think that's a normal feeling toward brothers and sisters in Christ. Sending you around the clock prayers from your neighbors in Cary, NC!

  28. We've started following your story and linked you up on our blog! We're praying for you in Tennessee!

  29. Dude !! Just post an update !! I have a feeling of what it can be and I just CAN'T WAIT !! HURRY HURRY and post those pictures.

    Aida in California

  30. you are the greatest. so real & sincere. not to mention funny!

  31. How late are we talking here? *giggle* I'm holding my eyelids up with toothpicks now! Seriously, I've been on YouTube watching your church videos for a good hour. The trunk and treat ones are hilarious! I especially liked the the hot dog one. It made me snort out loud! Bahahahaa


  32. Now if only we could get mobile updates. :P Jk. Looking forward to the updates later.

    Hope you & Tricia are enjoying your night.

  33. Nathan,

    A friend of mine is trying to get a hold of you to share a prayer request. She initially told me about you and Tricia before Gwyneth's birth. I sent you an email regarding the situation. Urgent prayers needed for little Daniel who is having brain surgery in the morning at 7am Eastern Time - for more info see my blog and the email I sent.

    Daniel is a miracle baby just like Gwyneth. He was born at 22 weeks and has been a blessing to everyone for the past ten years, but he is having surgery for his seizures in the morning and we'd love to have you join us in prayer for him!


  34. Love the picture! Looks like one happy Daddy/Hubster. I do hope Ms White Rose and her sweet momma are up to the challenge of such a happy feller! God's Peace!

  35. oh nate, you are such a I can not go to bed early, but have to stay up checking your site! ;0)


  36. Your family is in my prayers. If I could take this opportunity to ask your readers to also pray for a little girl in my class who also has CF. She is an amazing little girl, who has dreams of finding a cure - as we all do, as well as dreams to one day be a mommy. Her name is Taylor.

  37. In response to Robin's post, if you are trying to copy and paste the website there was a typo. The correct link is:

    I will be praying for Daniel!

  38. Comeon awhile! You can't leave us hanging like this!!! I need to get to bed soon because I'm having surgery tomorrow...and yet I can't go to sleep without knowing what this coolest of news is!!!! Is it Tricia? Or Gwyneth?

  39. YOu know, Nate is on hospital time, which is totally different than real world time, kind of like the twilight zone! :0) Way late could mean, really really early in the morning!!

    Praying for you all as I go off to sleep. Sweet Dreams White Rose and Mama and Daddy!

    Raleigh, NC

  40. I hope my prayers are being answered for you!
    My hubby always asks me what blog has got me so attached to the computer these days.. when I showed him the pictures of your sweet girl, he understood completely.

  41. Holy Moly! I think we're all hoping for the same thing! Can't wait for the update!! Continuing to pray...

  42. I already know! I post on a message board with one of your sister in law's!

    Still, I will be check int.

  43. As usual, thanks for sharing your life with us.

    We can't wait to hear the latest and hope it's what we've all be waiting for...and you all too!

    I also have a link to you guys on my blog...

    Catherine Midgett Christiansen

  44. If you're still up waiting, you DON'T want to miss the post when he's able to put it up.

    Hanky time!!

  45. Hey! I'm finally commenting ... I've been following the story ever since Gwyneth was born. i linked on my blog, too, but i don't get very much traffic. I wanted to spread the word though, to whoever would read it! I've been praying for you guys and it's so exciting to see what God is doing. I've been really encouraged to read about people who have been given such a difficult test but who absolutely refuse to stop trusting God - even believing it is He who is behind it. I am quite convinced God BRINGS these things into our life so we will know Him and love Him more. What an amazing, fantastic, breathtaking, worthy-of-worship God He is.

  46. Oh, the suspense. WOW. You have alot of hair. Gwyneth is daddy's girl! You have a very animated face, too. I can see why the church makes you their star actor in the Youtube videos.

  47. You are such a tease with these "coolest ever" posts! My grandma does this to me, too, and it drives me nuts! I'm hoping that I can stay up late enought to see...

  48. Okay Nate, it's ll:42 PM. How much longer do we have to wait? I hope it's what I'm hoping it is (if that makes sense). Have a fantastic night, which I think you are!

  49. If we are still waiting up???? I could go to bed without getting up every 5 minutes to log back on. I can sacrifice a little sleep for some good news. God Bless you all!

  50. Dear Nate,

    At first I found it very difficult to read your blog...brought back too many memories of last February.
    My twins decided to come at 25w5d.
    My daughter was in NICU (Fairfax Va) for 80d and my son 94d. The pic is of the first time my twins met at 7w old. We took pics of our babies next to a $10 bill just to show perspective. People still freak when I show them their cute little diapers. Be sure to keep some diapers and her 1st pacifier for a keepsake. I have 2 little miracle babies and thank God for them everyday. Just wanted you to know that I'm praying for your family. Also, my small group is praying too as well as my sisters small group in Lburg Va.
    I'm excited to read your post tomorrow..gotta get some sleep!
    Dana J

  51. Patti,

    Thanks for the correction to the link and for your prayers for Daniel!

    Also waiting to hear the news Nathan :)

  52. I just talked with my wife, who is at Duke. It's worth the wait, I promise.

  53. Okay, Nathan, I'm a night owl, but "tonight" is about to turn into morning. I am only a recent addict to your blog, but I want to see those pictures!! :) Like you don't have more important things to do besides updating your blog....:) As soon as I'm finished with my adoption blog, I plan to add a link. Katy (Ohio)

  54. Any day
    I keep checking back in for the new post!!

  55. Ok, it is either new lungs coming or Trisha gets to hold Gwenyth? Can't wait!! Blessings to you all!

  56. Please tell us someone is finally holding that baby! That, or that Tricia just jogged down 9th Street for a bagel.
    Does that silly counter go beyond six digits? You think you're famous, but I think there are really only 100 of us checking 1000 times a day! :-)
    Lori in VA

  57. Duuuuude, it is soooo later this evening that it is now tomorrow morning! We're in the same time zone so I know you are in tomorrow time too!

    Just teasing.

    I look forward to good updates, anytime they come :)

  58. wishin' I was on the left coast right now at almost 1AM.

  59. GIT R DONE....sorry that picture just reminds me of Larry the Cable guy....can't wait for the update tomorrow.Heather

  60. We will pray for Daniel!!!
    I can't wait for the news! I found you through a friends blog a few weeks ago.I have been checking in on you and your girls several times a day for weeks! From then on you have all been in my prayers. I sent my husband the link but he said he didn't need it b/c I tell him about everything before he has a change to read it. I can't stop talking about you guys! Now my bible study class is praying for too :-)
    Carla in Texas

  61. It's 1:32am. Does that qualify for the next morning?

  62. Praying for little Daniel and all involved in his surgery. Thank you for sharing the prayer request. Looking forward to the terrific news!
    God's love and peace, Cousin Amy

  63. Hi there,

    I'm Becky, and I have two small children with CF. My son also has Autism.

    I've been reading your blog for about a month now, and just wanted to let you know that I've been praying very hard for you and your lovely family.

    So glad that things seem to be going so well now for both your gorgeous girls.

    God bless you all,

    Becky xxx

    P.S. In case you're interested, my blog is:

  64. I love how you just leave us hanging like that!! The anticipation is killer!!!!

  65. I love how you just leave us hanging like that!! The anticipation is killer!!!!


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