
Monday, February 18, 2008

(Bump) For Tricia

Mondays are good for Recycling!

This was originally posted on 1.7.08, when I thought that Tricia might be asleep for just a few hours after her intubation...if you somehow missed this post, I think it's a good read for everyone.

Please, if you have known Tricia at any point in time, and you would like to share a story/memory/etc. about her with everyone else, leave a comment on this post. She'll be sleeping for most of the day tomorrow (although you can post at any time), and it will be incredibly encouraging for her to hear me read to her your memories when she wakes up.

(If you don't know, really know her in person...please, simply read along and don't comment on this post so that we can keep it on target)




  1. Tricia::

    I hope you enjoyed some good, restorative sleep while under anesthesia :)

    I remember meeting you at a distance back at Liberty. Nathan would always be around the Center for Worship with the Light guys. I remember seeing the beautiful girl with him from time to time & even though I didn't know her, I was always glad to see her smile...something about it communicated such life & joy. I finally asked someone who that was & they said, "oh that's Nathan's girl, Tricia. Have you met her? She's like the sweetest person you'll ever meet."

    I was always happy to see you from afar. And from a distance, could clearly see that Nathan was always the most jovial & mischeivous when you were around. (those goofy Light boys)

    Now its a few years later & I feel so overwhelmingly honored to know you as a friend. I fondly look back on that night in October when we all enjoyed some Coldstone while sharing our stories & learning how best to pray for each other. That night, I was struck by your strength, bravery, courage, & grace. Even in your difficult situation, you desired to learn how to best pray for me in my grief & encourage me in the faith that sadness was straining. You were so sincere, so loving, so confident in God regardless of any circumstance. You cared to know Isaac's story & trusted us with details of your own.

    Since then, I've grown increasingly grateful for each day of knowing you, for the opportunity to come alongside you & Nathan in prayer. Your life has been such an encouragement in my own during this season of change & I'll forever be thankful for that.

    When I think of strength, hope, grace, courage, love, determination, godly character & life: I think of you. You're amazing, Tricia. This world is a better place with you in it. I'm a better person by having you in my life. And we are all deeper in our faith from your strength & love of our awesome God. You are loved & so many around the world. To know you is to love you, Tricia. Thank you for the life you lead & for letting myself & us all share a part of it. Truth be told - you've changed mine forever.


  2. Okay, well the first time I met Tricia was at a picnic not long after Nathan and Tricia moved back here. I remember thinking how genuinely kind Tricia was as well as how genuinely interested she was in what others had to say. Being a little bit older, I thought we may not be able to hold too much conversation or maybe she just may not be interested in talking. However, that wasn't the case. We could talk about kids as well as school (both Liberty University people). I appreciated the sympathy and the chuckle concerning a class I was dreading- it really helped ease my nerves that day.
    Even though we don't get to talk very often, the moments we do are never uncomfortable. Trisha has a way of communicating that makes a person comfortable and open - as if how well you know one another doesn't really matter. I see that trait as a rarity and one of the things that stand out. I've been asked on occassion if I have ever met someone that you know loves the Lord because they just "shine from the inside out" and I honestly can think of few - Trisha is one of them.

    Just one example of how the simplest of conversations touch the hearts of others.

    I'm looking forward to more of those little "hi's" and "how are ya's" sooner than later Trisha...;o)

    ~Tina Hughes

  3. I remember meeting these new attenders at our church who came (for some reason) on a Wednesday night. They were new to our community, having moved from NJ and were looking for a church. They even told me they had tried out every other church in the area and decided to give us a shot, too. (I guess we were at the bottom of the barrel.)

    Later I asked Nate if he had noticed the young lady with the new family at church. I believe my exact words were, "I'd go meet this girl if I were you." Or something like that.

    It was one of those times when he did exactly what the old man said. And the rest is history.

    And I must add that it wasn't my first experience in picking out the right girl.

  4. Tricia,
    I haven't spent a lot time with you but every time I've been around you, you always remind me of a delicate little sparrow. But the night of the ornament exchange,2006, you revealed the impish little girl in you. Here's this delicate little sparrow going after her mother-in-law's ornament like a banshee indian.
    You were so funny and cute!
    Hope to see you, Nate and little Gwyneth soon!
    You are so amazing!!!!!!!
    Love in Christ,
    Sister in Christ, NHC

  5. Tricia,

    When I first met you, you were the newlywed wife our new Worship Pastor in Virginia Beach. I remember thinking what a cute couple you and Nathan were, and I immediately noticed your beautiful smile! I was so impressed when you "jumped in with both feet" by offering to serve in Kids' church, Preschool and Awana Club. It was obvious that you have a servant's heart from the very beginning of your ministry at our church. Your bubbly personality was such an asset to our children's ministry! All the kids adored Ms. Tricia from the very start, and as they got to know her, they loved her even more! You know the girls would "fight" over who would get to sit by you in Sparks, and yes, I know they all wanted to be in YOUR group! :) That's o.k., I enjoyed watching you as you lovingly shared the gospel and your heart with those babes in Christ! Tricia, these children will NEVER forget you or the impact you made on their lives!

    I can also fondly remember "racing" you around the games circle to the cheers of the kids. I know you probably didn't have the energy to run, but you never wanted to disappoint your little "team". Your strength and stamina continue to inspire me!

    Then I had the privilege of getting to know you even more personally in Carol's Titus Women group. Although you were one of the younger girls in our group, you had spiritual depth way beyond your years. I was struck by your genuineness and your unwavering faith in the Lord. You are such a loving, caring, sweet sister in the Lord! And of course you never complained about, and hardly even mentioned, your CF during the entire time that I served in ministry with you. You were much too busy serving your Savior and teaching His chidren- to complain about your own physical limitations! :) It was truly a joy to serve the Lord alongside you, and I can honestly say that you inspired me, through your example, to serve Him more selflessly and with greater joy.

    Tricia, I can still picture you walking hand in hand or sitting with your arm lovingly draped around one of those children. I always thought about what a wonderful Mother you would be! I can't wait to see you share some of that unconditional love with your own precious Gwyneth Rose! She is truly privileged to have you for a Mommy.

    May God give you strength, rest, and peace for the days ahead. My love and prayers are with you. Thank you for all your ministry and friendship while at WHBC.

    Laura Edwards

  6. wow tricia,
    I don't remember when or how we actually met... it was so long ago. The things I remember most are walking up to the office in third grade and watching you swallow all of your pills. Back then I was amazed at how strong you were... I rememeber going to CHOP with you to have tests run and seeing the way you touched everyones lives (you definately were their favorite)... I remember the crazy sleepovers filled with so much laughter... I remember you and all the animals... and the list could go on. Thank you so much for touching my life in such a powerful way. you truly are amazing.
    amanda schell

  7. Ok, I'll stop lurking...

    The first memory I have of you was when I was almost a teenager and your family went bowling with a church group(Bethel). I remember being amazed at this adorable little girl -- maybe 3 years old? -- who put the bowling ball between her legs to roll it at the pins.

    Zip forward a decade to when you were in my small group for youth group at Fellowship. We had a sleepover at my house. I was amazed at your ability to swallow a handful of pills at once :) but that's really not the point. I don't really remember much about the other kids in that group. You were very memorable to me and hold a special place in my memories. I think you draw people in and attract them to you, in some kind of fascinating, magnetic, bubbly way. From the looks of the comments on this website, it seems like you haven't changed!

    Though I haven't talked to you in another decade, I've asked about you when I see your sisters. I'm thrilled about your pregnancy and know you and Nate will make great parents! Still praying for you!!!

    Nancy Loose

  8. Was a Wednesday night or was it a Sunday night...

    I think it was a Sunday. Sylvie and I were leading a Bible study for college students during the summer of 2000. I still remember seeing you walk towards the front of the old chapel...

    And yes, like Rick, we thought Nathan needed to meet this young woman...

    With our love,

    Matt and Sylvie

  9. Tricia,

    I remember when your family first starting coming to NHC - because it was around the same time that I started coming to the church when T and I first started dating. It was so nice to have someone else "close to my age" that was new to the church. I remember going to play putt-putt with a group of people from the church and everyone saying, "we have got to do something to get Nate and Tricia together - they would be perfect for each other." Of course it was the two of you and God's perfect timing that made that happen - it was just always wishful thinking on our part. Nate was always crazy about you - it just took you a little while to come around :) We're sure glad you did!

    Lots of love,

    T, Allison and Colin

  10. Tricia, you're probably one of the happiest people I know. It's always a pleasure to be around you. I'm glad Megan and Janet are there to take care of you. You are very special to them and to their kids. I always like watching you in your "aunt" role. You never try to get away from the kids to be with the adults. You are happy with the nieces and nephews. We're praying for you. Love, Joanna

  11. I remember meeting Tricia and hearing your testimony at Ms.Barbara's Christian Womanhood class. I was just amazed at the strong spirit in contrast with such a delicate physical condition. I saw such a powerful faith that can and will conquer all things. You are so beautiful inside and out! There is no doubt that God's hand is on your life.
    My prayers are with you, Nathan, and baby Gwyneth.
    Katie Maktos

  12. I first met you from afar in the little church. I remember saying to mike at home I really want to get to know Tricia she seems so genuinely kind and then I did and knew it was true!
    I remember you with the children as well. Sitting in PQ we were playing Bible Tic Tac Toe and better yet the jokes!! Who was the best comedian? Samson he really brought the walls down.... LOL
    Your smile lights up an entire room and your laughter comes from your heart. Love you Tricia

  13. Hi Tricia. I can't remember if we actually met or not. I heard your name alot but it seemed like forever before I contacted the person with the name. We simply starting talking, nothing earth shattering, didn't solve the world's problem, just chit chat. But what I remember was it was like talking with my daughter (only easier,lol).You are so precious to all of us, imagine what God thinks of you!! Nathan, good job for listening to your Dad Rick and your Heavenly Father! We love you bunches, Judi & Steve

  14. Tricia:
    The first time I knew you was through my son Terry. He told me about this amazing girl who really loved the Lord and how you inspired him to praise God more.
    We as christians lift each other up with the way we live our lives as testimonies to our living,amazing God.
    The first time I had the opportunity to meet you was at Terry and Sarah's wedding rehersal and the photo that Nate posted reminded me of the girls who were in the back room singing during rehersal and all the giggles.
    In just the short time we were there I knew Terry would have a family of brothers and sisters that he could finish growing up with.
    Rick and Gail have been great for him and you know what I mean their hearts always have room for one more.
    sent to you with Love in Christ always in our hearts
    From Pattie

  15. I wouldn't even know where to begin. I can't even describe in words how it feels to be Tricia's sister these days.

    Hmm.. a funny one. When we were little we were the typical territory battling sisters. Growing up with five siblings we, of course, shared a room for several years. We had a rash of battles over my clothing. My parent's conceded and allowed me to put a lock on the door during the day. However, Tricia's persistence won. A silly locked door didn't slow her down. She just climbed out the window of one room, walked across the roof to our bedroom and climbed on through to help herself.

    On a more serious note, in my entire life I have never heard Tricia complain. She is the toughest, strongest person I've ever known and I can't imagine anyone more suited for the battles ahead.

  16. I met Nate through his dad as we coached Nate and my son Brent in Babe Ruth. We have stayed friends and attended Tricia and Nates Wedding. We are praying for Tricia's health mentally and physically. We pray for her strength and for Nate and families and friends.

    May God Bless Tricia, Nate and their famalies and friends.

    Ron Bennett

  17. Ah this one is easy.... I was sitting on a pew (that tells you how long ago it was!) and Nathan was in town. He was on stage, about to play and sing although not our official worship leader at the time, and I saw him look out in the crowd and a look came over his face that made me NEED to look around and see what he was seeing. I turned around and could see the target of his gaze... oh yeah, the daughter of that nice family who just started coming while Nate was away... I think they came from New Jersery... Kirschners, yeah, that's it.

    Every time I've seen him look at her since then has reminded me of that time. I saw him marry her, I've seen him carry her, and the expression never changes. And through it all, Tricia's been giggling! Even last night at the hospital, through her plastic mask, I heard that same magical giggle. I love her dearly.

  18. I have, of late, been impacted by persons that have unselfishly given of themselves; almost blindly, and certainly with no ulterior motive…being reminded by these people how obedience not only directly affects the individual, but that our obedience can affect so many others and we may likely never know the full extent.
    Nate and Trish, you two have shown a world of people what true obedience is , and while you can sense what is has done to you and those close by, you will never be able to measure how far and how deep the lasting impact.
    My time with you Sunday moved me, and is still moving me.
    Thank you both for your open expressions of faith and love. I am blessed to be family.
    John 15:16 (New International Version) You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.

  19. Tricia,
    You bought me a t shirt. It wasn't my birthday or Christmas, you were shopping, you saw it and thought of me. I'm not one of your peers. I'm just the old guy that spends a lot of time sitting behind your husband trying to keep him in line:).
    It was a simple, thoughtful act that really touched me. I think of you every time I wear it.
    Thank you...

  20. The first time I can remember meeting Tricia was at Weekend at Burnie's beach house in Nags Head. Misha and I flew out for the interview, let the church look at us process.

    I remember we were up in the living room and Nathan came up the stairs with a beautiful young lady in tow. It was Tricia. So I says to myself I says, "Self, how in the world did Nate get such a pretty girlfriend?" She wasn't wearing glasses so I knew her eyesight was good, she obviously knew what Nathan looked like. ( he looks like his dad, it's a shame he doesn't look more like his good looking uncle, me)

    But that is the way God works. He is a God of miracles. Take me for example - look at my wife, Misha. She's hot! For some reason, and we can't fathom it, God has chosen to give Nathan a beautiful and sweet wife.

    For some reason I also remember Tricia asking, "Does anyone want that?" as we all stared at the last piece of chicken, or maybe it was mashed potatoes.

    So Tricia I look forward to another meal together and you can have the last piece of chicken.
    Nathan, we will look into a makeover from "What Not To Wear".

    Love from the waiting room,
    Uncle Andy

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Mark and I began attending NHC just about the time you and Nathan were to be married. I remember reading an invitation to the church family and thinking, we don't really know anyone well enough to attend this wedding, so we didn't go. I've regretted that decision many times as I've gotten to know you. I've wished that I had been there to be a witness to the beginning of this "heavenly blessed" love story that I have watched blossom over the last years.
    It is a joy getting to know you and to love you and your ways. Your precious smile lights up everyones day. Your sincere kindness in the way you relate to children is tough to duplicate. I love your compassion and the way you always make time for others. Your intense love for God, in spite of any circumstance, just "blows me away".
    May His loving arms cradle you today, bringing you rest and strength for the challenges of tomorrow.

  23. Tricia,
    My best memory of you occurred on your wedding day. God gave you a perfect day, with a gentle breeze and lots of sunshine. During the ceremony, a string of pelicans glided by over the ocean. It was the perfect touch. I still don't know how you arranged that! You were absolutely beautiful, even more so than usual. You giggled when Nathan got thrown in the pool (he wasn't laughing, as I recall...:)

    I had seen you and Nathan a couple of years before you married, on the back porch of the old church. Nathan was holding your hand, and looking at you with so much love in his expression that it clicked for me- this guy has it bad!

    Through the years, your faith and courage have inspired me so many times. I hope Gwyneth Rose has your beautiful spirit, as well as your nose:)

    I'm praying that you will experience rest and peace, as you await the birth of your daughter.

    Love to the three of you,

  24. The first time I saw Tricia was sitting with Nathan at an evening service at the old building... They weren't dating yet as they had only just met. My favorite time with her though, was at youth camp. Tricia and I were the two female chaperones and the time we were able to spend together leading our little group and talking about the other plans for the week truly showed me Tricia's true heart. I had always known what a sweet, kind, happy person she was, how she always brought joy in to any place she went with her laughter and smiles, but it was that week that I was introduced to a deeper part of her. We had a group of girls that was made up mostly of girls from other youth groups and I was so amazed at how well she handled them and got them to focus on the lessons and even to open up and share their feelings. She amazes me constantly with her faith and her joy.

    I am praying for all of you and will continue to.

  25. I met Tricia at NHC when she was home during a break from school. I sat down next to her in a crowded service (it was in the little church...). She was about my daughter's age and so friendly and sweet. Asking me all kinds of questions about how I came to be at NHC etc. Turns out the seat I sat in was really for Nathan when he was finished leading worship that morning. He squeezed in the pew...not losing his place next to Tricia!
    We've had lots of fun in Kid Church and Youth Group.
    I'll never forget the time at Vintage when Rick was having his talk and was saying something about someone eating flies. Tricia was working the power point and she put "Rick likes to eat flies" up on the screen. Rick heard snickers in the audience and looked up at the screen and then at us. He just laughed and shook his head while I was pointing at Tricia (She did it--I was just an innocent bystander!!).
    She is such a mischievious imp. That's why I love her so much! She makes everything fun.
    I bet your baby girl Gwyneth Rose is going to just like you! I love you Tricia!

  26. Hey Tricia,
    When you lived in NJ and attended FBC you helped your mom teach my kindergarten sunday school class. I loved sunday school because of you and never stopped talking about how pretty i thought you were to my family. After finding out you were moving i remember being devestated and crying to my mom. You had an incredible impact on me at a very young age with your joyfull spirt and encouraging words. I am in constant prayer for you.

    Brianna Wristbridge

  27. Tricia,
    i dont even remember when we met.. but i do know that you are one of the kindest people i know. i remeber you comming up to me and inviting me to a bible study at your house i think thats when we actually got to know each other. and not to long after that you came to me and asked if you could come over sometime. i know that comming and playing games with me for an hour during the day may not seem like much but it ment the world to me it gave me that time to have girl talk that all women need and it refueled me so that i could take on all the responsibilities i have each day. then after hanging out only a couple of times you and nate surprised us with a kitchen table which was something we needed very badly. it showed us how much you give of yourself for everyone around you. when times get rough and i just want to give up i think of you and how giving you are and how you always have such a happy and positive attude towards life. you and nate have been such a blessing to our family and we love yall soo much we cant wait to see your little girl and watch all the girls grow up together. we hope you got lots of peaceful rest. you, nate and the baby are in our prayers.

  28. Tricia, When I think of you the first thing that comes to mind is courage and inspiration.I could not count the times I knew that you weren't feeling well or had even had to be hospitalized for a short time and I would ask Nathan or one of your family members how you were doing.They would smile and say why don't you ask her she's here.I would then go ask you how you were and you always said you were fine and would then ask how I was feeling.Your faith is amazing.Knowing you and how you would always come to worship with us if it was physically possible is agreat encouragement to me and many others.The days when I wouldn't be feeling well I Would often think of your faithfulness and draw strength from that.I know I'm not the only one encouraged by you.It's a honor and a privilege to have you and your wonderful family be a part of my life.I'm grateful to be able to call all of you my friends! Yours In Christ, Tommy

  29. Tricia,

    I am here at my computer desk with a cup of coffee, pretending that you and I are at that bagel place in Chesapeake having coffee and talking of the deep things of life.

    It is my honor to make this post for you--and what a great idea Nathan had to encourage us to write so he can read them to you as you rest.

    The first time I met you both was when you were engaged and Nathan was interviewing for the Worship Pastor position here in VB. You brought me a gift that first meeting, a refrigerator magnet and some other things. Your brown eyes just sparkled all that weekend. I was so hoping that the elders would call Nathan and that he would accept, because I kkew we woujld be great friends. That says nothing about you Nathan!! While you led our congregation to new depths and heights of worship and you are so talented, you must admit Tricia is your best asset!!!

    Well, you did come to Virginia Beach and you were so kind to invite Jess and me to your wedding even though you had only known us a few weeks and to seat us with the family. And that is how I have felt about you ever since.

    I recall so fondly those times (weekly most of the time) that we would meet for coffee, sometimes breakfast and discuss chapter by chapter a book that we were reading. We read Dorothy Patterson's book on being a pastor's wife and Stasi Eldredge's book, Captivating. We had great discussions and I quickly found out your depth of biblical knowledge and your desire to be a godly wife was of upmost importance in your life. There was little I felt I could teach you although you are less than half my age and I had been married decades longer. Your wisdom and knowledge are far beyond your years. Your prayer requests during those coffee get-togehters that you and I had were always unselfish. You rarely mentioned your CF, except when it was time to go to Duke for your "tune-ups". You kept our prayer requests in a neat little notebook, with a cute pen. The book was dogged-eared and you always asked me how things were working out with things I had shared ast prayer requests. You are a great prayer warrior.

    It quickly became apparent at church that you are a "child magnet". I rarely saw you without a child clinging to you and you smiling down at them. We prayed often about your desire to have a child and God is granting that desire. As you have delighted in Him I am praying that He will give you the desire of your heart in the healthy birth of little Gwyneth Rose. You had asked me a few weeks ago about books on childrearing; I will get some together soon, but just the unconditional love you show to all people is a great start for any child and I know you will be a great mother--and already are as you have carried her despite the fact of the drain on your own body.

    One remembrance I have is the night you guys invited Jess and me over to have dinner and watch a movie. The movie was The Village. Of course, we knew nothing of the movie and your expressions were priceless as we watched and when the ending came we were speehless and you just laughed that giggle of yours as Jess and I sat dumbfounded.

    I'll never forget your visit this summer. You came bearing gifts again, the Casting Crowns CD with the song "Through the Storm" was among them and has become something I listen to often.

    Our visit on the OBX in September was great as well--when we had dessert and coffee at that restaurant and we both got some yummy cheesecake. (Does it seem to you that all our encounters involve food?) It was as if we had not been apart at all. It reminds me of the Michael W. Smith song, "Friends are friends forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them--". You are like that, an open,honest person revealing her trust in God, but not timid to admit the need for prayer. The joy of the Lord is ALWAYS evident on your face.

    Anyway, I need a refill on coffee. I look forward to the day when we can meet at the bagel place again in Chesapeake for bagels and coffee. And of course, bring little Gwyneth Rose. She will be a tangible answer to our prayers.

    Love to you, Carol

  30. Trish,

    Your aunt has been updating the folks here at Philadelphia Biblical University about all that's going on in your life. Yesterday, the light went on, and I said, "I know that girl!"

    I remember jr. high and part of high school (I think!) when we went to youth group together at FBC. I've been praying for you and thanking Jesus for the good times that I remember with you. It's kind of funny... but all of a sudden, a picture of you and me in purple soccer shirts flashed in my mind... I think we must have been on the same salao soccer team! I think I was the goalie, and you were the goal-scorer! I can see you kicking the ball now! :)

    Anyway, as I've read your husband's blog, I've been thinking of what Paul said about our light and momentary troubles achieving for us a GLORY that far outweighs them all. You and your husband have been reminding me that we really do live this life with a different perspective than the rest of this world... we endure troubles because we have so much MORE to look forward to... and a good God who is at work in our lives and carries us through it all.

    Thank you... and I thank Him for reminding me of truth through your life. I'll be praying for you!

    Bethany Reamer

  31. A very fond memory i have of Tricia is one Christmas before Nate and Tricia were married. The Lawrensons and the Kirschner families got together for a friendly game of Catch Phrase...Kirschner vs. Lawrenson.
    Of course the Lawrenson beat the Kirschners really bad.
    The next Christmas Nate and Tricia were married and once again, the two families got together for a rematch, i think Tricia was thrilled to finally be on the winning team.

    As others have said, Tricia is THE SWEETEST girl i know. She has a beautiful glow and joy about her. I'm honored and humbled to know her. I so glad to be known as Tricia's aunt.

  32. A funny story involving Tricia? Are ya kiddin', where do I start?

    I'll have to pick the Mexican restaurant one...

    So Sarah and I and Tricia were all in school at Liberty, and Gail and my mom, Sheila had come up for a weekend or something so we all went out to eat at "La Carreta".

    I don't know how many of you who know Tricia have seen her eat, but she can put away some serious food...I always love watching her eat! The waiters had brought out the basket of chips and the salsa but had forgotten to bring bowls for us to pour the salsa into. However there were two upside down ashtrays on the table at the time. (oh can see where this one is goin').

    Anyways, Tricia must've been particularly hungry that day, but she was so busy talking and telling us this exciting story, and being super hungry at the same time that she grabs the overturned ashtray and the bottle of salsa and dumps the salsa into the ashtray and then grabs a chip! I busted out laughing and said "Tricia thats an ashtray!"
    She dropped her head down on the table laughing and we all cracked up.

    I can't wait to tell little Gwenyth how goofy her own Mama is.

    That's one of my favorites...
    I love you Tricia, Nathan and Lil'Gwen.

    -bethany m.

  33. Tricia, one of my first memories of you is when you and Nathan came to Hatteras for one of "the band's" shows. I was too naive tp put two and two together with you and Nathan, that is until I saw you two smiling and making eyes with eachother. Later on I learned that this was unofficial your first date.
    You are a great friend to have in the family, I think of you and I think "fun". You are always organizing fun events for the family and friends and are always the life of the party.
    I can't think of and one person who has been in as many weddings as you! In the past several years, every time I turn around you are off to another one. The friendships you make with people are so beautiful, as are you.
    10:30 is approaching and we are all thinking and praying for the 3 of you. I love you and Nathan so much and blown away my your strength, wisdon, and faith right now


  34. Tricia,

    I remember when you and Joey were babies. As I grew up down the street from you on 8th Ave., I remember coming over to play with Megan and seeing your mom giving you your enzymes mixed with applesauce or jelly and banging on your back for your percussion treatments. She always took such loving care of you.

    You were always so full of life growing up. I remember you standing on the sidelines at BHS hockey and soccer games doing cheers. My dad used to make you tell him animal stories because you loved animals so much. As you grew tall, I remember hearing you call Megan "Little Megan."

    Then I didn't see you much as a teenager, but at Megan and Al's wedding I saw you had grown into a beautiful young woman. Now you're married and, juding from all the pictures Nate posts of you and from what he says about you, you're still full of life and the joy of the Lord, and you're beautiful both inside and out.

    What an inspiration you have been to me in my faith in the Lord as I read your story! God has used you, my childhood friend's kid sister, to encourage me and strengthen my faith. I know that it is the desire of you and Nate to encourage believers and to share the gospel with those who don't have the hope that you have in Christ. Thanks for the godly example and encouragement!

    Mandy (Reiss) Carter

  35. Tricia,
    I remember carpooling with you and your brother Joe to homeschool soccer practice when we were younger. You always had a smile on your face and a laugh for the ride. I can honestly say that in my entire life you stand out as one of the most genuinely kind, positive, and joyful people I've ever met. Everyone who knew you loved you. I am now a mother of two small boys. Parenting is the most challenging and yet most rewarding thing I've ever done. My prayer for you and Nathan is that you get to experience this to its fullest because it is a small taste here of our relationship with our Heavenly Father. May He comfort and strengthen you body and soul. May you know His peace and love more deeply through it all. May your life continue to shine as a testimony to those around you of the saving work of Jesus.
    In his love,

  36. Tricia-
    I haven't seen you for many years now, but I remember when our families would spend weeks during the summer at New Life Island when we were kids. I always thought you were a really nice girl, even then. I'm praying for you along with so many others! God Bless!

  37. Hey Tricia,

    I don't remember the first time we actually met, but I do remember that from the time I met your brother Joe, he was always talking about. Even when he and I were just friends, I remember how much he was talking about you and telling me about your life with CF and telling me to read your 65 roses website. I had never seen/known a guy that talked so highly about his sister. I could just tell how much he loved you and admired you for all you have been through. He is so protective of his baby sister as he puts it, but yet see's you both as almost twins.
    As I said I do not remember the first time we met or where it was. I feel as though I have known you since I met Joe because he spoke of you so much. I do remember going with Joe when he and I were dating to your house for a wonderful spaghetti dinner. I had a great time, you and Nathan made me feel so welcome. I also remember the first time In 2006 when I attended the CF walk in Jersey with Joe as is girlfriend. I felt honored to be accepted as part of the family and be included in the family pictures. Not long after that Joe and I were engaged and you and Nathan were taking engagement pictures of us on the OBX beach, which we greatly appreciate and enjoyed!

    Move ahead a bit to our wedding. I was so thrilled/honored that you were a part of Joe's and my wedding. I remember that you were not doing well that weekend but yet still seemed happy to be there. I remember how you were so strong through out the wedding even though you were struggling with your breathing. Even when two of my bridesmaids had to sit down from the heat and fatigue, you remained standing strong.

    Shortly after Joe and I were married I ended up in the ER for extreme pain in my lungs, and shortness of breath. I remember how concerned you were, and I appreciated every call from you and your input on lung problems. My family was telling me that you probably know as much as the doctors do because you have been dealing with lung problems your whole life. I felt bad complaining about pain in my lungs/ribs and shortness of breath, because I know what you go through is much worse and yet you always seem to stay upbeat and cheerful. Over these last four months as I have been in and out of the Hospital for CAT scans and my lung biopsy and seeing the pulmonary Dr. all the time, I have had you on my mind. I saw you as an extreme encouragement, I knew that if you can live your life strong with CF and fight it and remain faithful to God and still be so happy; then I could definitely get through sarcoidosis. You have been a huge inspiration in my life over the last 3 years or so, I have admired you for your strength and beauty and love for God and others. I am so honored to be your sister-in-law and I am always telling people how amazing you are, and have been praying for you in my college classes over the last few years. God has blessed you in so many ways, I know he can/will continue to bless you and Nathan and your new baby girl Gwyneth. I pray for you daily and love you all! Thanks for being such a great sister and friend to me. I couldn't have asked for a better sister-in-law and whole in law family!!!

    Love in Christ,

    Carolyn K.

  38. Trisha-
    This is Jill (Hebler) Loucy. We were buddies at FBC. One specific memory of mine was a Christmas party Jamie and I had that you came to. Some other girls there you might remember were Bethany, Kristin, Melisa and Stephanie. We made gingerbread houses together. We took one to Mrs. Johnston's house as a surprise to her. I remember you being so cheerful and bubbly and having such a gentle spirit. I am happy that I was able to have you as a friend. I will be praying for you, Nate, your little baby, and the rest of your family.
    Your friend(from the past :-)), Jill

  39. My first memory of you Tricia is hearing Nathan talk about his girlfriend as we were practicing our sweet duet for Light, “how will they know.” (Hilarious song by the way…but we thought it was so great at the time!! What nerds! Nathan- you know we’re going to bring that song back one day!) Anyways, you weren’t at Liberty yet but I remember Nathan telling me all about you. His face looked different when he talked about you, it seemed to light up and soften all at the same time. You were something so special and cherished to him I could tell. Nathan was always so excited when he found out you were going to meet us at a church to watch the service! I think I first met you at a church somewhere and I thought it was so amazing how you seemed to have a certain look on your face when you watched him sing. Like he was the greatest thing in the world, which he is of course, and you were so proud of him. I actually remember one time Nathan was acting like an idiot with those Light guys and I glanced at you to see your reaction!! You were just smiling big and laughing, not embarrassed, and I knew that you had to be the girl for him!

    It was my joy to get to know you more when you moved to Lynchburg and then to eventually be apart of your wedding a few years later. I have told so many of my friends about the vows you and Nathan wrote to each other. How they made me laugh and cry all at the same time. Your love for Nathan is so clear and unmoving, so real and romantic. Looking at the two of you I knew that I wanted my future marriage to look like that. Fun and full of laughter alongside romance and kindness. You guys are the real deal.

    Paul and I have enjoyed spending time with you and we look forward to doing it again soon! You both mean so much to us and we have prayed for you hundreds of times over these last few years. As baby Gwyneth is on her way please know that we are continuing to lift your family up to our wonderful Father. Your love story is a true testament of His love and compassion for His people. God seems to use you both to show others what is means to truly love people, to trust in Him, and to embrace life. Moment by moment we are trusting in God’s sovereign power and comfort. I love you both so much!!

    Whitney Atkinson

  40. I remember meeting you Tricia through Sarah and Bethany my freshman year at Liberty. I remember thinking that you were one of the most happy girls I have ever met. Your laugh is contagious and your heart for God and others is AMAZING. I remember going over to your townhouse at Fountain Gate and playing games, watching movies, etc. I also remember all of your visits to 28-3 and all the nights we spent playing games, laughing and talking. You are so incredible, and you have truly left a lasting impression in my life! I am so blessed to have met you, and those few years that I had getting to know you were great years full of laughs and memories!!! Your story is incredible! Stay strong! Love you Tricia!

    Erin Suders

  41. Tricia:
    When you were growing up on 8th Ave. you had a menagerie, including one biting ferret and one nice one. It seemed as though you loved them both anyway. I remember a children's program at HHBC that you had a central part in. You were standing in the baptismal font speaking your lines (in an angel costume, I think)and I got tears in my eyes. You were so sincere and there was such a glow around you that I could see Jesus in you. I thanked God that He had placed you in such a wonderful family with parents who loved God and took such good care of you. You never seemed to be fazed by CF but instead were determined to experience the best life had to offer, smiling and spreading joy on the way. You are remarkable! Get some rest today (you, too, Nate) so you will be ready to welcome Gwyneth Rose to your amazing family:) Eph. 3:14-21

  42. Tricia,

    I am not sure where we were when I first met you...but I do remember thinking...Nate had better hold on to this girl. I also thought Tricia must have an amazing family.

    Speaking of that ...when you told me you were adopted as was I ...there was an immediate connection that only those of us who are adoptees can understand.

    Our family is always so excited when you and Nate come up to see us in Lynchburg. Even though you guys have so many friends to see always take time with your old Aunt and Uncle...and it is greatly appreciated.Having your and Sarahs grad party at the house was a joy for us.Your infectious laugh and unending joy is an inspiration.

    I am not sure that you know what an impact you have made on not only our children but others in the family.I have heard a number of them speak of you a true living example of God in the world. These are not their words...but the terms they use to describe you are the fruits of His Spirit. Your love of people ..the fact that you see the good characteristics in them and think of them as they could be obvious by the way you treat them...speak to others about them...speak to them...and listen just listen to them. You are wise beyond your years.

    I am honored to be your aunt and appreciative of the example that you have shown to our entire family.

    Praying constantly for the three of you here in Lynchburg.

    We love you guys,
    Julie Lawrenson

  43. Last year, Tricia would rouse herself in the morning and make the long trek to Manteo to work with the students in my classroom. I had 24 students, many with special learning needs. The student that loved her best was a little boy that came to me in October, and spoke no english. He was going through a hard time at home, and was in an alien environment Tricia always had a smile for him and helped him learn money, alaphabet, words, numbers, and more than anything, that he was special. All my kids loved Tricia, and she will always be special to them and to me.

  44. tricia--
    thinking of you in the hospital makes me remember all those afternoons we would spend with you at CHOP during your "tune ups", going to PT with you and playing games and bringing you all kinds of random things to make your days go by faster...i'm sure at this point those hospital visits seem like a walk in the park...i also remember all of our silly sleepovers...oh to be young again :)
    I've always thought you were such an amazing of the nicest people I've ever met and over the years I've loved hearing about the great things that were happening in your life because I knew no one deserved happiness more.
    I'm spreading your story and people are praying for you...I pray that your strength defies all odds and that your beautiful little girl arrives perfectly safe and healthy.
    Love you...

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Tricia,
    I remember meeting you at Java Junction with my acceptance letter to Moody Bible Institute. You were soooo excited with me and told me I was going to meet some amazing man to marry there. Something about one of your distant cousins or made me laugh. :-) Meeting with you for that year was so so great. I was always struck by how interested you were in praying for me. Your actions there changed something in me...made me want to be that same thing to people.

    It has been fun to think about how God has used you to influence so many things in my life. Your encouragement with my desire to go to Moody even before I applied to the school and your "totally cool postcards" as I was just starting out there and needed some encouragement.
    You are such a joy to know and I look forward to talking with you again soon.

    Sending my love and prayers...


  47. Tricia. I decided to get out my scrapbook from highschool and see when I first met you... I honestly don't remember meeting you for the first time, but the first picture I have of you is on the GCHSSA field trip to Washington DC in October of 1995... you know, the one where a group of us girls got stuck with the stinky shaperone, but noooo, Tricia escaped and got to go with the guys - that one wasn't quite fair!!

    Let's see... then there was the square dance the next January. Boy were those fun.

    Skip to the next year's square dance in 1997 - The caption that I put under your picture 11 years ago is "The original happy face." -Which is still what you are today. I don't know that I've ever seen you when you weren't smiling.

    Oh look! It's our first "formal". You know the one at the Stratford church with the magician and the mom-made food!! Wow... how young we look.

    Next was my 16th birthday party in 1997 - do you remember "truth or dare?"... the dancing... sliding down the steps in a sleeping bag... and doing the limbo. Oh yeah, and we watched that movie about the bob-sledders from Jamaica - oh yeah - "Cool Runnings" and then we tried to watch "Newsies" but we all kept getting annoyed b/c the other girls were talking at our favorite part!! LOL!!! There were so many 'Shhhhh's going around that I don't know if I actually heard any of the movie!

    Lisa and Jared's Christmas parties - oh my... those were the days.

    Then of course there was the 1998 Formal - the one where you went with Ephraim, Jessica came in that red dress with red lipstick and had a broken leg. And where you guys gave me a Flyers jersey and signed it. Susie went with John (not cummings =) Katie went with Sean, Kelly went with Daniel and Ezra went with Claudia - Wow, how our lives turned out.

    At the next formal you wore this really pretty long white dress. And Lisa went with Mike!!!!!!! Wow... that one worked out for the best didn't it?? ;) That was the one that Jon Dolph put together -he was a great guy. So much fun.

    Do you remember the Christmas party at the Swanson's in 1999? That's when I finally told Jarod he could talk to my dad about going out with me... That was a great night. Mrs. Swanson sure knew how to throw a party didn't she?

    We had some great sleepovers at Kelly's house.

    Then there was the formal in 2000 -I was technically too old to go, but all my friends were going so how could I miss it? It was on the Liberty Bell remember? Jarod and I went together and we all met at your house before heading over to Philly. You went with Eric... and Larissa went with Ian. We danced the night away!!

    Just about a month later Jarod and I got engaged and you were there that Sunday night to help us celebrate. I have the piece of paper where you gave us your congratulations on it.

    And then a year later you gave me the honor of being in my wedding. You brought your southern boy along with you and we all knew he was great for you. Except we knew we'd never again have our smiling Tricia up here in the North again.

    I know we haven't kept up as much as we should've since then, but the girls-nights-out we've had have been fun. You were always a good excuse to go out for dinner with our friends!!!

    Your faith in the Lord has always inspired me. I know that you have confidence that no matter what happens God will work it out for good. That helps me to have confidence too. We love you SOOOO much and praying fervently.
    Sheryl, Jarod and Charisma =)

  48. DearMrs. Lawrenson,
    I fondly remember the time when you took me and MJ to the Norfolk Zoo, with the “Darling monkeys”, and the, “Cunning little snakes.” Not to forget the two scarecrows in the “Gorgeous” flower garden.

    I can’t forget the time you said I could have you’re bracelet if I could memorize the story that went with it. Not to mention the look on you’re face when I gave you a new one. I wish I could have just one more Wednesday pummeling the other girls for a seat beside you!!!!

    How I loved “Imitate Your Leader Night”!!! All the Sparkies (Sparkles you would call us) would dress as “Little Mrs.Lawrensons.”
    I love you,
    Amy Anderson

  49. Dear Tricia,
    I will never forget the first day I met you. It was the first Sunday morning of Nathan’s new job at WHBC. During greeting time, I walked over and introduced myself to you and you responded with, “If you’d like me to come over and babysit, let me know.” I said, “Sure, but... I have 5 children” To which you said, “I know. I love children!” I nearly passed out…you are the first and only person I’ve ever met who immediately offered to help me with my children and to a weary mom, that was music to my ears and balm for my soul.

    “May He give you the desire of your heart …” Ps 20:4a I remember the day you did come over to babysit and we talked of having children and you shared the desire of your heart to have your own children someday despite your illness.

    “You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 2:5
    You are always thinking of others…did you know that the day you drove all the way out to VaBeach to drop a fruit basket on my porch (after Abigail had just come home from her hospital stay in the burn unit) was the very morning we had run out of fresh fruit and were trying to figure out how to get to the store to get more?!?!

    “Let the little children come to Me” Mark 10:14
    I was unsure of your motives at first when you began building a relationship with Amy, but I quickly discovered that you had a genuine love for her. You invested time in this budding little Christian. You both obviously share the gift of giving because it always seems the two of you are trying to out-do each other. Ha!
    …It was always so refreshing to see you so involved in the lives of the children, whether it be in Awana, at church, taking them on outings, or visiting them in their homes. You truly have eyes to heaven. You were always so patient with each of them and I am sure your smiling face is permanently imprinted in each of their minds. You insisted on playing games with them when you probably could hardly catch your breath. I loved to watch you listening to children recite their verses and listen to you from the hall when you did Sparks Storytime.

    “You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine.” Titus 2:1
    As an Awana leader, your devotion to our living Savior became quickly evident. You never hesitated to jump in with both feet always with a bright smile and never a single complaint. You always gave, gave, and gave in so many ways. I did not even realize that your health condition was deteriorating so until after you left VB- because you rarely mentioned it.

    You really are the hands and feet of Jesus. “Those who look to Him are radiant…” Ps 34:5a
    “…He who refreshed others will himself be refreshed.” Prov. 11:25b
    Andrea Anderson

  50. Tricia, it's not often than you will hear me say that it was a blessing to be overwhelmed with work...but such is the case with my last year of work as a grantwriter with Angel Flight. I called on Aleena and then you to rescue me from the backlog of work. I found myself looking forward to the days when you would come to work, and not just because you were a task master. You'll remember that my daughter was recovering from her accident,so being able to talk to you and share updates on her progress and yours was so comforting. In a very short time, you have become one of my favorite people in the world.
    I also thank you for being the bridge to a relationship with your wonderful parents. We've shared many joys and many sorrows over the last year. I love you and miss you. I can't wait for all of you to come back to OBX so we can share in the joys of your family up close and personal. Love, Barbara
    P.S. I will never forget the look on your face when we discovered that the air vent had been closed all the summer months that you were sweltering in my home office. I never claimed to be a technician!!

  51. hello Mrs. Tricia,
    I hope you are feeling better, i have been praying for you. Just a bit of humor for Camp Willow Run when we plotted to drinch the guys train with perfume, or the time I fell on the ramp outside the cabin and you came outside with your tooth brush still in your mouth to help me up. However my best memory is when we had the two hour worship service and i came out and you talked with me for a while and we prayed for awhile. Never will forget that...its the little things but it shows that God really uses you in awesome ways. I love you both very much!!!

  52. Tricia
    I remember a New Years Eve you were in the hospital :( The hospital didn't have instant messenger so we e-mailed each back and forth ever 5-15 minutes throughout the night. You also introduced me to a sweet little girl who stuck by your side that night! I love you. All my love and prayers. God Bless. Amy

  53. tricia, I want to start by saying I miss you so much and wish I wasn't down here in Mexico so I could be near you!

    You added so much fun & beauty to us homeschoolers!! I remember meeting you and thinking you were literally the nicest person I had ever met! And I was so impressed by your outspoken love for God...which normally is not the main topic of conversation for junior highers!! But you were always so uplifting to be around!! I loved your love for animals - something that I envied because it was so showed your heart! You are one of the most loving human beings I've ever met! You've been so faithful to me as a friend ever since junior high...i can't imagine those years without you! You were so much fun...I remember the time we were going out somewhere and we borrowed megan's clothes for some reason!! ANd when we got home she was allready there so we snuck into your house...but she still caught us...we were so scared!! but she was so sweet about it, and you told me how much you loved her! And the time we ran all the way to your home in the rain cause my car broke down!! And the time we almost got arrested when we went to the park after dark...we were always getting into trouble together! I don't hardly have a good memory that doesn't include made such a difference in my life that I could write for hours on here, but I'll leave room for other people!! Just know that I LOVE you and MISS you and am praying for you so much! You changed my life, challenged me, loved me, had FUN with me...and I love you for it and praise GOD for YOU!!! Love you chica!! love, susanna

  54. hey girl, meant to post this with my other post,but here's a beautiful poem I wanted to share with you that has really encouraged me...

    One day at a time, with its failures and fears,
    With its hurts and mistakes, with its weakness and tears,
    With its portion of pain and its burden of care;
    One day at a time we must meet and must bear.

    One day at a time to be patient and strong;
    To be calm under trial and sweet under wrong;
    Then its toiling shall pass and its sorrow shall cease;
    It shall darken and die, and the night shall bring peace.

    One day at a time - but the day is so long,
    And the heart is not brave, and the soul is not strong,
    O Thou pitiful Christ, be Thou near all the way;
    Give courage and patience and strength for the day.

    Swift cometh His answer, so clear and so sweet;
    "Yea, I will be with thee, thy troubles to meet;
    I will not forget thee, nor fail thee, nor grieve;
    I will not forsake thee; I never will leave."

    Not yesterday's load we are called on to bear,
    Nor the morrow's uncertain and shadowy care;
    Why should we look forward or back with dismay?
    Our needs, as our mercies, are but for the day.

    One day at a time, and the day is His day;
    He hath numbered its hours, though they haste or delay.
    His grace is sufficient; we walk not alone;
    As the day, so the strength that He giveth His own.

    Annie Johnson Flint

  55. Tricia! I'm still praying for all three of you guys! I can't wait meet your beautiful daughter! I bet she is going to be just as amazing as you!!

    Okay - I have NO idea when we met, but I totally have this vision of basketball at the YMCA!! Remember that? Hahaha...I remember thinking, "Man - Tricia is so good at sports! Wish I could at least bounce the basketball!" Haha...and then soccer, etc. You were always way too awesome to play against - in fact, I'm pretty sure you were able to beat all the guys! (Which is totally a big deal - I mean, they were big compared to us!)

    And then, I remember visiting you at CHOP - and escaping to McDonalds! It's amazing how much bigger I thought CHOP was back then! Haha...I remember going back when I worked there and thinking of you every day!

    I have a trillion other the most recent when you guys were up here staying at our place and got to see our new townhouse! And, you guys saved the day, by helping us pick up a BBQ grill from Home Depot that we purchased earlier that afternoon, but mistakenly thought would fit into Mike's Mazda! (We'd probably still be walking it home, if not for you guys!)

    We have everyone we know in constant prayer for all three of you guys! You are an amazing illustration of faith, and I am so happy to know you!!!

    ~ Lisa (again - in NJ...just incase there are other Lisas!!)

  56. Trish,
    You know me from CHOP when I was your nurse practitioner. I have been following your progress through Nate's blog and praying for you everyday. There are not many here left who knew you- all the docs have moved on. Ed from PFT, Ruth (moved to research), Maria (nutrition) and I are still here. They all say Hi!

    I am not surprised to see how Nate describes your strength and good nature... you were always like that. I am thrilled that you found a good man who treasures those qualities in you. Your daughter is truly blessed to have such wonderful parents.

    And by the way, there are no more guinea hens in HH...


  57. Tricia:
    We met Nathan before we got to meet you Tricia. IT was the Sunday he played for Westwood Hill to see if we would accept him as our worship leader. I just remember thinking " I hope the elders will accept a guy that doesn't tuck his shirt in! because I really like this guy" Anyway, we got to meet you a few weeks later.

    We remember starting with lunches after church (3 amigos of course!). leading to you guys inviting us to dinner over your house (we felt so honored & excited to have a good christian couple to get to know!) You guys took our picture and put in your little guest book for us to sign. We were just engaged and you helped me so much with ideas for the wedding and especially letting us share your honeymoon idea of Maui - which was the perfect place! That led to us playing board games together where someone always seem to cheat (hee hee wonder who that was?!?!?!?) The led to a wonderful friendship and gaining two great best friends.

    I look back now and realize how concerned you always were with everyone else's lives Tricia. You truly care about your friends and want to know what's going on with them. You always told us you were going to DUke for a tune up but never made it sound serious. It shows what an awesome heart you have.
    We are truly honored to know you two and have had the chance to become your friends. WE love you Tricia and are praying for you, Nathan, and Gwyneth. We will see you all three soon!
    Love, Zach and Brandie

  58. Hey Tricia!
    After meeting you for the first time some years ago (during a Christmas I believe, before you and Nate were married), I remember deciding that you have got to be one of the nicest, sweetest people ever. When you and Nate visit, its always a blessing to see your contagious smile and hear that laugh :) (and I’m thankful you guys always stop by when you’re here!).OH! and thanks for letting bree and I bum at your home back in the day! that was a good time. The love shown from the both of you is inspiring, and I thank both of you for that. My family and I have loved you since day one, and you continue to inspire us. I love you guys, and I’m continually praying for the three of you :)!
    Carly Lawrenson

  59. Tricia,

    Sheryl's post is so thorough there aren't many other events from jr high and highschool to reminisce over... DC, formals, soccer, camp, sleepovers, etc.... except Summit, that crazy week in which we met Gabbi and you became fast friends. Good times, all! Do you remember evangelizing at the mall and having to leave because there were fewer shoppers than there were summit students? And Lisa's right, I too admired your athleticism during our hoemschool sports! I love your infectious joy of Life, and can't wait till the next time i get to see your grin -- it's been too long (even thinking about you makes me smile)! Much love to you,

  60. I SOOOO remember the time when you drove all the way out to VB to drop off the basket of fresh fruit on our front porch the very morning we had run out it was such a blessing! :-) Thank You For You'r Thoughtfullnes! Amy Anderson

  61. I have not had the privalege of knowing Tricia as an adult, but we were childhood friends. From the very first moment I met her I remember what an amazing attitude about life that she had. From what I have read on this blog she seems to still have that zest for life. I also remembered her love for animals and how she cared for the smallest of creatures. She even hated to see a bee get killed.
    Tricia, Doug and I are praying for you and your family. Thank you for your friendship as a child and I hope to get back in touch with you again someday. Your life is a real inspiration to others and it has been so awesome to see God work in you and your husband!

  62. Dear Tricia,
    Blessings to you as you rest..and heal. Many of us back here in NJ think of you, miss you and pray for you--especially now. I have such fond memories of you during homeschooling days. Being the mother of sons only, it was great spending time with you and your girlfriends, especially on women's retreats where we had great conversations about one of your spiritual heroes-Elizabeth Elliott. Your spiritual maturity was a blessing to me. And just as I was getting to know your parents you all moved away. Far away. But now, with all you are going through, please know you are right here-in our hearts, in our thoughts and in our prayers. And so is your precious baby girl.
    Rest in the palm of God's hand, where He will never let you go.
    Love, Mary Ann Sullivan

  63. Tricia- like many others have written, I don't remember how we first met either! I heard of you long before we met, though. David and I were living in Charleston and the Andersons called to let us know that Westwood Hill had called a new music minister. I remember being so excited as we were moving back to VB soon, and I was looking forward to meeting you and Nathan and having a young couple to spend time with!

    Your excitement and energy always amazed me! I was so excited to be a part of Carol's Titus Women group with you. Your thoughts and comments on each book always made me think more deeply on the subject and prompted me to grow closer to our Lord. There were times that it was obvious you were tired and sick, but you never complained, instead you just spent more time encouraging the rest of us! You sent such a wonderful note as I was grieving a loss in my life - it was a privilege to know you were praying for me.

    Tricia, I am praying for you now. 1 Thess 5:16-18 (NLT) says "Always by joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." I am so joyful to know you and call you my friend. I keep on praying for you, Nathan, and Gwyneth. I certainly don't understand God's will for us sometimes, but I am thankful that we belong to Christ Jesus. I know Him more now because I know you.

    We're just a skip and a jump from Durham - I'm looking forward to seeing your sweet smile soon!!

    Lots of love and hugs,
    Susan Groseclose

  64. Hi, I am from Edenton, I just wanted you to know that i feel as I already know you both, just from the blogs.. You three are on my mind daily, actually all through the day.. I pray for you Thrish, and your beautiful baby.. oh yeah, you too Hubby... hopefully one day I will be lucky enough to meet you guys in person.. I will pray for you all.. Love Penny

  65. tricia!
    you were always "tricia k" to me, because danielle's sister's name was always tricia, and she was "tricia o". :)i guess now, you're "tricia L". anyway! you are one of my very first best friends! i remember sleeping over your house and we'd play for hours 'n hours! you had the heart family dolls which i thought was so cool! you also had several hermit crabs, which you thought were so cool! you loved those hermit crabs. :) i'm sure we got in trouble for staying up too late and talking on a school night. when i think of our little friendship- i think of FUN, HAPPY, and FUNNY times. you were always happy and smiling. i don't ever remember you being in a bad mood. even when my dad would take me to visit you at CHOP, you'd still be happy. i have thought about you often over the years, and have wondered what you were up to. i'm so thankful to have this connection now. i've read pages and pages about and have loved it! i told God, if He wants me to get married: i want it to be to a man who is as crazy about God and as crazy about YOU as your husband is! i have been praying for you and nate and gwenyth night and day and have enlisted many family and friends as well. you are in my heart tricia K!! :) all my love to you! ~abby amos :)

  66. Tricia,
    I was talking with Christy Dalton the other day and we remembered another funny and absolutely great time with you and Nate. It was around 2AM the last night at Camp Willow Run in 2005. If I remember right, you and Christy locked all of us girls out of the cabin to be soaked by "some guys" with water gun like things. Then...all of us were trying to attack them with water we would some how defeat them. All the while I remember Heather bellowing, "we'll NEVER surrender!!!"
    A few days previous...I remember laughing when Nate put that chocolate pudding in your face and then we raided his boxcar the following night. How fun!!! I loved running down that dark sidewalk being so afraid that someone would catch us!
    I hope this makes you laugh as much as I am right now. What a great memory!!!

  67. Hey Tricia!

    I was thinking back in High School when you, Amanda and I used to hang out and all the crazy times we had. I remember visiting you at the children's hospital and everybody new your name, even all the janitors. You ruled that hospital and could anywhere you wanted. You were such a presence even back then, people are naturally drawn to you!

    I remember once when we were visiting and we were watching the other kids play bingo over the television and you would call in one the phone and fake a bingo just to mess with the other kids. You always made me laugh and I loved being around you!

    I miss you tons!

    Melisa Lasken

  68. Tricia,
    We were friends back in the day at FBC. It always was more fun whenever you wre at Youth Group or the year you came to Philly. I remember being seriously impressed at all the pills you could swallow at one time. And you vest that we called the 'wife beater' and I couldnt understand how it didnt hurt and you acted like it was nothing.
    Anyways- I was just talking about you with (I think) one of my siblings and wondering how you were doing these days. Your husband sounds like an absolutely amazing man and you are so blessed to have him. My family and I will definitely be praying for you as you go through this. I wish I had known before today so we could have started earlier. I know how it feels to have a preemie too- though not as early as yours, I have spent my time in the NICU, too. We'll pray that she pulls through with no complications and will grow as fat as mine finally is now and as happy as you always were too.
    Debbie (Roberts) Bonhomme

  69. Tricia,
    Last year at Camp Cale was the first time I got to see who you really are up close and personal like - I remember one morning, in the very hot kitchen, you came in to feed yourself (through the tube). You asked us cooks if it was OK? I think Marie was a little grossed out but I remember being fascinated by the whole thing. You answered every one of my questions without missing a beat. I also remember you sharing with us some of the love you have for Nathan as well as giving me some insight to your life as his wife.

    During one of the afternoon group times with the kids, you shooed me away while the girls group that you were with were writing thank yous to the adults that were with them all week. You told me what they were doing but I never really caught on until I received some of those notes. I will always cherish those litle bits of paper with the heartfelt writings of appreciation prompted by the sweetest, tube feeding, worship leaders wife!!!!

    Of course you and Nate already know what you have done for my daughter Abbey and for that I will always be thankful.

    May God contine to bless you abundantly Love you Denise

  70. What does the (bump)mean at the beginning of a blog post? Probably a stupid question, but I've always wondered...

    Still praying for all of you!

  71. You probably don't remember me because we only interacted for two days, but you made a lasting impression on me. My husband, Brian, and I came down to the OBX for Terry and Sarah's wedding last summer. We are from CT and made the drive with our 2 1/2 month old, colicy baby. We stayed the week before the wedding with some family. One night Brian went to play volleyball with Terry and meet his friends/family to be. He came back and told me what a neat group of people you were. The following night he insisted that I come to hang out with all of you before the wedding. Selfishly, I really didn't want to. I was tired and not ready to leave the baby. He talked me into it and later on I was so glad he did. I remember being in a room full of people I didn't know, but felt so welcomed and at ease. The guys left to go have cigars on the beach and because I was sitting next to you I had the wonderful experience of getting to know you. I remember thinking how kind you were and really appreciated you taking time to get to know me.
    The following day, at the wedding, I had a blast. Even though I was in an unfamiliar place, not really knowing anyone, I felt so happy and experienced the love of Christian brothers and sisters in such a great way. Thank you for reaching out to me that day. You helped me understand how important it is to welcome strangers, even though it may not have an impact on your life it certainly can on the person you are welcoming.

  72. 'Bump' means the post is being bumped up from the past . . . so it's a "rerun." Right?

  73. Dear Tricia,

    I SO remember the first time that I met you. And Joe.
    Your mom had stopped by our house (Poppop and Mommom Kirschner's in Marlton, NJ). I think that she stopped by while she doing errands, and she mentioned that she had Suzanne (or Suzie) and Joe in the van (in our driveway.)We were standing on the front porch, just feet away from the van.
    Well, it took me about 2 seconds to get to the van and start peering into the windows.

    And I saw two of the sweetest looking babies!!
    Your mom came and opened the van, and Joe was just kind of sitting there, bored. You were just smiling and loving life.
    I guess everybody else was at home, doing their schoolwork: )
    It was just you and Joe, in your car seats, side by side.
    Joe with the neatest blond hair and Tricia with the sweetest short brown hair with the most amazing curls.
    And, so I met my youngest nephew and niece.

    Your mom and dad were busy with the six of you, and all your adventures, and I should have made more time to see you guys, but it was a great privilege, and fun, to watch my youngest brother, (ha, he's 15 years older than me!) and his wife (Agnes = loving, vibrant, dynamic, focused, Christian wife), love and guide you guys through your childhood and teen years.

    All the Memorial Day cookouts, Christmases, Thanksgivings(at the Brown's), and assorted birthday parties, and other special days during the years are a jumble of
    fun and great memories.

    Fast forward to a time that John and I came down to the OBX, and you came out of the house with a guy. Whoa, Nellie! My niece was with a GUY! Not just any guy - I don't think you were engaged yet - your dad told us, after you guys left, that your relationship was "serious!" He wasn't bad looking, kind of a nice personality (we only talked for several seconds), sort of young, and obviously very focused on you. You were smiling. And, so, we met Nathan. : )

    The Lord is so very good.

    With our love and prayers,
    John, (aunt) Nancy, Daniel, and Paul
    (The Virginians)


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