
Monday, February 18, 2008

1:15pm Update & Q&A

Tricia is having a good day. Her fever from yesterday is gone. She's got some new clothes on, which make anyone feel good. She's sitting by the window, about to go on another trach collar trial and do some PT.

We're praying that Tricia will be listed tomorrow. We'd really appreciate it if you'd join us.

Gwyneth was moved to CPAP yesterday and is doing great so far. I got to hold her last night while they changed her incubator. They're increasing her feedings today, which is also great news.

A short Q&A:

I actually don't drink caffeine...I never drink coffee and I only have about 1 soda w/caffeine a week.

> "Bump" means that I'm moving an older post up to the top of the list.

> Actually, Tricia's nurses do have the freedom to bump and rearrange a few of the things they do to/for her so that she can get a little more sleep at times...some do it, and others don't...I'm sure this might be different at other hospitals, but that's how it works here (and we're thankful for those nurses who are willing to do it).

I'll post some new pics later today when I have a better connection.




  1. Still praying for all of you.
    Especially that Tricia will be put on the transplant list tomorrow. Wow!
    I cant celieve i am the first commenter.

  2. And im the second! glad your girls are doing well. hope she gets put on the list tomorrow.

  3. Prayers for Tricia to be placed on the transplant list ASAP.

    Prayers for your whole family may each one of you have a great day.


  4. As always, many, many prayers for you all, especially about the transplant listing at this time. We get a magazine, Vigor, put out by the University of Virginia quarterly. The most recent edition featured a gentleman who had CF and had a double lung transplant (in his 20's, I think) and within a couple of years was running marathons!!! Such inspiration. I thought of you all.

  5. Yay for new pictures :) And for clothes!

  6. Nate,

    If I can get there Thursday I would like to whoop Tricia and you or just Tricia in some sort of game. Any preferences?


  7. super glad to hear the fever is gone and looking forward to great news tomorrow. Praying!

    Gwenyth's Great Uncle Andy

  8. lots of prayers that Tricia will be listed tomorrow!
    Will Tricia be able to go home while she waits for a transplant or will she have to stay hospitalized ?

    hopefully you didn't already answer this..
    prayers from a pittsburgher and OBX vacationer!

  9. We will be praying that she definitely gets listed tomorrow! So glad her fever is gone, and Gwyneth is doing well on CPAP!

  10. tricia, i hope you feel better w/ the actions that your hubby listed!your family will continue to be in prayers! hope you get on list tommorrow sweetie!

  11. Praying really hard that Tricia gets listed for the transplant tomorrow!

  12. I'm praying with all of my heart for Tricia to be listed tomorrow. And for Gwyneth to keep doing well on the CPAP and the increased feedings. And can't wait for new pictures!

  13. I discovered your blog the other day, and am amazed at the strength and will of your family! Truly inspiring.

    Hooray for a great day... and, hopefully it will be followed by many more!

  14. I'll be praying that Tricia will be listed tomorrow. I'm happy to hear all of the good news on both your girls. (Yes, new clothes can be a good mood lifter!)

  15. hi Nate,
    glad today is agood day!

    still in my prayers!

    and thank U

  16. Praying that Tricia gets listed tomorrow and is on her way to a new set of lungs! So glad to hear that Gwyneth is doing well - what a little fighter she is...and adorable too!

  17. Glad Tricia and Gwyneth are doing better. I'll be praying that Tricia gets on the list tomorrow.

  18. So happy to hear Tricia's fever is gone and that MOMMY & DAUGHTER are doing well... also will be praying for "THE MIGHTY THREE" & Tricia being listed tomorrow well as for your families...
    Still Showering You All Lovingly With Prayers

  19. Continued prayers from Vancouver BC. So glad to read that both Tricia and Gwyneth are having a great day.

  20. Continued prayers from Vancouver BC. So glad to read that both Tricia and Gwyneth are having a great day.

  21. Praying in Tulsa! Our little NICU baby will be one tomorrow, praying for your sweet NICU girl too! Beliving for good news on the transplant list!! GO GOD!

  22. I will definitely join you in praying for Tricias name to be put on the transplant list...right at the top.

    I saw your next blog too...what a beautiful picture of Tricia!

    How did Gwenyth's MRSA swab go today (you said the test every Monday)?

  23. Interesting to see just by pictures when you post that Tricia is having a good day she truly looks better.I will be praying that she gets on the list tommorow.

  24. I just learned about all that is going on with both Tricia and the baby through the Prayer Bears Group. Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for them both - that Tricia will be placed ont he transplant list tomorrow and that the little one will continue to grow and flourish.

  25. Another voice joining in prayer.

  26. Praying for Tricia and Gwyneth.

    A lurker in Surprise, Arizona.

    Donna :-)

  27. wow she is going to be on that list soon! I am so excited for you all!

  28. Such pretty pictures of your girls!! You are a blessed man!! (I know you already know that) Praying for Tricia and the list, Gwyneth & her feedings, and continued progress for both of them. I know you choose not to share a lot of what goes on, and that what you do share you put a lot of thought into. I know you've heard it before (and I know I've said it myself before), but thanks for sharing even a part of this miraculous journey with total strangers - WE are blessed by your story!
    BTW - good for you for not drinking caffeine very often! I don't know how you can possibly make it through the day without it, but good for you!!! (This is coming from a good friend of caffeine and frozen coffee drinks...LOL)

  29. I know that the minute she gets put on the list you will be ecstatic, just know that the journey does not end there. Keep praying for things to continue in the right direction and I will be right behind you, cheering you guys on! Misty
    PS I got to spend the day (in the hospital) with my kids, so happy!

  30. Thanks for the continued updates, and the pics....Tricia look GREAT! We are praying!!!


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