
Thursday, January 3, 2008

Quick Update

Tricia's CO2 levels are up (which is not good), and they are moving her to the ICU this afternoon. They'll have her up there for a little while, and if her CO2 levels do not go down, they will intubate her and then give her a tracheotomy and place her on a ventilator. The intubation and tracheotomy are very risky for her, and there is a chance that they will be forced to take the baby via c section if her body does not respond well.

This is basically crunch time for us, and we appreciate your prayers more than ever right now. I'll update more this evening when I can.




  1. Hey guys
    I have no idea how I got to your blog but I'm glad I did. The wonders of the internet. I posted a link to your blog on my blog so that as many people as possible can pray for all 3 of you. God is very near right now. Just know that people in Texas will be praying for all of you!

  2. I just wanted to let you know that I am praying. We have never met, but we are siblings in Christ. I have also shared your story with the other people adopting from the orphanage our son is at and many people from that group are praying for all of you.

  3. Some more prayers coming your way from Childcare and Beyond. May God bless you for the decisions you have made and in the ones to come.

  4. thanks for keeping us updated. we are praying.

    ~josh, nicole and alanna coyle

  5. I am praying for you from Texas. I am amazed at your story and your strength. Hang in there! Checking in on you all the time!


  6. Praying, praying, praying...
    johnson city, tn

  7. May you feel God's hands on you - PRAYING in NC

  8. We are continuing to pray and have forwarded your blog to everyone we can think of asking for prayers for all of you.

  9. we're praying for you guys. we love y'all!

  10. Your family is in our prayers...keep us posted.

  11. Praying

    I've posted this on my blog to get more people praying too.

  12. i too am praying for you though i do not know you. i am moved by your stories and your lives. may God work in a mighty way.

  13. Will continue praying! Thanks for the update. Debbi (Aspiemom)

  14. sending prayers towards Heaven in Shelbyville, Tennessee.......

  15. Please know that people on Long Island New York are praying for you all.

  16. The faculty at Baptist High School is praying for God's wisdom for you and great skill for the doctors. Praise God HE is in control.

  17. We love you guys! We are constantly praying for all three of you!
    ~ Lisa and Mike

  18. Praying in Philadelphia......

  19. Praying here in Raleigh, NC, and passing along the prayer requests...

  20. Lord, please hear our prayers!

  21. Praying and posting on my blog which has a ton of traffic. :-) Let us know when you can, what happens!
    We, here in internet world, love you guys!

  22. Hi,
    One of my friends (Lisa from NJ) sent me your blog for prayer. Please know that your family are in our prayers. I'll post a link from my blog as well.

  23. 1 Corinthians 2:9

    9However, as it is written:
    "No eye has seen,
    no ear has heard,
    no mind has conceived
    what God has prepared for those who love him"

    We love you guys and have several churches-friends praying fervently for you today. Can't wait to see you!

  24. I am praying for you guys and you are on our prayer list at church.


  25. I've told as many people as I can to pray...please let Tricia know that I love her and am amazed by her bravery!!

  26. Several more churches are praying in Bucks County,PA. Hang on baby girl.....

  27. "For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you."....
    This is what the Lord says to you: 'Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not your's, but God's."

    On my knees praying for mercy in Branson, Missouri - brother in law of Mandy Elmore.

  28. praying for you in michigan!

  29. I'm a complete stranger praying for your family... Your story touched my heart, and I've asked as many friends as I know to pray for you as well! Good luck!

  30. Praying for your peace and strength, and for God's will for the 3 of you from snowy NE Ohio.

  31. Praying for you in GA

  32. I'm praying for you. I sent links on to CHOP (and others) to update them. They were very grateful and are also praying for you.

  33. Praying for you in Washington state. I posted a link on my blog as well.

  34. Hi, my name is Andrea. I'm a friend of Lisa Capano from California. I'm an RN, and I'm 38weeks pregnant. Your story impacted me and I wanted you to know that I'm praying, and I'm sending your blog to friends so they can pray too.

  35. Praying, praying praying...
    God is at work...we pray He will use the skilled hands of the doctors and give wise counsel to those who are there with you.
    Carol and Les

  36. Nate, Tricia & baby girl! So much prayer is lifted up, I just know God has His ear bent in your direction and His hand on you. He is King! I am thanking Him now for what He has done, is doing and will do! We love you, Steve & Judi

  37. Tricia and Nathan,
    Joel and I (and the kids) are praying for you. We're asking God for everyone to be healed. Much love to you all... Joel and Joanna Carter (Audubon, NJ)

  38. Hi Nathan, My wife directed me toward you website! I will definitely keep you in my prayers. Remember that God is in control. No matter what life throws at us we can stand strong because he is right next to us holding us up. I know how hard this road is. My wife has CF and just gave birth to twins. The babies came at 34 weeks. They are still in the NICU, but even in all this God is still in control. If you ever need a sounding board or to talk. Feel free to email me back.

  39. Your story has touched me! Praying for you all!
    -Nebraska mom

  40. Nathan - I have NEVER met you. I have NEVER met your wife, Tricia. But, I am PRAYING for you. Your story has touched me! I live in Va Beach. Greg Edwards is my older brother. Laura (Greg's wife) informed me of your story. Please know that people in Va Beach are praying for you and your wife and your baby girl. People who don't even know you are praying for you! GOD BLESS!

  41. As I lie here with a stomach virus, I am thinking about Tricia. I felt led to check the blog and am worried for the both of you and the baby. Please know that many people are praying for the things you requested as well as the things that God knows you need.

    I pray that Tricia's breathing will improve and that CO levels will decrease so that none of the things you mentioned have to happen.

    I thank God that he brought c3 into my life so that I could meet Patience, Jordan and Isaac so that I would know that you need my prayers. My thoughts are with you and please know that God knows what you guys need and he is the great healer.

  42. We have been praying for you all day, earnestly. My brother, Logan in Seattle and his family and church are also praying.

  43. Just wanted you both to know we are praying for at this very moment!

    Jeff Underwood

  44. My prayers are with you and your family. I just found your blog from a link from the preemie blogs I follow.

  45. We are praying for you all.

    Coinjock Church Family

  46. Nate and Trish;
    We are praying ...there are a lot of prayers coming from the folks at Blue Ridge.
    See you soon.

  47. Praying for you all from Willow Spring NC

  48. Stumbled upon your blog through a link. Just wanted you to know you, Trisha and the baby are in my prayers.

    Sue in Indiana

  49. You are in our thoughts and prayers=)

    Clayton, NC

  50. i just said a prayer for you.

  51. Heard about you and the situation you and your wife are in right now. Just wanted to let you know I put your site on my more people will be praying for you all.

  52. I am on my knees.

  53. I found you guys from a sister in Christ who posted a link to you on her blog. I am so, so touched by your story and am lifting you both up to our Heavenly Father in prayer. I pray that He will touch Tricia and bless your little baby--that whatever happens over the next few days, they will both make it through.

  54. I have been praying all day long for a miracle, and for God to be glorified through all of this. You and Tricia are the bravest people I have ever known.

  55. Just wanted you to know that people you don't even know in Greencastle, PA are praying for you. I'm 33 weeks pregnant right now with a little girl too!! I will be thinking of you and praying for you over the weeks and months to come! God is GOOD - all the time!!!
    In Christ,

  56. My nephew Nicholas passed away just 2 weeks shy of his 3rd birthday back in 2003 but my very good friend's husband is still holding stong with CF at age 50. It just goes to show you that God works in mysteriously wonderful ways. The joy my nephew brought to my family in such a short time is enough for me to know that everything happens for a reason and I am ok with that. Stay strong and good luck with your fight!!! May GOD bless you every step of the way.

    Many thoughts and prayers ~ Marianne

  57. I have posted your prayer request on two sites...May God be with all three of you!

  58. Found my way here, thru a mom in a preemie group I belong to.
    Lighting a candle for you, for Tricia and for your baby. Sending healing and hope, wisdom and courage.
    Blessed Be!!!

  59. I am blown away by all these responses! This is incredible and so encouraging.

  60. Mike and Lisa sent us a note this afternoon to pray for you. You and the whole family can count on Nancy and I to be praying for you.

  61. Nathan and Tricia, just a note to let you know that I check your blog regularly and will be praying for you. We serve an awesome God and I know that He will be there to see you and your baby girl through this difficult road. I pray for God to stay very close to you. I know He will!

    Sister in Christ
    EP Church of Annapolis
    (got your blog from the Leinos)

  62. Nathan and Tricia, just a note to let you know that I check your blog regularly and will be praying for you. We serve an awesome God and I know that He will be there to see you and your baby girl through this difficult road. I pray for God to stay very close to you. I know He will!

    Sister in Christ
    EP Church of Annapolis
    (got your blog from the Leinos)

  63. "A lifestyle of believing God makes you bolder in your love for others and in what you can believe God for in their lives."

    So I didn't come up with that. I'm a Beth Moore junkie. But my bold love is making me believe God for something extraordinary in your lives. Peace tonight, many prayers from O HI O.

  64. Hey guys ~ The Hughes' here...just letting you know that we are still here praying and still holding you all close in our hearts.

  65. nate and tricia... jesse and i are praying for you. i've thought about tricia so much and keep up-to-date through margot jolly and her dad. she sent me to this site today. truly my heart goes out to the two of you and your family. you are both amazing people. i wish there was something i can do, thankfully i can pray! love, whitney and jesse

  66. We posted on our blog and myspace. We will be praying and lifting you up. God will not let you fall. Love from Florida.

  67. praying for ya in Oklahoma

  68. More prayers coming from PA.

  69. Hi Trish & Nate,

    You all have been in our thoughts and prayers for some time now. We are continually praying for you. Richie & Jake are also praying for the three of you each night at bed time. We have added you all to the prayer chain at church.

    Rich, Carol, Richie, Jake & Luke.

  70. I saw your blog through a friend on another website, and I'm so glad she posted it, so that I could read and pray for your family. I hope that her C02 levels go down. I'm praying for you guys! I'll add you to my blog on here as well...

    In Christ-

  71. nate and tricia, bari and I are praying, praying, praying, and spreading the word....our manteo small group was praying tonight too, thanisha, mike and tina, and bari and I, We Love You, Our God is an Awesome God!

  72. Thank you everyone for your prayers for us at this time. I am in the ICU tonight and reading your responses and it the most encouraging thing for me in this very different ward. I have been attached to many tubes and have a couple more minor procedures to be done. Pray they go well along with staying free from infection and poor Co2 levels. I will have my levels checked sometime tonight into the early am. God has graced me with much peace but there is a long way to go and hearing your praying around the world for me is super uplifting. Praying for a miracle. :)

    Tricia Lawrenson

  73. praying for you all. I had lost touch-I taught Tricia high school biology. We will be much in prayer for you as you make these courageous decisions for life. Kathie Donaldson

  74. May the Lord hold all three of you in his strong, firm, unshakeable arms, may you know his peace which passes all understanding, and may the morning bring with it news of great joy. I am upholding you before the Great Healer.

  75. you've been on my mind & heart all day! we'll be staying up late in prayer for you both tonight. if you need anything...even a friendly midnight visit, we're only a phone call away. love you all!

  76. Just know that people in Canada are praying for all three of you! We have the link to your blog on our website. The Lord is in control and we are praying and thinking of you!!

  77. I will be praying for all of you.

  78. Praying for you from Pensacola, Fl.

  79. Hey guys wanted to pray for you...
    Father in Jesus name, I ask that you would heal Tricia completely. Rid her of this disease. Jesus you came to heal all our diseases, take this one away just as you take away our transgressions (Ps. 103:3) Father you are a GOOD God, you do not give disease. But you do use it and redeem the works of a fallen world and of the enemy. God I thank you for your work in Tricia and how you have preserved her. I thank you that you are bringing glory to your son Jesus through the strenght of faith in Tricia. I thank you that you are being glorified in her testimony of love, her sacrafice of love in the midst of suffering. But God, I come before you and ask for what you love to do, I ask for what is on your heart. To heal Tricia and bring forth this baby to fulfill your dreams you have for this little one. Holy Spirit, I pray that you come like fire into Trica's body and re-write her DNA, replace the defective gene with the correct one from Heaven. I call it down by the power of Jesus on earth as it is in Heaven. You are a good good Father. Heal Tricia in Jesus name. The Father is so proud of you Tricia. He is so proud of your choices to say YES in your spirit to Him, despite having this disease and suffering that comes with it. He is so delighted in your choices to offer up praise in the midst of your weakness. It touches His heart like no other. The fact that you stay grateful and believing in faith for Him to heal you, pleases the Father. I just feel His delight over you that you would choose Him in this life. He has seen your battles, He has seen you suffering, He has seen your tears, your frustrations, and He says He will have vengence on the enemy on your behalf. He will silence the accuser. He is a jealous Bridegroom who loves you very much. His passion burns for you. He is so proud of you. Thank you Jesus for Trica. Heal her today Lord. In Jesus name :)

  80. You all have been in my prayers throughout the day.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. I don't know you, but I'm praying for you. May God grant you great rest and peace in this trial, and may His love surround you.

  83. Praying for you, your wife and precious baby!

  84. My first thoughgts of the morning, my last thoughts of the night, and all the thoughts in between are of all of you - lots of folks at the hospital are praying for you -

  85. Praying that the new day brings good news...

  86. Thinking of you and praying for you,your babies and your family.

  87. I woke up several times during the night with you on my mind. Still praying for you in Tennessee.

    Hoping for good news this morning....

  88. Passing it on so others (who you also don't know, since we've never met) will be praying.....
    (I went to high school/college with your dad and Aunt Donna.....)

  89. It seems that prayers are being lifted up for you from all over....including central Georgia. God bless you all.

  90. I couldn't sleep last night and felt the Lord urging me to pray for you guys. I lifted all of you up to Him and prayed for strength and courage.
    God Bless

  91. Our office here at Liberty University is praying for you all. Praying for healing, strength and wisdom for you and the doctors. I found your blog through "Baby Leino".

  92. Just letting you know prayers are being lifted up from Holdenville,Oklahoma. I served with Andy & Misha while they were at Harmony, Atoka. May God's presence be sensed in a very real way and may His hand guide every move that is being made.

  93. The Outer Banks is praying for you and your baby! May God Bless you and answer all of your prayers.

  94. We are praying that the Lord's hand might heal and comfort you during this time. Stay strong on this hard road!

  95. We are praying so urgently for you all. Richmond, VA

  96. The three of you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  97. I know what the time in hospital is like. I pray at this point there is amazement and healing. My family has been praying. I am unsure of what this day brings but this blog shows God is being called upon all over the world for you guys. He is a BIG GOD!!

  98. God bless the people all over the world who are praying for this miracle and for God's will to prevail. I can promise you all that Nate and Tricia are even more faithful, loving and serving in real life than they seem on their blogs. This type of prayer for each other is the kind of thing "into which angels long to look." Thank you, thank you.

  99. We are praying for you along with many people in New Jersey. It's been awhile since we've seen you but know you are on our hearts and minds.
    May God grant you much wisdom, strength and peace.

    The Capano's

  100. Nathan and Tricia,
    Wil, my family, my friends, and I are all praying for you!
    Please let us know if we can help in any other way.
    We have emailed everyone we know aking them to join us in prayer. I also posted both blog sites and a petition on my own webpage...
    Remember His promises and be encouraged: Psalm 56:3, Hebrews 4:16, Colossians 1:9-13, Philippians 4:6-7, 2 Corinthians 4:16-17, Matthew 7:11 & 11:28, 1 Peter 5:7&10
    We love you guys!
    ~ Dana McLane Haupfear

  101. Prayers are being lifted up from Oklahoma! May God Bless your family and the decisions you make.

  102. Does anyone have an update? I couldn't sleep last night and prayed that things are going smoothly with Tricia and the baby.

  103. We are praying for you and your family as well as the health of the baby. May God bless you in what ever takes place from now and know that he does love you forever.
    May God bless and keep you,
    The Alton H. Parkers of Roxobel, NC

  104. Praying in Conyers, GA. Churches are praying, many of us are praying!!!

  105. Sending up love and prayers and passing it on in the foothills of NC.
    The Plylers

  106. The kids and I are praying!

    the Hubbards, Palermo Maine

  107. Nathan and Tricia,Rick and Gail each told me in separate conversations yesterday that you were their heroes.The two of you are heroes to all who know you as you continue to show unshakeable faith in the greatest hero of all Jesus Christ.Know that Claire, Cathy, and I are praying for the three of you constantly.We love you and miss you.Yours In Christ

  108. I have shared your blog with everyone i could think of...
    Your story has touched the hearts of an unbelievable count of people... we are praying for you Tricia & Nathan & your beautiful baby girl and your families...
    Myself & and many here are constanlty cking your sites for 3 are always in our prayers & in our heart's and & on our minds
    Tricia you are such a strong brave young are a true inspiraton to all...and your husband - a very special man
    We will never forget your story
    Lovingly all of us here on Long Island New York

  109. This Sunday our church will be praying for all of you
    Also each religion class will be praying for you Tricia, your beautiful daughter, Nathan and families
    Praying & thinking of you & Praying some more for you 3(and families)
    Lovingly Long Island New York


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