
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Just in Case You Can't Break the Addiction...

Here are a few posts that I would love for you to visit if you missed them, or revisit again:

If you want to help us in any way.

If you know Tricia and want to leave her a message for me to read to her when she wakes (or want to just read the comments and learn more about her).

If you want to leave a comment but are computer illiterate.

If you would like to pray for a little boy with CF named Dameron (I will lvoe you forever if you do).

If you want to read our perspective from several months ago.

Also, I'm sure that the rest of our blogging family may have something to say today (Andy and Megan already have):




  1. Nate, My name is Kelly Ellis and I livein Birmingham Alabama. My 24 week preemie was orn on July 25th, 2007 and came home from the hospital on December 22, 2007. She and I sit here at the computer together. It is a long road, but I pray that it goes smoothly for you. I waited 83 days to hold my child and 159 to bring her home. I will be praying for you, Gweneth, and your precious gift Tricia. May you all be blessed each day by God's gifts in your life. Feel free to stop in and visit our blog about Kathryn - it's
    In His Love,
    Kelly Ellis

  2. I find myself obsessed with checking the blogs, and praying for your family. On my blog today/last night a woman stumbled across my blog by accident, but said it must have been intended as her niece was born at 29 weeks a year ago, and is perfectly healthy, so she was off to send her sister to your blog for her prayers and words of wisdom. Which I find pretty darn cool, if I do say so myself! :)
    I love the pictures of Gwyneth and her great grandma, the only ones that will be more precious is the ones that you will take when Trish gets to hold her for the first time (although I am sure the ones of you holding her will be a close third). Praying for you all, and really hoping that there are no need for prayer updates today, just happy ones.

  3. hi Lawerson family how is every one doing.So how is Tricia and Gwyneth doing right now.

  4. Hello Nate. My name is Christy Allen. My family and I live in VA Beach. I just wanted you to know that we have been praying for you, Tricia, Gwyneth,your family and friends. I wouldn't even know where to begin to tell you how your situation breaks my heart but at the same time makes my heart swell with such love for our Mighty God. He definitely does miracles to this day and your story is an awesome example. Please give our love to your wife and our precious daughter. Take care.

  5. Well Nate your right, I can't break the addiction. I sit up and think of nothing but the three of you constantly these days. I had you on my mind so much last night I could not sleep. I will be going back to the mountains again to see my family because my younger sis is getting married Jan 30. I am going to try to call you in advance to at least come and see you (I know I will probably not get to see Tricia & baby Gwyneth)but I have will have something for the three of you that came to me in a dream and I spent until 3 am hunting on the internet for the ideas and the tools to do it. My heart & prayers are with you every minute and I do check your blog like I check the weather. Please know we love you all and are praying for you all. The OBXClan-Tina, Dylan, Chris & Shawn Hughes.

  6. Crack-fessions of a CF Husband.

    I think it's just that you have poured your heart out to us, and now we love you and stuff! We are dwelling together in unity, it's a good thing!

    -always praying
    Lynchburg, VA

  7. I just came across your blog & wanted to tell you how much your story has touched my heart. I have sat here and cried and smiled as I've read post after post. I hope that if I were ever in such a difficult situation, my love for the Lord would shine through as clearly as that of you & your wife. I have prayed for your family tonight and have saved your blog so that I can read along with daily updates and pray for your family each day. Just wanted you to know that prayers are going up from Virginia & I'll be linking your blog so that others in my blogging world can pray for you too. May the Lord continue to bles you and your family.

  8. Nathan, We just wanted to pass along our love to you three..We think of you and pray that God will wake Tricia up on his timeclock....Your new little family is gorgeous....We will continue to watch this unfold..You have our constant prayers.Love Beth, Dave, and Nick

  9. Hi, I am Dameron's mom.
    He is doing very well, we just got out of the hospital for RSV. He is 2 and a half now, and is 39 pounds!
    I am really enjoying your blog, and am looking forward to reading more.
    thank you for your prayers.


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