
Sunday, January 6, 2008


I'm at the hotel while Tricia's mom, Agnes stays with Tricia tonight. Tricia just called me to ask that we pray...her heart rate is very high. If you read this tonight, please pray that is drops soon. Thanks.



  1. We are saying prayers here in Ohio.

  2. many many prayers for a quiet, calm night.

  3. Prayers are being said in Georgia tonight. Love you guys. Aspiemom

  4. Always...And Margot & Whitney were thrilled to see you guys.
    A lot of conversations tonight about the power of prayer, and the peace that comes with our faith.

  5. Still praying, Tricia and Nate! We love you guys!! :)
    ~ Lisa and Mike (in NJ)

  6. we'll be praying! We love y'all and admire you both so incredibly much.

  7. We are praying here too.

  8. praying for a decreased heart rate and a restful night -

  9. praying for peace, comfort and rest for tricia!

  10. Also praying from Ohio...via New York. We have such a great God! :)

  11. Praying here in Virginia Beach. May the Lord reach down and touch Tricia's heart tonight to slow it to normal range.

    Love and Prayers,


  12. praying here in NC - and thanks to your Dad and Frank for coming to church today. It was a blessing to hear from him the affects of prayer and our faith. All at NHC are lifting your names asking God to slow your heart rate and allow for rest. (((hugs)) Mike Tina and Lil-bit

  13. prayers from Texas for a calm night and good rest...

  14. Hi Tricia - Wow, you are sure dealing with a lot but I can tell by the smile on your face in the pics on the blog that YOU ARE GOING TO GET THROUGH THIS! I myself, have MS but am doing pretty good with it. I want you to know that my daughter (12), husband and myself will be keeping you in our daily prayers. Love, Cindi P.

  15. We prayed for you guys tonight that your heart rate would slow to a normal pace and that both of you would get the rest you need.

    Uncle Andy, Auntie Misha, Cousin Ty

  16. We have several churches here in Wilmington, NC with prayer chains going. We will keep checking your updates. Praying for all of you.

  17. we're praying...and sending out requests for others to pray too...we LOVE you! and tricia...if you see this, check my blog cause i posted some pictures to make you smile...miss you...He WILL keep you in PERFECT peace...

  18. Hi,
    I am praying in Soutern Arizona

  19. I have been reading you blog for several days now, and am praying for your wife and unborn child.

  20. So glad to know that you've had some sleep today. I'll be praying that your heart rate and anxiety decrease and that you and your mom have a calm,quiet night. You will be in my prayers each time I wake tonight.
    love from your Mom's "old old" friend Judy in Philadelphia

  21. prayers in Raleigh...

  22. Tricia,
    Amy wanted me to tell you that she and Red Baron Bear (smile) are praying for your heart rate to go down...

  23. more prayers on for all of you from South Jersey. Very touched by your story and praying for a peace that passes all understanding.

  24. praying praying praying... showering you Tricia and Child lovingly with prayer
    Long Island New York,Texas & Florida
    Nathan thank you for your constant updates...if I ck your site once a day i do it easily 100 times a day
    For you to think of others while this is happening in your life... the way you are "there" for your wife says A WHOLE LOT about the Man you are... praying for the 3 of you and your families...
    God Bless

  25. Saying a prayer right now.

  26. Saying a prayer right now.

  27. Praying right now in Florida!.

    May peace and sleep come to you all tonight.

    Sweet Dreams :-)

  28. when i first read this update, i started praying...and when i finished, i looked at how many comments had been made since i started and it's amazing to think of how many people are joined together (even while apart physically) praying for you all! I hope that brings some comfort to you tonight...God is with you in such a huge way!! I pray that tricia's heart rate goes down and you ALL get a wonderful and restful night sleep!

  29. Frank and I will be praying.He watched Nate's video and loved it. Sleep Tight. Hugs to all!

  30. Praying for her heart rate to decrease and a peaceful night for both of you!
    Becky in Va Beach

  31. Hi Tricia,
    I'm praying here in central Ohio. May God richly bless you all. Angela

  32. sweet dreams cousin...
    love you and praying without ceasing!!!

  33. I learned of your life through the Baby Leino site. I check daily for updates, and tonight, here in Northeast Ohio, I will pray for a restful night and for your heart rate to slow. We will add you to our Trinity Evangelical Free Church prayer chain.

  34. We are commited to continue to pray for all until all are well. We pray for you daily and as a group every Wednesday.

    Hope Community Church
    Prayer Ministry

  35. God bless you and your baby. I wish you all the best. Just believe and it is already done. Felicia in Grandy, NC

  36. God bless u and your family. I hope the best for you and your baby. Just believe and it is already done. Felicia of Grandy, NC


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