
Monday, February 18, 2008

New Pics



  1. Tricia looks so great! So alive! You go girl!

  2. Your girls are beautiful! And all three of you are in our prayers...

  3. Gwyneth looks so warm and cuddly. :)

  4. Tricia looks absoulety beautiful!!!!! Gwyneth continues to amaze us all.... You all are in my prayers...thanks for sharing the pics and your lives with us!!!!

  5. Tricia. . .you look awesome! We are still praying for you and Gwyneth. . . .Keep up the good work and we'll pray you make it on that transplant list tomorrow!

    May God continue to bless you!

  6. Great pictures of Tricia! You look fabulous - you truly radiate. Joining you in prayer to be listed tomorrow.

  7. Tricia looks so beautiful! You're a lucky man, Nate....although we know you're both pretty lucky to have each other.

  8. Beautiful Girls! LOOKING GOOD TRICIA!!! Still praying! Hope to hear good news about being listed tomorrow!!!!!

    God is so good!!!!

    Annie- Nashville

  9. Tricia looks radiant. I know why you love her so much, Nate. It's her smile, huh? Well, that among other things. But you love her smile, don't you? What a beautiful woman you've married!

    Gwyneth is just darling. I am happy for the good news you've shared.

    We are praying along with you for Tricia to be listed today.

    God Bless you all.
    Heidi & gang

  10. How does Tricia manage to look so stunning despite all she's been through recently?! And Gwyneth has clearly got her Mummy's good looks too! You're one lucky man Nate - but you don't need me to tell you that ;o) xxxx

  11. Tricia looks wonderful!!! So glad to see you UP and ABOUT!!! And... Gwyneth is just so precious!!!

    You all are in our prayers every day!

  12. Tricia looks great! Love the pics! We're praying that she gets listed tomorrow!

  13. Amazing what a bath and some new clothes can do to a girl! Tricia looks great and, in turn, feels great, I'm sure! I'll be praying with you for all that goes with being listed. I don't look that great and I'm just at home scrubbing the toilets!!! ha ha! Gwyneth is such a little bean - I just love her!

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful family!

  14. Wow!!! Tricia looks fabulous today! I've been following your blog for several weeks now and I'm so excited to see the progress that both Tricia and Gwyneth are making! I'll keep you guys in my prayers for the weeks ahead. :) ((((sweet hugs)))) for baby Gwyneth. GOD IS AWESOME!

  15. I second that! Tricia looks great! And, she's beautiful! Gwyneth is just a doll! Getting bigger! Yes, I will pray and have been each day for you.


  16. Your wife is a beauty and little Gwyneth is absolutely precious. She looks so peaceful cuddled up in her blanket.
    I continue to pray for you guys and I have shared your story with my small group from our church and they are joining me in believing for a miracle for both of your girls. Have a fantastic day!

  17. Hi, I have a question and if it is too personal I totally understand if you don't respond. I have been following your blog since Gwyneth was born and she is lovely by the way, and I have been praying for your family. My question is, Is tricia in much pain from her trach and in general is it an uncomfortable thing? I have health issues that may eventually lead me down the trach road and I was just wondering if it causes her much pain. I completely understand if this is too personal, but I do hope and pray she gets new lungs and baby Gwyn will continue to thrive and prosper. Thank you, Jennifer

  18. Tricia looks great!!! Looks like she got a hair cut. Wow she looks so good! Looking at the pic I would never guess she was so sick. Praise be to God that she is having such a great day and I am praying for her name to be on that transplant list. Thanks for the update. Also Gwen looks adorable like usual! Love all the pics!
    Shawna in Oklahoma

  19. Tricia, you look great! And you certainly don't look sick... And you look a whole lot better than I look today as a housewife in sweats with no makeup on. I'm not going to publish my picture. It would not be a pretty sight. :-) But you and Gwyneth look amazing!

  20. It's so good to see both BEAUTIFUL girls!!

  21. It is amazing to watch God work in the lives of three beautiful people. Tricia I know everyday of life you say thank you Lord for your blessings on us. Tremendous faith you have and God is going to do such amazing things in your life and the life of Gwyneth.I pray I can continue to share your blessings with you. May you continue to improve each and everyday. I just know you will get on that list because God is good all the time. You go girl !!!!!!

  22. Tricia, I LOVE your hair cut!

  23. TRICIA!! You are SO hot!! I am SO glad to see you are so smiley! I absolutely love it!! Gwenyth looks so is beautiful!!

    I'm praying for good news tomorrow!!

  24. I can't believe how good Tricia looks! You would never be able to tell that she has been in a hospital so long! Gwyneth is looking good too!

  25. Great pictures!! Tricia looks wonderful :-) Praying and agreeing with you guys that Tricia is listed soon.

  26. Thanks for the pictures...they both look wonderful!!! I will join you and the many other people in diligent prayer for Tricia to be listed tomorrow. I know we worship a faithful God and His faithfulness will be shone through your family.

  27. Tricia is lookin great!
    And Gwyneth looks like she is filling out a bit.
    What's her latest weight?

    Gwyneth's Great Uncle Andy

  28. Love the new clothes!

    So beautiful...

  29. You look great Trisha!
    ~ Sheryl, NJ

  30. Wow... can't believe I spelled your name wrong. Do I feel foolish. (Blushing)
    Love you anyway. Oy.
    ~ Sheryl =)

  31. Cute haircut! You look great! But I've yet to see a bad picture of you.
    You even looked cute when your teeth were green.

  32. Tricia, you look absolutely beautiful! We're praying for your listing tomorrow. Gwyneth looks so cute too. I think it's going to be a great week for the Lawrenson girls.

  33. And little ol' Gwyneth has stolen everyone's hearts, and she doesn't even have teeth!

  34. Tricia,
    You look GREAT. You look very nice in your new clothes, and I must agree that new clothes do have a way of making you feel better. Your hair looks good too....I may have to go get mine cut like that. Your daughter is looking just as amazing as well. Keep up your hard work. It will pay off.

  35. Wow, Tricia, you make that red look amazing. It's totally your color and ditto the PP who said your hair looks awesome.

    White rose is precious, as always, and she's looking more and more like a person these days. I think she has Daddy's hair and Mommy's nose.

    Thanks for the photo fix. :)

  36. Tricia, you look so cute! Red is a great color on you. And Gwyneth looks so comfy and adorable snoogled into her blankies =)

    I'll be praying for you tonight to get on that transplant list in the morning. Keep up that hard work- you can do it!

  37. Just wonderful pictures!

  38. That baby takes my breath away each time!! Just amazing! Oh and Tricia look GREAT too!

  39. Both of your girls look wonderful. It's so nice to see Tricia again. She looks amazing!! They are both lovely.

  40. to the girls~~keep up the good work! tricia, you are such a strong person and i admire you...

  41. Tricia I can see a twinkle in your eyes, you are such a beautiful young woman & Your sweet Gwyneth Rose well she is as adorable as can be. I am thankful to be able to follow along "on the cheering sidelines" of your journey.
    Prayin' for easy goin' days & nights for the MIGHTY THREE & their families & of course for you to be placed on the Activated List, I hope that is the correct term.
    Showering you & your in prayers with love

  42. Tricia it is hard to believe that you are so sick because you look beautiful and healthy in your photo. You are a very pretty woman. Thinking of you.

  43. Tricia is just glowing in those picture! She is beautiful inside and out! Praying faithfully for you guys!

    Blessings from Arizona

  44. Tricia is so beautiful! Her eyes have such a warmth and wisdom about them. It is wonderful to see new pictures of the littlest blessing too. She is really changing right in front of our "eyes" and it is awesome that you are sharing this with us. Don't blink though, because before you know it, that wee one will be running around chasing dogs and cats! (Hopefully she will not be doing things like my four year old did today when he fell off the bunkbed and broke his arm. : ( He is sticking by his story that the cat pushed him!).

    Just giving you something else to look forward to. : )

    By the way, I LOVE your love story. It's not like we don't know how it turned out, but it still brightens my day to read it. God bless and hang in there! We are all praying for you!

  45. your girls look extra beautiful today... perhaps its the lighting... perhaps its their faith showing through even stronger than the day before...

  46. So beautiful!
    You girls continue to amaze me in every single way. Many prayers still being said!


  47. Dearest Tricia, my friend received her double lung transplant just over a year ago. I am going to copy and paste the blog entry she has just written for this evening below. I hope it will give you hope that this time next year your life will be very different in a most wonderful way:

    "What a difference a year makes....

    Monday of Half term - February 2007

    I am lying in bed in intensive care. i still have the ventilator attached via a tracheostomy. I cannot eat, cannot talk, cannot move unaided. I am in the middle of a vicious cycle of panic attacks (which will very shortly be greatly relieved by appointments with a psychologist but I do not know that yet). A close friend of mine brings my sister up to the hospital to visit, and they try to calm me down and make me comfortable, mopping my forehead and squeezing my hand. I am finding it very hard at this point to see that I will ever resemble my normal self again, that I will ever even leave the bed unaided let alone walk out of the room.

    Monday of Half term - February 2008

    I am striding down the road towards the office, my first full day as a PR Executive. It's icey cold, wind whistling and smacking against my cheeks, I am grinning from ear to ear, teeth chattering in the cold. I can feel the sun on my back and the sky is a vivid blue. I am an independant, fully functioning, walking, talking eating, breathing woman doing everything a woman of my age should and could be able to.

    It's good to be alive."


  48. The pictures are great. Your girls are beautiful. Blessings! >:0)

  49. Tricia you look so great! You look like you have a little "pep in your step." Praise God! Gwyneth is precious as always!

  50. Wow Tricia, you certainly look stunning in your sweat shirt.Like I always said," You can dress Tricia up and take her anywhere." You would be the Princess of any ball even in your sweat shirt.
    Love and prayers from Frank and I.
    What a great event as your Mom said" hold on Tricia wants to talk to you." Praying for tomorrow!

  51. What gorgeous girls! Yaay. We love seeing new pictures. My 6 YO daughter keeps asking me, "Mom, are there any new pictures of baby Gwyneth? I have to check on baby Gwyneth and see how she's doing today." She even asked to put Gwyneth and Tricia on her prayer list at school. So, these 2 girls are praying for your two girls! Glad they're both having a great day!!


  52. Tricia, you look really great! Glad that old yucky fever disappeared!!

  53. Girls are looking good!Can't wait til we can see all of you here!

  54. Nate, I lost my comment so sorry if this posts twice - I just wanted to comment on how beautiful your two girls are!!!!!!!!!!

    Tricia- I do not know you beyond the blog - but you look SO beautiful in these pictures - we are praying for y'all! Sunshine

  55. Tricia looks GREAT!!!!
    Still Praying for you guys!!


  56. Two beautiful girls!!

  57. Tricia,
    You look beautiful today!!! Really fantastic..... Praying for that transplant!

  58. WOW! Tricia is absolutely gorgeous!

  59. Tricia looks absolutely amazing. This is the first time I have posted. Something about Tricia's smile in the pictures.

  60. Beautiful! Both of them - just beautiful!

  61. Omgosh....Tricia, you are gorgeous!! I can't believe how fresh and happy you look after all you have been through. You are an inspiration! And, little Gywneth is just gorgeous....growing more and more beautiful every day...just like her mom. Thanks so much for sharing your journey.

  62. Both of your girls are so beautiful. I love that first pic of Tricia.

    Angela in central Ohio

  63. Simply Beautiful! Praying for you and your girls!

  64. two beautiful girls in your life! blessed man.

  65. Nat- Your girls look BEAUTIFUL!
    Always in our prayers-Dori

  66. Those are amazing pictures!!!

    I have a technical question, if you have time... I know you 'work' with a Rebel XT, but what type of lens do you use to create that halo effect? Or is it done Post-processing? It makes their portraits so soft and so beautiful!

  67. Tricia- U R one pretty lady and that baby of yours makes us all want to kiss and hold her. My family too had a almost 25 wker- He is now turning 4 in April so get well cause she will keep U running:) Blessings and praying for you to get on the list! Your family has made my family firm on being organ donners:)

    Hugs to you all

  68. Trisha & Nate- these new photos of Trisha are amazing! She looks so much healthier and she is a pretty lady. Your silly photos and video is too cute :)

  69. tricia, i've been reading your husbands website daily since a friend told me about it. i've appriciated my family more, prayed for the first time in forever and i am forever touched by you and your family's story. looking at this picture of you i felt like you are for sure one of those angels that is telling me something and touching my life right now. then i scrolled down and saw your baby and realised that she is, too. hang in there! you two will be together....

  70. Go on girl, sportin those new threads, take a walk down the "cat walk":):),Nate can play the song for yah! You and your little one are Beautiful! Great Pics! We Love and Miss you! Praying for the transplant!

    Wade and the Girls

  71. look beautiful! :) And Gwyneth is just precious. I can't believe how much she's grown!

  72. Wow--Tricia looks GREAT!!!!!!!!



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