
Monday, February 11, 2008

The Story of Us (Part 6)

Nate's Version:
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
(Part 3)
(Part 4)
(Part 5)

Tricia's Version:
(Part 1)
(Part 2)

This post begins my favorite part of the'll soon see why...

April was an incredibly long month. I had made the decision to step back from my pursuit of Tricia's affections, frustrated and not knowing what her feelings were for me. I spent nearly the entire month thinking back on every moment I had spent with Tricia, trying to see a sign that would let me know what she was thinking and what she might do about our friendship.

In the meantime, I was doing my own thing, focusing on work (I think I had about 3 different part-time jobs that spring) and trying to figure out what to do about school. I would see Tricia at church and give her a friendly wave and "hello", but for the most part, I didn't see much of her or hear much from her.

I specifically remember one night, in mid April...I returned home (parents' house) from work late evening to find Tricia, Jessica L. (another good friend) and (maybe) one or both of my sisters watching the movie, What Lies Beneath in our living room. I was excited, at first, to see Tricia in my home...but that excitement quickly turned to dejection when I realized she was in my home with no intention of hanging out with me...

Then, near the end of the month, one evening, everything suddenly began to turn around (or so it seemed).

Tricia called me out of the blue and asked if I would be interested in driving with her to VA Beach (the "big city" for us OBXers) later that week...she needed to shop for a bridesmaid dress, and because her parents would be out of town, and she didn't know her way around VA Beach (and still doesn't even though we later lived there for two years...), wanted to know if I could help her out (hmm.....let me think about that...).

A few days later, I found myself in the driver's seat of her parents jeep (and I am still, always the one to drive), spending the entire day with Tricia. I really don't remember much about that day...probably because I was way too hyped up on crazy love.

In my mind, I was hoping, beyond words, that this day would mark a new beginning in our relationship...

I had no idea...



  1. TOO MUCH SUSPENSE!!! Can't wait for the next's funny, even though I know the ending (you are married after all) I am really enjoying the installments and I do feel as if I am on pins and needles at the end of each one!

  2. I think it's great to read these stories, and then look at pictures of you beautiful girl. Everything is for a reason right? That little girl is the reason, 100%. And you tell Tricia, and this goes for you too Nate, you both will be the BEST parents there are. You guys are both wonderful, loving, strong, amazing people, and your little rose will be proud to have you as parents!
    -The Hubbard family

  3. I'm laughing at Agnes' comment. Oh the things our parents find out after the fact! It is so fun to read about your journey from both perspectives. My dh and I both remember things a bit differently too. ;)

  4. You just left us hanging? That ain't right.

  5. I am a suspense movie junkie, and this is almost more than I can handle!!! Looking forward to hearing the rest! *sigh* :)

  6. What?!!? You can't end it like that! That's like the cliff hangers to Lost or something!! Man...just don't make us wait another week for what comes next, deal? Deal. ;) In all seriousness though, I love hearing about you all tells you a lot about a couple, but not everything...just enough to start to get to know them!


  7. You have this incredible way of leaving us hanging! I love it, though.

    I am directionally dysfunctional, so I can relate to not knowing my way around places. My husband always tells me that, if he's driving, I get to navigate. That's enough to send me into panic mode! But I hate driving even more, so I do my best, usually after much research on google maps.

  8. Tell us more!!! I'm lovin' the love story!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Talk about a CLIFFHANGER!


    Can't wait for the next "episode" of the Love Story...

    I'll be sure to "stay tuned"...

  11. You're a wonderful writer! I love reading this story as it unfolds, especially hearing Tricia's side of it. Hearing one side is great, but both sides? Amazing. Your wife sounds like quite the neat lady, and a very lucky one to have a husband who cares about her as much as you do. By the way you speak, I know you two will make wonderful parent for your beautiful little girl.

    That list of things that Tricia says she misses ... the "wearing clothes" struck me the most. I love that she posts from her perspective, as that's something that a person who's never been hospitalized wouldn't even think about - the not getting to wear your own clothes thing.

  12. Nate,
    I just wanted to tell you how much I've enjoyed reading all the parts of your story. I have been keeping up with your current story, and I love hearing about how you came to be where you are now! I find myself eagerly checking my blog list to see if you've updated!
    God bless!!!!

  13. This is like a FANTASTIC, suspensful (is that even a word?)novel! I love it! Thank you so much for sharing it with the rest of us!!!

  14. Oh man! Each time I read your love story, I want you to finish it, you leave us hanging!!

    I have been following your blog for many months now ( before Tricia had the baby), and you two are truely inspiring.

    Dont even give a second thought to negativity. Let someone walk in either of your shoes, I am sure they will be touched by the faith and love you have. That will squash any ill thoughts they may have.


  15. ARGH!!!! Another cliff-hanger!!!

    Waiting to read the next installment!!!

    Karen in TN

  16. Oh, you sure know how to keep us hanging! How you go from nothing for a month to being married...what is coming in Part 7???? Debbi/Aspiemom

  17. So I finally got to sit down and read ALL parts of BOTH stories, and I must agree with the other comments....HOLY COW the cliffhangers!! It's ALMOST like a soap opera ONLY in the sense the story keeps going and going and going. I am enjoying it. I think I may need to write our story down for our 11th anniversary coming up in March.

    The pictures of the girls are looking FABULOUS. I am happy that they are healing. We are still praying for you here in TX.

  18. My sister (whose 8 month old son has CF) sent me a link to your blog & I couldn't shut my computer down tonight w/out telling you what a blessing it's been to read through it. I have neglected my house cleaning chores for this entire day but it has been well worth it! ;-) I just finished reading Tricia's blog & what great a surprise to find the latest installment of your love story back on Nathan's. CF is new to our family & we have been learning all about the textbook stuff but this blog was such a wonderful & personal experience. It has greatly helped me relate my nephew's future (and the great hope there is for it) to this disease that still just seems so hard to comprehend. I can only imagine how hard it must be for my sister & her husband as they live far from family support. I pray for them daily & will be praying for you & your sweet little girl as well! I am a South Jersey girl too (only somebody from south jersey would make that distinction instead of just saying Jersey girl) & will be moving my family to NC in the summer. It's good to know there is life outside the Jersey shore even if the beaches are boring...LOL Tricia. I was cracking up at that comment of yours. I look forward to keeping up on your progress & the healing God has for you & your little girl! Thank you for sharing your wonderful story & may God continue bless you!

  19. We CAN'T TAKE IT..CAN'T TAKE IT...CAN'T TAKE IT!!!!!! What happens next???? Do you get the girl or not???????
    Hang in there Tricia...I am praying for you and Gwyneth. Both of you amaze me...such strength. You are blessed to have Nate...he is such a wonderful Husband/Daddy!!!!

  20. We CAN'T TAKE IT..CAN'T TAKE IT...CAN'T TAKE IT!!!!!! What happens next???? Do you get the girl or not???????
    Hang in there Tricia...I am praying for you and Gwyneth. Both of you amaze me...such strength. You are blessed to have Nate...he is such a wonderful Husband/Daddy!!!!

  21. We CAN'T TAKE IT..CAN'T TAKE IT...CAN'T TAKE IT!!!!!! What happens next???? Do you get the girl or not???????
    Hang in there Tricia...I am praying for you and Gwyneth. Both of you amaze me...such strength. You are blessed to have Nate...he is such a wonderful Husband/Daddy!!!!

  22. Oh my! I can´t wait for the next part (sp? ) :o) Have you both ever consider writing a book? It´s so sweet you have so much to teach us about love, faith. Little "Rose" will love reading about her parents ( as you ´re the best ones ) Waiting for the next part,with love, Luciana in RJ- Brazil ( )

  23. Ah, I just love your suspenseful series, Nathan! Thanks for continuing to share with us. :-)

    Well, I better get going to bed as I have to get up at 3am in order to be at Johns Hopkins at 5:30am for my parathyroidectomy at 7:30am.

    Will be thinking of you guys tomorrow,
    Marissa :-)

  24. Okay, I don't comment much. Maybe once. But I read often. I love that you are telling your story this way. I kind of feel like I'm a part of it. I can totally see it! I think of you all often...I don't even know you. But your story....its changing lives. God bless all three of you!

  25. ok, i love the stories. It is so important to remind ourself of what and who we are.. it is sometimes too easy to forget who we are when it comes down to remembering what we like to do or use to do through out different times in our lives! Thank you for taking the time to let us in on some of your more simple and wonderful pleasures in your lives! Your rose garden is growing so beautifully! Keep up the great work as God continues to provide the nutrients to keep on growing... In thoughts and continued prayers.

  26. YOU STINK !!!
    That was a horrible stopping point, Mr. Man.
    This is a great story. Thanks for sharing it. Hope you all had a blessed day.
    Christy from KY

  27. Can't wait to hear Tricia's version!

  28. You should write a book.
    And dont make fun of Tricia for not knowing her way around... I'm working on 8 years her and still am so scared to go places by myself. And when I do have to I always always have my hubby double check the map and directions. When I still lived in NJ it took me almost 3 hours to get home from my friend's house- she lived 20 minutes away and I knew her since 3rd grade!
    Part 7 is tomorrow, right???!!

  29. Nate and Tricia you guys are great story tellers! Your love story is a great bedtime story for me.

    I pray for you many times throughout the boys do too, they love seeing the pictures of your white Rose, they are in awe of their 3 and 5 year-old words, "she's so tiny but she's still so perfect, she even has all her toes!" Praying for a peaceful, restful, healing sleep for all of you.

  30. Okay, I need to know more of Tricia's side! :) I love love stories! :)

  31. I love it!!! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful story with us all. Yours is one of true love and destiny....

  32. Ahhhh ... yet another cliff hanger :-) Learning the story of the two of you is so much fun, hope you print this out and put it all together for Gwyneth to read someday ... Its a beautiful story.

  33. i had no idea...?????? that is just mean :D

  34. I think it is wonderful that you are recording your romance. Not only for us, your loyal readers, but for Gwyneth. What a great thing to get all of your thoughts, feelings and reactions down. Gwyneth (and you and Tricia) will cherish these blog notes forever.
    I guess I am a real girly-girl, I love all this love stuff! :) Thanks for bringing us back in time to the beginning of your wonderful journey together. You are both such giving people to allow us into your lives this way.
    ~Continuing to pray. I am praying for all of the cruel people as well. They probably need it the most. Don't let them get you down. God has a perfect plan for all of this. I know you know that and think, think, think of the thousands (millions?) of hearts your story has touched. God is good indeed!

  35. Oh my gosh. I SO LOVE reading your story! I love both points of view! I hope to do that someday with my future husband. :)

  36. OK, I hope you read this, because I just got the most hilarious visual...we obviously all know the happy ending, but we're still on the edges of our seats waiting for the story, right? Remember the scene in "Finding Nemo", where Marlin is telling his story to the baby sea turtles, and Dory (who has been there all along with him but has memory problems) excitedly waits to hear him tell all about his adventures? I'm picturing all of us "Gwyneth groupies" as Disney animated sea creatures. It must be getting late! But Nate, you and Tricia are some awesome storytellers! Gywneth is going to have the greatest time growing up with your bedtime stories!

  37. so interesting the way things work out isn't it?

  38. Nate, sounds like this romance story leads somewhere! Thanks for all the updates and sharing your love story. Both are great. We'll pray specifically about the staph and keep the whole family lifted up in prayer.

  39. You little cliff hanger you! Hehehe Great story and can't wait to read the rest. You should make this into a book. It's very romantic and you could give it to Tricia for Valentine's Day!


  40. Nate you should totally do the adsence- The amount of traffic is crazy and those who do care about you would be so happy to see you have a financial gain off of our visits!

    Love the love story!
    The Dovels, Texas

  41. I love reading about how people fall in love. SOOOOO, what happens next.....
    I'm happy to see that Tricia is doing well along with Gwyneth. Loving those kangaroo care pictures, and the ones of Tricia.

  42. My how the women love the soaps! You might hit a million today.

    You should consider a little organ music in the background for these posts.

  43. Wow! You're getting good at cliffhangers,'s funny how suspenseful you can make it, especially when it's obvious how it turned out. :^)

  44. awww - I love your love story. It drives me nuts how you leave us hanging :-p
    But you have such a sweet story. Can't wait to hear the rest!!

  45. OH MY GOODNESS!! Please don't wait too long to write part 7. I can't hardly take the suspense. Your love story is so sweet. My husband and I got together because we were trying to make our ex's jealous, it worked out in my favor in the end. But that certainly isn't the wonderful story for our kids that the two of you have for your precious Gwyneth. Waiting for more.....

  46. Nate, maybe you should consider allowing adds on your site. You get so many hits on your site you might just get a nice little check in the mail for all the adds.

    BTW, I must agree on the new favorite picture. It's beyond precious.

  47. Thanks for the story - looking forward to the next installment - you have a drama going here :)

  48. Darn, Nate, you love those cliffhangers, dontcha?? Please tell me the next installment will be the one where she FINALLY realizes that she's crazy about you too, and you guys set a wedding date! Y'all are such a sweet couple ...

  49. Nate, do you get the hint from "anonymous" who posted her/his comment 3 times??? We can't stand the wait! This is such a great write it so well! Praying for Gwyneth's little nose, and that whatever is on it will not spread anywhere else! She is such a little pumpkin...

  50. I love the installments... :-)

    Oh, and I grew up in VA Beach and still don't know my way around the entire city!! LOL


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